South America (Geographic Keyword)

326-350 (1,326 Records)

Dining and Feasting with the Lords and Gods: A Reevaluation of the Nature of the Activities at the Inca Site of Hatun Xauxa in the Mantaro Valley, Peru. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Manuel Perales.

Recent studies have shown the importance of commensal politics in the consolidation of Inca power and ideology, highlighting the leading role played by the pots as political tools. Following this perspective, this paper proposes a reassessment of the nature of the activities carried out at the Inca site of Hatun Xauxa in the central highlands of Peru, based on functional and distributional analysis of the state and local pottery recovered during excavations made in 2014 by the Proyecto Qhapaq...

Dinámicas medioambientales, infraestructura de almacenamiento y paisaje agrario en Cajamarquilla (Siglos VII- IX d.C.) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rafael Segura Llanos.

Cajamarquilla es uno de los centros urbanos preincas más grandes de la costa peruana (160 ha). Localizado en el valle del Rímac, el sitio fue uno de los centros dominantes de la cultura Lima entre los siglos VII y IX d.C. Si bien otros grandes centros Lima coexistieron durante esta época, solo Cajamarquilla se localiza tierra adentro y en un entorno geológico altamente inestable al pie de la cordillera andina. Ya que este fue un periodo caracterizado por notables alteraciones medioambientales,...

Discerning Site Distribution and Settlement Patterns in Andahuaylas (Apurimac), Peru (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Diana Diaz. Danielle Kurin.

Archaeological scholarship in the Andahuaylas region of south-central highland Peru has documented the presence of three critical cultural occupations: Wari, Chanka, and Inka (ca. AD 700-1400). Previous investigations claim that environmental change may have influenced collapse and played a decisive role in resettlement patterns. Using spatial data from 86 surveyed sites, this study investigates how state collapse, reorganization, and environmental transformations influenced settlement patterns...

Discerning Site Distribution and Settlement Patterns in Andahuaylas (Apurimac), Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Diana Ochoa. Danielle Kurin.

In the Andahuaylas region located in the southern central highlands of Peru, archaeologists have documented the presence of three critical cultural occupations: Wari, Chanka, and Inka (ca. AD 700-1400). Previous investigations claim that environmental change may have influenced collapse and played a decisive role in resettlement patterns. Using spatial data from 86 surveyed sites, this study investigates how state collapse, reorganization, and environmental transformations influenced settlement...

Discoveries in Southeastern Bolivia Shed Light on Indigenous Cultural Dynamics of South America (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Peter E. Siegel. Emlen Meyers. John G. Jones.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Southeastern Bolivia is one of the least-understood regions in South American archaeology. However, it is of pivotal significance in regard to Indigenous cultural history and the dynamics of cultural interactions, especially given its location at the interface between the Andes and Amazonia. Ethnohistorically and ethnographically a large number of ethnic...

Discussing early societies Fishtail points and early social practices seen from the Southern Cone (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nora Flegenheimer. Roxana Cattaneo.

The early peopling of South America is related to great environmental and material variability. Discussions must deal with early archaeological records including a variety of lithic assemblages in tropical lands, the Pacific coast, the Andes and the extensive southern plains and plateaus. In this context, fishtails are the most widespread point type exhibiting a dispersed pattern throughout most of South America during terminal Pleistocene times. They are therefore useful to think about with...

Displays of identity: A community-engaged approach to studying identity through photo diaries (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Shaina Molano. Kimberly Munro.

This study is part of a larger research project, which looks at displays of social identity and the effects of influence from outside contemporaneous groups in pre-Columbian Peru. In studying past communities, we look beyond our own interpretations of "who" we perceived people to be and begin asking questions that reveal who they thought they were and how they chose to advertise that to those deemed "other." The nature of this research requires working closely with contemporary local...

Distributional Studies in north Patagonia, Argentina. An Archaeological Ceramic Approach. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nuria Sugrañes. Fernando Franchetti.

During the last ca. 3000 years BP, there was a change in socioeconomic organization of hunter-gatherers in Southern Mendoza, north Patagonia, Argentina. New technologies, like pottery, bow and arrow, was incorporated allowed the exploitation and occupation of marginal areas, such as highlands and arid environments. Technological strategies, mobility and use of space are linked in this research by a distributional analysis of archaeological ceramics from southern Mendoza archaeological sites....

