North Dakota (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

676-700 (6,720 Records)

Artifact or Evidence? The Role of Material Culture at War-Related Forensic Recovery Scenes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sabrina Ta'ala.

Artifact collection and analysis is a foundation of all archaeological research, and the methods used to record and draw meaning from the material culture we encounter on archaeological sites are generally standardized across subdisciplines.  But field decisions about what to keep, what to disregard, and how to record and quantify it all are invariably informed, to some extent, by our research goals.  When it comes to war-related sites excavated by U.S. Department of Defense teams with the...

Artifact Revelations on the Guthrie Homestead (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Clare M Votaw. Brianna Patterson.

The Guthrie family first came to America from Ireland around 1720 and settled in St. Charles County, Missouri in 1816. The family owned many acres of land, which they passed down through the generations.  Archaeological work on the Guthrie Farmstead commenced due to impending impact on the property for housing development. A cultural resource management company conducted thorough and extensive work on the farmstead, which revealed a homestead site (23SC1041) on the property. The site was a...

"Artifacts and Advertisements and Articles, Oh My": Life and Culture at the Hotel Pend d’Oreille (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Molly Swords.

This is an abstract from the "Exploring the Recent Past" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Often historical archaeologists are left with only a few pieces of the historical puzzle of the past.  Using archaeological artifacts, historic advertisements, and news articles- I hope to illuminate part of the history of the Hotel Pend d’Oreille.  The Hotel Pend d’Oreille operated in the early 1900s in the railroad town of Sandpoint, Idaho.  There were...

Artifacts and ethnicity: basketry as an indicator of territoriality and population movements in the prehistoric Great Basin (1986)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J M Adovasio.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Artifacts from Luna’s Settlement and Shipwrecks (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John R. Bratten. Janet R. Lloyd.

  Thousands of artifacts have been recovered from the two shipwrecks associated with Tristán de Luna y Arellano’s 1559 settlement attempt and recently hundreds of artifacts have now been recovered from the associated land site. Even at this early stage in the terrestrial work, we have the unique opportunity to make many interesting comparisons between the two assemblages regarding the relative proportions of different functional categories and the presence/absence of fasteners, armor, and...

Artifacts From The Chinese Quarter Of Jacksonville, OR – The Chemical Story (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristine Madsen. Elizabeth Harman. Ray von Wandruszka. Chelsea Rose.

Analytical chemistry is a valuable tool in the identification of historical artifacts for which visual inspection is inconclusive. This is often the case with bottles and jars holding unknown materials, especially when the containers themselves provide little or no evidence. Several of the artifacts recovered from the historical Chinese Quarter of Jacksonville, OR, were of this type. They included a variety of medicine bottles and vials with contents that could only be identified through...

Artifacts from US Military Installation: Dusty Treasures or Unwanted Objects (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only George W. Calfas.

Collections allow archaeologists and other scholars the opportunity a means to view past lifeways. Those lifeways are connected to past histories that are situated in a time and place. Context is everything! However, what happens when artifacts are lost misplaced, or mis-catalogued? Archaeologists across the globe are working on shoe-string budgets and are being asked to do more with less. Due to these shrinking budgets the collections that we painstakingly curate often are given less care and...

Artifacts in the Archives: Material Culture Curated Within Milwaukee County Coroner’s Inquests (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brooke L. Drew.

Historical archaeologists expect to encounter artifacts in the field or lab, but may not anticipate uncovering them in the library. While conducting research on individuals buried in the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery, the author came across a diverse assortment of material culture associated with the coroner’s inquests curated at the Milwaukee County Historical Society Research Library.  This paper will describe the various items uncovered including photographs, clothing samples, personal...

Artifacts of Agency, Status, and Empowerment: Colonoware, Crystals, Wig Hair Curlers (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Galke.

