Republic of Panama (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

2,851-2,875 (3,080 Records)

Un taller de Spondylus dentro de un edificio ritual en Pachacamac, Costa Central del Perú (ca. 1470-1533 dC) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Milton Luján Dávila. Carmela Alarcón Ledesma. Peter Eeckhout.

This is an abstract from the "Underwater and Coastal Archaeology in Latin America" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En la Costa Central del Perú, las investigaciones llevadas en el Edificio B15 de Pachacamac recuperaron materiales malacológicos que nos acercan a conocer las diferentes actividades realizadas tanto dentro de este edificio como de este prestigioso sitio durante los períodos tardíos. Los objetivos del análisis fueron identificar los...

Una Frontera Permeable: Multiple Modes of Exchange in Prehispanic Tumbes, Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jerry Moore. Carolina Maria Vílchez.

This is an abstract from the "Cuando los senderos divergen: Reconsiderando las interacciones entre los Andes Septentrionales y los Andes Centrales durante el 1ro y 2do milenio AEC / When Paths Diverge: Reconsidering Interactions between the Northern and Central Andes, First–Second Millennium BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Although the Tumbes region has been a frontier based on environmental differences, ethnolinguistic boundaries, and...

Under Fire: An Experimental Examination of Heat on Lithic Microwear Evidence (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Rutkoski.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Lithic microwear analysis provides important insights into stone tool function by identifying various polishes, residues, and striations that ultimately represent microscopic evidence of how these tools were used. However, recent archaeological analyses have recognized an interesting pattern: burned lithic specimens do not appear to preserve microwear traces...

Under Pressure: Evidence of 'La Vida Cotidiana' in Cranial Shape Typology at Jarana, an Inca Site in Southern Perú (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sylvia Cheever. María Cecilia Lozada. Danny Zborover. Erika Simborth. Hans Barnard.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This poster details the results of cranial modification typology research conducted at Jarana, a Late Intermediate and Early Inca administrative site located in the San Juan de Churunga river valley of southern Peru. Cultural cranial modification was particularly widespread among pre-Hispanic societies in the Andes. The practice is commonly interpreted as a...

Under the Lens: A Preliminary Approach to De "Objectifying" Bone Implements (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Isabella Garcia.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Advances in archaeological microwear analysis provide new tools to examine bone “objects” created and used by past peoples. Non-destructive microscopy techniques can be employed to study bone objects, preserving the integrity of archaeological materials and minding stakeholder concerns regarding destructive analyses. This poster presents preliminary...

Understanding an Alternative Pattern of Coalescence: A Study of Architecture and Organization at a Non-fortified, Pre-Inca Town in Highland Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ryan Smith.

This study presents an analysis of the architecture and spatial organization at Maukallaqta de Nuñoa, a prehispanic site within the highlands of Peru dating to the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000 – 1450). Within the northern Titicaca Basin where the site is located, hillforts dominate the archaeological landscape during this time as a result of increased political fragmentation and social discontinuity. While these hillforts often display very little architectural investment other than their...

Understanding Animal-Human Interactions during the LIP in the Central Coast of Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Céline Erauw.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In recent decades, zooarchaeological studies have been increasing in South America. Nevertheless, combining the methods used to understand some questions related to animal and human interactions in ancient Peru seems crucial. In this paper, we will present the first results of an ongoing multidisciplinary project focused on the central coast of Peru during...

Understanding Archaeology in the Dunes: OSL Dating of the Tolleston Beach at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Its Implications for Interpreting the Archaeological Record (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gosia Mahoney. Paul Hanson. Dawn Bringelson.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The puzzling scarcity of archaeological sites on the Tolleston Beach at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore prompted an investigation into the development of this dune field in an attempt to determine whether the distribution of known archaeological sites is governed by ancient human behaviors, or influenced by its dune setting, which can affect site preservation...

Understanding heterarchy: Landscape and community in the northern Calchaquí Valley, Argentina (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth DeMarrais.

