Navajo County (County) (Geographic Keyword)

1-25 (80 Records)

The 1959-1960 Transwestern Pipeline: Window Rock to Flagstaff (1964)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alan P. Olson.

During the winter of 1959-1960, Transwestern Pipeline Inc. and Gulf Interstate Co. constructed a 30 inch transmission pipeline form Texas to the California border. The Museum of Northern Arizona, in agreement with the National Park Service, provided the personnel for archaeological salvage on a portion of the line across northern Arizona. The project was under the overall direction of Charles R. Steen and Zorro A. Bradley of the Southwestern Region Headquarters of the National Park Service in...

AAS Homolovi Stabilization Project Scope of Work (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text E. Charles Adams. Jim Britton.

Due to State budget issues, Homol'ovi Ruins State Park, created in 1986 to preserve four ancestral Hopi villages, has been closed. Having concern there may not be any future maintenance done on the exposed structures; Ron Robinson, Chair, Arizona Archaeological Society (AAS) suggested in a meeting at Homolovi on March 18 that perhaps the AAS could organize a stabilization team to help preserve the ruins, utilizing members with recognized expertise and experience in this type of work. (In...

Archaeological Fieldwork at Creswell Pueblo (AZ J:14:282 ASM) 2006 Field Season (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lisa C. Young.

Between June 9 and July 14, 2006, excavations were undertaken at Creswell Pueblo (AZ J:14:282), a site on an Archaeological Conservancy preserve (the Creswell Ranch Archaeological District) within the boundaries of the Homolovi Ruins State Park in northeastern Arizona. Permission for this fieldwork was given by the Archaeological Conservancy, the land owner. This archaeological fieldwork was part of a larger program, called the Homol'ovi Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (HUROP),...

Archaeological Investigations Salt River Project, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line, Sitgreaves National Forest, Navajo County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Pulling and Sleeving Locations on the Silverking Line, A77-137 (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William S. Marmaduke. Steven G. Dosh.

On April 10, 1978, Steve Dosh, archaeologist at the Museum of Northern Arizona, surveyed three sets of pulling sites and one sleeving location in the right-of-way of the Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line in the Sitgreaves National Forest. The Salt River Project transmission line construction staff requested the work, which Dosh did as part of his duties as monitor for the National Forest portion of the Silverking line construction. Portions of the areas surveyed for the present report were...

Archaeological Investigations Salt River Project, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line, Sitgreaves National Forest, Navajo County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Sleeving and Pulling Locations in the SRP-APS Joint Corridor, A-77-137 (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William S. Marmaduke. Steven G. Dosh.

On April 5, 1978, Steve Dosh, Assistant Archaeologist at the Museum of Northern Arizona, surveyed a pulling site and a sleeving location for the construction of the Silverking line within the APS-SRP joint corridor transmission system in the Sitgreaves National Forest. Jerry Shelley, of the Salt River Project Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line construction staff, requested the work, which Steve did as part of his duties as Archaeological Monitor for line construction on National Forest...

Archaeological Investigations, Salt River Project, Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission Line, North End Cholla Take-Off to Forest Service Boundary Segment, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Navajo County, Arizona: Final Report for Phase II Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission Line, North End Cholla Take-off to Forest Service Boundary Segment (Station 2636 + 35 to 3988 +00) (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald R. Keller.

The Salt River Project Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission line, North End, Cholla Take-off to Forest Service Boundary segment was surveyed for cultural resources by the Museum of Northern Arizona between December 7 - 11, 1976. Twelve archaeological sites were recorded, two historic and ten prehistoric. All sites are recommended for some form of impact mitigation attention, ranging from avoidance for six sites to complete collection/excavation for at least one site. Field procedures, environmental...

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project - Coronado Generating Station, Coronado to Cholla 500kV Transmission Line, Federal Lands, Navajo County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey for Two Proposed Pulling Locations (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alan R. Dulaney.

The Museum of Northern Arizona conducted a clearance survey of two pulling locations on the Cholla segment of the Coronado-Silverking Transmission System. No archaeological remains were found at either location and clearance for construction activity at both sites is recommended.

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Coronado - Silverking Transmission Line 7.5 mi. Segment of SRP Line from Eastern Sitgreaves National Forest Boundary to APS-SRP Common Corridor, Federal Land, Navajo County, Arizona: Report for Archaeological Survey of 24 Proposed Tower Locations and Associated Access Roads Along 7.5 mi. of the Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line Within Sitgreaves National Forest (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William S. Marmaduke. Dana Hartman. Donna R. Howard.

At the request of The Salt River Project, archeologists from the Museum of Northern Arizona surveyed 24 tower locations and their associated access roads for the 7.5 mile segment of the Coronado-Silverking 500 kV transmission line in the Sitgreaves National Forest. The request for the survey came from Bettina Rosenberg, archeological administrator for The Salt River Project, in a letter dated January 12, 1978. The Coronado-Silverking transmission line is the main conduit to the Phoenix...