Section 110 archaeological investigations at Manassas National Battlefield Park (MANA) sparked breakthroughs in the recognition of quartz crystal caches and the meaning of colonoware: contributions which continue to shape historical archaeology. These categories of material culture have become emblems for spirited discussions about the dimensions of meaning, identity, and agency. The corpus of work from MANA continues to influence and contribute to understanding multivariate dimensions of...

Artifacts of Glory and Pain: Evolving Cultural Narratives on Confederate Symbolism and Commemoration (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Jameson.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Monuments, Memory, and Commemoration" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Depending on one’s perspective, Confederate monuments and other forms of commemoration symbolize a grand “lost cause” heritage, a perplexed and paradoxical cultural inheritance, or symbols and agoras of racism, bigotry, discrimination, and hate. Most of them were not crated in isolation, but rather as political statements and consequences...

The Artifacts of Outlander: Using Popular Culture to Promote Maryland’s Archaeological Collections (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caitlin Shaffer. Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory Federal Curator.

The Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory (MAC Lab) is a State-owned facility serving as the primary repository for collections excavated in Maryland. Artifacts come to the MAC Lab from every part of the state, and while the estimated 8.5 million objects in our collections are regularly used by researchers and school groups, our broken bits of "stuff" are less of a draw for the general public. This paper discusses how the MAC Lab staff turned their love of Outlander, a popular...

Artistic Endeavors in Nebraska’s Prisoner of War Camps (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Allison Young. Allison M Young.

During the Second World War, thousands of prisoners of war were transported to the United States to be held for the duration of the conflict. The Geneva Convention served as the primary doctrine influencing how camps were built and how the prisoner populations were treated. Under the convention, prisoners were able to work for a wage as well as pursue hobbies in areas like education, sports, and the arts. This paper explores how the artistic pursuits of German POWs influenced the material record...

Arvilla People (1974)
DOCUMENT Citation Only W. A. Obey.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

"As Long As I Have Served, I Have Not Yet Left A Battlefield In Such Deep Sorrow…": Archeology, History And The Material Remains Of Fort Mercer, Red Bank, New Jersey (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin C Bradley. Meagan Ratini. Elisabeth A. LaVigne. Kathryn Wood. Wade Catts.

Nearly a month after the Crown Forces captured Philadelphia, a Hessian Brigade under the command of Colonel von Donop crossed the Delaware River intent on clearing away the American defenses entrenched along its east bank. Captain Ewald was part of the expedition, and his jaegers supported the attack on Fort Mercer at Red Bank, New Jersey. The assault on the earthen fortification began in the late afternoon on October 22, 1777. The Hessian force suffered heavy casualties at the hands of a...

Ash Dump Archaeology: Piecing Together the History of the R. J. Dunn House (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Donn Grenda. Leah M. Arias.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper discusses a collection of artifacts recovered from the ash dumps and chutes of three fireplaces in the R. J. Dunn House, an NRHP-listed property in Redlands, CA. The 1912 home was built as a rental property and was used by four families who have famous relatives such as the Busch (of Anheuser Busch) and Pulitzer families. Our analysis clarifies the history of the...

The Ash Grove Meaathouse: Public Archaeology and Preservation at a Fairfax Family Property (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Sperling.

The Fairfaxx County (Virginia) Park Authority mission statement specifies the, "…protection and enhancement of…, cultural heritage to guarantee that these resources will be available to both present and future generations." When staff preservationists identified the need to stabilize a historic meathouselocated at an eighteenth century house site built by a member of the county’s namesake family, it presented the opportunity to demonstrate commitment to this mission.  In order to stabilize the...

Asian Export Porcelain at the New York City Archaeological Repository (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Kautz.

This paper explores how a detailed analysis of Asian export porcelain at the New York City Archaeological Repository may enrich our understanding of the city's archaeology.  For example, dates based on stylistic and technical characteristics of Asian export porcelain may refine the dating of archaeological contexts based on other lines of evidence.  New York City's development as a global entrepot may also be further elucidated by identifying and comparing the points of origin and maritime...