This presentation explores landscapes of heterarchy, investigating the ways that past peoples inhabited a south Andean landscape. In the northern Calchaquí Valley of Argentina, before the Inkas, power relations were predominantly decentralized and spatially extensive. As a consequence, lived experience, the built environment, and the wider landscape both constituted and reproduced a distinctive social order and cultural logic. Using data from regional survey, I argue first for a habitus that...

Understanding Nasca ‘Trophy Head’ Individuals from the Site of Zorropata in Peru Using Isotopic and Biochemical Methods (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Kerchusky. Corina Kellner.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Myriad factors shaped cultural practices such as ‘trophy head’ taking in Andean prehistory. Zorropata, located in the Las Trancas Valley, Nasca, Peru, was a large domestic site with likely ceremonial function occupied relatively continuously from the Late Nasca period (c. AD 450-600) until the early Middle Horizon/Loro period (c. AD 600-1000). Archaeological...

Understanding Pottery Production at El Campanario (Huarmey-Peru) through Ceramic Paste Analysis and pXRF (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only José L. Peña. Robert H. Tykot.

This is an abstract from the "Scaling Potting Networks: Recent Contributions from Ceramic Petrography " session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The present research focuses on the strategies in the procurement of raw material used in the production of pottery at the El Campanario site during the beginning of the Late Intermediate period (AD 1150–1280). The manufacture of pottery occurred within the domestic areas at this site and while domestic pottery was...

Understanding Quilcapampa (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Justin Jennings.

This is an abstract from the "Wari and the Far Peruvian South Coast: Final Results of Excavations in Quilcapampa" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As the papers in this session have demonstrated, the site of Quilcapampa La Antigua in a previously isolated region of southern Peru is notable for its long-distance connections, strong Wari influence, and brief occupation during the tenth century AD. In this closing paper on our excavations, I want to...

Understanding Section 3 of NAGPRA (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Carroll.

This is an abstract from the "Beyond Collections: Federal Archaeology and "New Discoveries" under NAGPRA" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) became law on November 16, 1990. In the 29 years since NAGPRA was enacted, much attention has been paid to Native American human remains and other cultural items subject to NAGPRA already in museum and Federal agency collections. However, there’s...

Understanding the dispersion of ceramic styles in the lower Amazon: what is Koriabo? (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cristiana Barreto. Helena Lima.

Archaeologists working in the lower Amazon have been identifying a particular ceramic style with a vast regional distribution, including the Caribbean, the Guyanas, the Amazon estuary and, more recently, the lower Amazon floodplain. This paper will discuss the distribution and varibility of this style in the lower Amazon, its correlation with Carib speaking groups, and the possible contexts, processes and practices that generated such dispersion.

Understanding the Ritual of Peri-abandonment Deposit Behavior Evidenced by Late Classic Maya Figurines at the Site of Baking Pot, Cayo District, Belize (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amy Gillaspie. Julie Hoggarth. Jaime Awe.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project is an archaeological field school operating in the Cayo District of Western Belize and has excavated at multiple sites in Belize annually since 1988. In the past five years, the project has focused on excavation of peri-abandonment deposits, or deposits of artifacts built up during and after the...

Understanding the Tapajó Socio-Political System through the Study of Landscapes and Material Culture (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joanna Troufflard.

The socio-political organization of the Tapajó people living in the Lower Amazon region during late precolonial times has been studied through two main sources: contact chronicles and archaeological data coming from the Santarém site located at the mouth of the Tapajós River. Based on these sources, researchers have formulated three models to explain the socio-political organization of the Tapajó. However, recent surveys and excavations conducted in the upland Belterra plateau provide new data...

Understanding Vertebral Anomalies and Growth Patterns During the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000–1470) in the Huanchaco Bay Area, Peru (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Genesis Torres Morales. Celeste Gagnon. Gabriel Prieto. John Verano.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The mass sacrifice of Chimú children in the Moche Valley has become the largest event in the world. Two mass occurrences were discovered at the sites of Huanchaquito Las Llamas (HLL) and Pampa la Cruz (PLC). At PLC the sacrificial events date to the Late Intermediate period (AD 1000–1470). This research explores birth defects of the lumbosacral spine that...