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado to Dinosaur Transmission Line, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Transmission Line Right-Of-Way STA. 0+00 - STA. 3874+21 and Proposed Transmission Line Realignment Right-Of-Way STA. 1748+30 - STA. 2375+50 (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard A. Brook.

Since May, 1975, the Museum of Northern Arizona, Department of Anthropology (hereafter "Museum"), has conducted archaeological investigations for the Salt River Project - Coronado Generating Station, Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission System, North End Project. This work, supported by contractual agreement, has consisted of an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed right-of-way, from Sta. 0+00 - Sta. 3874+21, and a realignment around Sta. 1748+30 to Sta. 2375+50, and the analysis and report...

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission Line, North End Realignment, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Interim Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Transmission Line Realignment Right-of-Way Sta. 1748+30 - Sta. 2375+50 (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard A. Brook.

Between January 19 and 23, 1976, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted archaeological investigations for the Salt River Project - Coronado Generating System - Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission Line, North End Realignment. The work, supported by contractual agreement, has consisted of an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed realignment right-of-way, around Tower 111 (Sta. 1748+30) and Tower 150 (Sta. 2375+50), and the interim report preparation associated with data collected during the...

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line, Sitgreaves National Forest, Navajo County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Three Sleeving Locations (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Williams S. Marmaduke. Steven G. Dosh.

On April 11, 1978, Steve Dosh, archaeologist at the Museum of Northern Arizona, surveyed three proposed sleeving locations for the construction of the Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line in the Sitgreaves National Forest. Jerry Shelly of the Salt River Project construction staff requested the surveys, and was present during their execution. This work is a part of Dosh's duties as transmission line construction monitor. All the sleeving locations inspected during the present survey are...

Archaeological Palynology at AZ 2282: The Pilot Study (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James Schoenwetter.

Study of a collection of pollen samples collected from AZ 22822 during summer, 1998. The study was principally undertaken to provide opportunities for students to obtain training and develop initial expertise in the skills and disciplines of archaeological pollen analysis. The 32 samples were from proxy surface, dune and pithouse contexts. Analysis used pollen categories rather than traditional pollen taxa. Results suggest the site's occupation history incorporates 5 distinct episodes of...

An Archaeological Resurvey of the Area Between Towers 96 and 123 on the Proposed Cholla-Saguaro 500 kV Transmission Line (Arizona Public Service) Crossing the Apache Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests, Arizona (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Mayro. Christopher Causey. Robert Hard.

As a result of a meeting October 4, 1976, with representative from Arizona Public Service, the Southwestern Regional Office of the U.S. Forest Service, Tonto and Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, and the Arizona State Museum, it was decided that portions of the Cholla to Saguaro 500 kV transmission line should be checked and, if necessary, resurveyed to insure that all archaeological resources within the transmission line corridor are identified. This report concerns the results of checking...

Archaeological Studies, Salt River Project, Coronado Station: Addendum Report for Archaeological Survey of Tower Access Roads Along the Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line, Sitgreaves National Forest Segment (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dana Hartman.

In accordance with the NFS guidelines in the Cultural Resources Plan for Coronado Project (1977) and the recommendations listed in the main body of this report, a monitoring program was implemented on NFS lands in order to avoid damage to identified sites and to minimize accidental destruction of previously unrecognized resources. Museum of Northern Arizona Assistant Archaeologist Steve Dosh commenced the monitoring program on February 20, 1978. While the monitoring was in progress, Dosh...

Archaeological Studies: The Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line, Sitgreaves National Forest: Assessment of Cultural Remains at Tower 270 (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William S. Marmaduke. Steve Dosh.

On March 14, 1978, William Marmaduke and Steven Dosh, archaeologists at the Museum of Northern Arizona, conducted a field assessment of "Tower 270 site" located at Tower 270 of the Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line within the Sitgreaves National Forest. Work included surface collection of all exposed artifacts and test excavation for buried cultural material. The Salt River Project, owner of the Silverking Line, had requested the assessment after the Sitgreaves National Forest made it a...

An Archaeological Survey of a Rail Loading Site and Conveyor and Communications Line by Black Mesa, Preliminary Report (1969)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Peter J. Pilles, Jr..

The Museum of Northern Arizona investigated a proposed rail loading site and conveyor and communication line right-of-way to provide archaeological clearance for the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District. The reconnaissance was performed by Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr., Curator of Anthropology, and Peter J. Pilles, Jr., Salvage Archaeologist, on December 18 and 19, 1969. The rail loading site is located in the Klethla Valley adjacent to the Four Corners Pipeline, 0.8 miles...

Archaeological Survey of Flood Damaged Roads in Homolovi Ruins State Park Navajo County, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurene G. Montero.