Ask the Archaeologists: Mount Clare Archaeology Past and Future (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Teresa Moyer.

Archaeology took place at Mount Clare, a former plantation the remnants of which sit in Carroll Park in southwestern Baltimore, beginning in the 1970s. It not only shaped the story told at the site, but influenced many archaeologists' careers. In 2014, Baltimore City reclaimed the archaeological collection. This historic moment provides archaeologists with an opportunity to reflect on their time with the Mount Clare sites and collections. It is also a moment to propose new ways of using the old...

Asking New Questions of Old Collections, The Future of Curated Assemblages. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only LisaMarie Malischke.

Part of the future of Historical Archaeology is the re-examination of existing collections by applying new research questions. An example of this is Fort St. Pierre (1719-1729), where a productive fourth year of excavations in the 1970s went unpublished. In re-examining the whole artifact assemblage with its associated architectural features, I gathered new information regarding daily life at the fort. Using an ethnohistorical approach I constructed the political situation that surrounded the...

Aspirational Architecture and AK-47s: The Intersections of Nineteenth-Century Settlement Processes and the Post-Conflict Detritus of Violence in Liberia (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew C. Reilly. Caree A. Banton. Craig Stevens.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Reckoning with Violence" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Global awareness of Liberia’s recent past is largely limited to the long-term bloodshed that erupted with a 1980 coup and the ensuing civil conflict. What remains understudied is how recent episodes of violence are tethered to the decades following Liberia’s founding as a settler colony of the American Colonization Society in 1822. Our new...

Assessing Age Related Changes in the Strength of Relationship for Dental, Skeletal, and Chronological Age using Bivariate Correlations. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Halliday.

This study examines the changes in the strength of relationship between dental and skeletal ages against chronological age in a sample of known sex and age skeletons using bivariate correlations and linear regression models. The sample is selected from the Electronic Encyclopedia on Maxillo-Facial, Dental, and Skeletal Development by Dr. Arto Demirjian, and consists of 483 observations from 78 individuals aged 6 to 19 years. The results indicate that while dental maturity has a stronger...

Assessing Complexity through Architectural Analysis at Angel Mounds (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christina Friberg. Elizabeth Watts Malouchos. Edward Herrmann.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Angel Mounds (12VG1) is a fortified Mississippian multi-mound center on the Ohio River in Vanderburgh County, Indiana. With 11 mounds, hundreds of residential structures, a prepared plaza, and massive daubed palisade wall, previous researchers have suggested Angel is at the top of a complex regional settlement hierarchy in the Ohio Valley. However, to-date,...

Assessing Continuity and Change in Paleoindian Landscape use through Time in Indiana: Implications for site Predictive Modeling (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Edward Herrmann. Mackenzie Cory.

This is an abstract from the "Geoarchaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The recent completion of the Indiana State Historic Preservation Office’s SHAARD database provides researchers with a comprehensive site archive that includes site locations, projectile point typologies, raw material types, and a marginal record of site details. We use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyze the distribution of over six hundred Early, Middle, and...

Assessing Environmental Impacts on Shipwreck Sites: Results & Lessons Learned from the 2009-2012 Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck Study (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew E Keith. Amanda M Evans.

Shipwreck sites are subject to large scale oceanographic and environmental processes which can impact interpretation of the site as well as the stability of the wreck itself.  Along the Outer Continental Shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico, alluvial deposits comprised of varying quantities of clays, silts, and sands dominate the seafloor.  The movement of these deposits through both ongoing processes (such as currents and waves) and punctuated events (such as hurricanes) significantly impact...

Assessing Healthcare amid World War II Incarceration (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stacey L Camp.

This is an abstract from the "Health and Inequality in the Archaeological Record" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Archaeologists frequently recover artifacts that speak to the health and welfare of individuals or a community they are studying. Archaeologists can use these medicinal- and healthcare-related artifacts to assess an individual or community’s quality of life. This is particularly important to investigate in the context of...