Underwater archaeology in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia: Use of the littoral zone in the Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1150) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christophe Delaere.

Since 2014, the project of underwater archaeology in Lake Titicaca (ULB), gives priority to the study of the Yampupata strait between the Island of the Sun and the Copacabana Peninsula. This research strategy was chosen because of different elements: First of all, the Island is a homogenous insular territory whose affordable dimensions (14,3 Km2) allow underwater activities. Secondly, one of the main characteristics of this territory is its dense, complex and continuous occupation which has been...

Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection and Management in Pacific Island States (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Akatsuki Takahashi.

The waters of the Pacific Ocean contains a wealth of Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) encompassing the history of humanity from the Stone Age to the Atomic Age and witnessing climate change. This paper presents a summary of the outcomes of the UCH Programme in Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Notable progress includes the reference to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the UCH in SAMOA Pathway outcome document (2014), national and regional capacity building workshops, and...

Unearthing Potential: Using Earth Rock Ovens as a High-Impact Practice in the Undergraduate Archaeology Course (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christine Jones.

This is an abstract from the "AI-Proof Learning: Food-Centered Experimental Archaeology in the Classroom" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. High-impact practices (HIPs) using hands-on activities, experiential learning, and collaborative learning employ methods that educators in archaeology have already been using for decades. The pedagogical push to use HIPs recently involves widespread recognition that not only do these methods work to engage...

Unearthing the Deep Roots of the Long-term Human History and Environmental Interaction in the Atacama Desert (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Calogero Santoro. José M Capriles. Claudio Latorre. Eugenia Gayo. Ricardo De Pol Holz.

New archaeological evidence demonstrates that by 12,800 years ago, bands of hunter-gatherers effectively occupied the hyperarid basins of the Atacama Desert. The selection of the habitats they exploited and the location of their activity areas were constrained by specific environmental circumstances that coincide with positive moisture anomalies that provided abundant resources. The distributions and properties of which were likely managed by these people to create complex landscapes using...

Unearthing the History of Mokil Atoll: A Fresh Perspective through Zooarchaeological Exploration (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Philippa Jorissen. Michelle Lefebvre. Scott Fitzpatrick.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. There has been a dearth of research on atolls in the central-eastern part of the Caroline Islands, especially from a zooarchaeological perspective. We present the first zooarchaeological analysis for Mokil atoll, which has been continuously inhabited since 1700-1500 cal. BP. The material was excavated in 2013 on the islet of Kahlap. The majority of the...

Ungendering Sex in Moche Ceramics (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Weismantel.

This is an abstract from the "The Future Is Fluid...and So Was the Past: Challenging the 'Normative' in Archaeological Interpretations" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Moche ceramic art (Peru, first millenium) is a corpus of veristic images including explicit depictions of sex acts and human genitalia. Because anatomical sex is so visible in these artifacts, the temptation to collapse sex and gender is strong – but what if we begin, instead, by...

Unprecedented Times Lead to New Internship Strategies (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Abigail Musch. Anna Semon.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the North American Archaeology Lab at the American Museum of Natural History transitioned a long running internship program to a remote micro-internship. We had to consider if offering a remote internship was feasible, what it would require on our end, what projects could be done remotely, what the interns would get out of...

Unraveling Global and Local Ceramic Production Networks: An LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Ceramics from Barbados, Jamaica, and Great Britain (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindsay Bloch. Douglas Armstrong. Jillian Galle.

A wide variety of ceramics are recovered in plantation contexts on Barbados and Jamaica, from hand-built coarse earthenwares to refined tablewares, as well as industrial wares for sugar production. The origins for these ceramics are often uncertain. In addition to the importation of ceramics from Great Britain and elsewhere in the Americas, many potters and workshops existed on the islands to produce both quintessentially Caribbean pots as well as European-style vessels. To better understand...