Distributional studies in the Diamante Valley, Mendoza, Argentina: a methodological approach. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Clara Otaola. Fernado F. Franchetti. Miguel A. Giardina.

We present a random sampling design for the Diamante Valley, Mendoza, Argentina. We selected 3 areas located in the highlands, the piedmont and the lowlands. The aim is to test differences and variability in the use of the space. Each of the areas is constituted by 100 Km2 and was divided by GIS in 10000 sampling units of 10000 m2. 122 units have been selected randomly in each of the areas. From data available of neighboring areas we generated expectations of material densities and...

Diversidad y Complementariedad en los Desarrollos Sociales Precolombinos de las Cuencas Upano y Palora, Morona Santiago, Ecuador (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carlo Serrano.

En Pablo Sexto, Amazonía Sur del Ecuador, se ha descubierto una variabilidad, en cuanto a modos de vida de sus pobladores, a través de los años (2.000 a.C. – 1.700 d.C.). El estudio llevado a cabo en esta zona, fue financiado por SENESCYT e INPC, para la obtención de datos paleobotánicos. Dentro de este contexto, la posición teórica adoptada fue la Ecología Histórica, entendiendo a la cultura material: cerámica, lítica y suelos, como productos tecnológicos, culturales, económicos y políticos,...

DIY Digital Archaeoacoustics: Sensory-Spatial Mapping (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Miriam Kolar.

An experiential link to past life, sound is a medium for engaging questions of ancient emplacement and human activity. Spatial sonics can be linked to a dynamic sensory map of one's surroundings; beyond conveying information about structural boundaries and environmental events, architectural and landform acoustics can help or hinder communication. Although acoustics and audio digital signal processing are specialist disciplines, consumer audio technologies can enable the extraction of sonic...

Diáspora y Etnogénesis durante el Tiwanaku Terminal en el la región de Cohoni, La Paz, Bolivia (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Juan Villanueva.

Esta ponencia se centra en las poblaciones del Tiwanaku Terminal – Intermedio Tardío Temprano (ap. 900 – 1200 d.C.) en la región de Cohoni, en los valles orientales del río La Paz, en Bolivia. Se resumen los antecedentes investigativos de la región, y especialmente las excavaciones realizadas por nosotros en contextos habitacionales del sitio de Chullpa Loma, uno de los más grandes y complejos de Cohoni. Consideramos datos sobre la arquitectura habitacional y funeraria del sitio, así como los...

Documenting Dietary Effects of Imperial Collapse and Drought: Bioarchaeology and Stable Isotope Analysis at Huari-Vegachayoq Moqo, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Taylor MacDonald. Natasha P. Vang. Tiffiny A. Tung.

This study examines the diets of 32 individuals who were deposited in the Vegachayoq Moqo sector at the site of Huari, the capital of the Wari Empire. The commingled skeletal remains date to the second half of the Late Intermediate Period (LIP), long after the empire’s collapse circa 1100 CE. This was also a time of an extended drought. The diets, reconstructed from carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes from bone collagen, are compared among the individuals and to those of earlier Wari populations...

Does technology hinder or assist story-telling? A critical theory approach to archaeological representation and relational data (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Kosiba.

Advances in archaeological science are throwing new light on old concerns about representations of the past. Methods such as GIS allow archaeologists systematically to analyze multiple variables at once and rapidly to view data from various vantage points. Critics argue that such methods lose sight of the experiential aspects of history—the cultural differences that influenced how different people participated in social life and told stories about their past. This paper argues that this critique...

Doing it the old-fashioned way: Dating Paleoindian Rock Art in Eastern South America (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anna Roosevelt. Christopher Davis.

Rock painting flourished in several parts of the world, including eastern South America. Traditions that can be important evidence not only of development of art, society, and religion but also of science and technology. Techniques for direct dating are in active development these days, but archaeological stratigraphy and radiometric dating can give an important baseline to compare with other methods. We present an example of this strategy and its results at Monte Alegre, Brazil and briefly...

Donald Lathrap, the Tropical Forest, and Hemispheric Archaeology (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Neil Duncan. John Walker.

Donald Lathrap was a visionary anthropologist and archaeologist. His contributions always reflected the "big picture": an understanding that all pre-Columbian culture history was intertwined, and that these connections went back through time to origins in the lowland tropics, or the Tropical Forest. He practiced an archaeology that gave equal weight to iconography and religious thought, and rim sherds and energetics. The most significant issues for Lathrap’s version of American Archaeology, is...