This report presents the results of a Level III cultural resources survey of three roadways within Homolovi Ruins State Park. These dirt roads were damaged by storms and flooding of the Little Colorado River in the winter of 1993. Although the roads were previously surveyed as part of an intensive reconnaissance of the park by the Homolovi Research Program and no significant cultural resources were identified, additional survey was determined necessary to evaluate the flood damage and whether...

Archaeological Surveys of Tower Changes and Additional Access Road Spurs, APS Towers 287, SRP Towers 286, 106, 107, 108: For the APS Cholla-Saguaro 500 kV Transmission Line Crossing the Apache-Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests, Arizona (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Mayro.

An archaeological clearance survey has been carried out on a portion of land managed by Apache-Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests for proposed tower changes on the Cholla-Saguaro 500 kV Transmission Line. The archaeological surveys were performed in accordance with the interim survey procedures outlined in the October 13, 1976 (2720/2360/ File) letter by Martin McAllister. It states that "access roads (14 feet wide) and a buffer zone of 50 feet on each side of the road will be surveyed"...

Archaeological Testing along the Salt River Project Coronado Railroad Spur, Apache County, Arizona (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert B. Neily. Donald C. Irwin.

Archaeological Consulting Services Ltd. (ACS) conducted limited testing at seven archaeological sites in Apache County at the request of Dr. Judy Brunson of Salt River Project (SRP). The project was conducted to assess the presence of subsurface deposits and features at these sites, and to evaluate whether these sites would be adversely impacted by the proposed 100 ft (30.48 m) to 200 ft (60.96 m) widening of the existing coal haul railroad corridor (Figure 1). The seven sites are located on...

The Archaeology of Petrified Forest National Park
PROJECT Uploaded by: Sophia Kelly

WACC reports on survey and excavation projects within the boundaries of the Petrified Forest National Park.

Archeological Investigations, Salt River Project, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line East of Forest Service Boundary to APS-SRP, Joint Corridor, Private and Federal Lands, Navajo County, Arizona: Report for Archeological Survey of the Proposed Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line East of Forest Service Boundary to APS-SRP Joint Corridor (Station 3969+69.75 to 4377+01.91) (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dana Hartman. David Kuehn.

An intensive archeological survey of about 7.7 mi. of Salt River Project (SRP) Coronado-Silverking 500 KV transmission line easement extending from just east of the Sitgreaves National Forest to the APS-SRP Joint Corridor was conducted by Museum of Northern Arizona archeologists in December, 1977. The survey was requested by Bettina Rosenberg, SRP Archeological Administrator, in a letter dated December 12, 1977. The survey was conducted and this report prepared under the stipulations and...

Archeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado - Silverking Transmission Line 2 3/4 Mi. Segment of APS-SRP Common Corridor, Federal Land, Navajo County, Arizona: Report for Archeological Survey of the Proposed Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line 2 3/4 mi. Segment of APS-SRP Common Corridor (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dana Hartman.

Salt River Project (SRP) recently assumed responsibility for the construction of a 2 3/4 mile segment of the Coronado-Silverking APS-SRP Common Corridor Transmission Line. Due to this change in construction plans, Bettina Rosenberg, SRP Archeological Administrator, contacted the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) on November 30, 1977, and requested a resurvey of the tower locations on this portion of the transmission line. The line was originally surveyed by Arizona State Museum (ASM), but the...

An Archeological Overview of Petrified Forest National Park (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Yvonne G. Stewart.

Although Petrified Forest National Park was set aside as a natural park, it is an archeological gold mine, with over 300 sites recorded in the southern half alone. The sites exhibit an unbroken culture history sequence from the Archaic period until shortly before the arrival of Europeans in that part of the Southwest. They contain information about the change from hunting and gathering to agriculture, relationships between the environment and settlement pattern, relationships between major...

Archeological Survey and Testing at Petrified Forest National Park, 1987 (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Susan J. Wells.

This volume combines reports from two projects conducted at Petrified Forest National Park in 1987. Part I deals with project PEFO 87A which is the test excavation and surface collection at AZ Q:1:101(ASM), a lithic scatter adjacent to Puerco Ruin. Part II reports on project PEFO 87B which is the third season of the park boundary survey. Part I -PEFO 87 A. From April 20 to May 1, 1987, prior to realignment of the park's Mainline Road (Pkg. No. 140, Phase IV), AZ Q:1:101(ASM) was tested...

The Archeology of Sivu'ovi: The Archaic to Basketmaker Transition at Petrified Forest National Park (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffery F. Burton.

During 1989 and 1990, small-scale excavations were conducted at Sivu'ovi (AZ Q:1 :114 [ASM]), Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. Sivu'ovi is a large (12-acre) Basketmaker II site that includes the remains of over 45 pit structures. Also within the site boundary, but not tested as part of the current fieldwork, are several small field houses that date to a later Pueblo period occupation. The site contains an abundance of artifacts on the surface, including Adamana Brown pottery,...