Dress Codes: Color Patterning in Wari Tapestry-Woven Tunics (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Bergh.

Artistically elaborate tapestry-woven tunics were the raiment of rulers and other esteemed elites of the ancient Andean Wari civilization (AD 600-1000). The tunics’ figurative iconography is well known: drawn from a limited repertoire that often relates to the Wari state’s official religious cult, it almost always comprises a single type of motif that repeats many times in different orientations and color combinations (color blocks) across each tunic’s gridded body. Less legible and recognized...

Dressing the Child: An Analysis of Camisas at Chiribaya Alta (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Schach. Jane Buikstra.

Children learn and communicate their social identities through dress. Thus, examinations of ancient clothing can reveal the process of socialization in past societies. The presence of child and adult sized camisas in the graves of Chiribaya children suggest that these items communicate more than a child’s living identities. Here, we analyze camisas at Chiribaya Alta to examine the process of socialization and the role of death as a potential rite of passage. The site of Chiribaya Alta, an elite...

Drilling inside the Structure Atop the Mound: A Potential Lapidary Workshop at Buen Suceso (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jorge Alanis. Benjamin Ramirez. Kepler Dimas. Camila Jara. Guy Duke.

This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The lithic materials recovered from Buen Suceso are varied in use types and materials. This paper will focus on the collections of chipped stone drills excavated from the Unit 6 Structure at the site, located on top of a possible mound. The presence of concentrations of these drills in...

Drinking power: Moche tombs as sites of subjectification (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Weismantel.

In the ethnohistoric record of the Andes, the bodies of the dead feature as key material objects through which living rulers claimed power over people and territory, especially irrigated land. This was true for the highland Inka, and also for coastal societies such as Chimu. In the archaeological record for earlier societies such as Moche, we see evidence for a similar complex of practices involving tombs, entombed bodies, and associated artifacts and offerings. These mortuary assemblages were...

Drivers and Consequences of Past Human Migrations: Life-History Approach for the Southern Andes (WGF - Post PhD Research Grant) (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ramiro Barberena.

This resource is an application for the Post PhD Research Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Migrations are an intrinsic aspect of human societies, past and present. This global character can be used to build a comparative anthropological framework seeking to understand the drivers and consequences of migration. Within this agenda, we seek to comprehend what are the causes and social effects of a rapid migration pulse recorded between AD 1270-1420 in the southern Andes (Uspallata Valley,...

Drones, Photogrammetry and 3d Modeling in Peruvian Archaeology (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Luis Castillo Butters. Aldo Watanabe.

Air photography, using Drones and 2D/3D Models produced with Photogramettry, is changing the way we do field archaeology. This technology also can be a powerful tool in telling a story about the sites and the work that we, as archaeologists, do there. However, several technological adaptations have to be developed in order to take full advantage of these new technologies. In this paper, we will walk you through the process of combining air and ground based 3D modeling along the North Coast of...

Dual organisation and mortuary ritual: architectural and archaeobotanical evidence for the southern proto-Je, Brazil and Argentina (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Robinson.

Circa A.D. 1000 the Mound and Enclosure Complex (MEC) began appearing on the landscape of southern Brazil and Misiones, Argentina. The MEC mark a distinct change in funerary practice reflecting increasing complexity in social structure. Modern southern Je groups exhibit dual social organisation, characterised by exogamic, patrilineal moieties, dividing all beings, objects, and natural phenomena into two cosmological categories. Archaeological research is beginning to identify the early evolution...

Duendes, Fantasmas y Encantamientos: How Dos Mangas Connects to Archaeological Heritage through Folktales (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Catherine Hernandez.

This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The lands of the Comuna Dos Mangas are replete with archaeological material, including the Buen Suceso Archaeological site. Over the Comuna’s history, generations of its residents have encountered thousands of artifacts from the Valdivia, Machalilla, Chorrera, Guangala, and Manteño...

Dwellings and Corporate Groups in Montegrande, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru: A Household Study of Social Differentiation (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Peiyu Chen.

This research takes two kinds of analytical unit, dwelling and hypothetical corporate group, to analyze and compare spatial relationship between the east and west sectors in Montegrande, a Early Formative site locates in Jequetepeque Valley, Peru. The map-based analysis reveals different changing pattern during the two phases of occupation. The primary result shows that east sector went through a significant transition from phase 1 to phase 2 in the configuration of corporate group and in the...