South America (Geographic Keyword)

676-700 (1,326 Records)

Landscapes of Violence: Trophy Head Production and Interpersonal Violence during the Wari era in the Middle Majes Valley, Arequipa, Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cassandra Koontz.

The Middle Horizon (600 - 1000 AD) is known as a period of increased social hierarchization, changing mortuary customs, and high rates of interpersonal violence in many regions of the prehistoric Peruvian Andes. This project compares rates and types of violent practices (antemortem, peri-mortem, and postmortem violent dismemberment) between the northern and southern sectors at the recently excavated Middle Horizon cemetery site of Uraca in the middle Majes Valley to skeletal data from the early...

Landscapes under Chachapoya and Inca presence in the Chachapoya region. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Inge Schjellerup.

The Chachapoya and the Incas had different perceptions of the landscape concerning settlement, agriculture and communication and each of them transformed the olriginal landscape into a cultural landscape with the construction of monumental architecture and enormous investment in agricultural intensification in the form of various types of terraces. The objective is to illustrate how historical sources and archaeological investigations together contribute to the understanding of the nature and...

Landscapes, Architecture, and Settlement Patterns: Reflections on the Territorial Expansion of the Mantenos (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Valentina Martinez. Andres Garzon.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Innovations in Ecuadorian Archaeology" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Considering Smith’s (2007) comparative approach to ancient urban planning, this paper suggests that starting circa 1200 CE the Manteño engaged in a process of increased growth and expansion that led to a shared, standardized settlement strategy across an environmentally diverse area. This shared settlement strategy reflects a complex process...

Language in the Americas. a CA Book Review (1987)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joseph H. Greenberg.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Las practicas funerarias del Formativo en la costa ecuatoriana : resultado de (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Morgane Berrone.

El presente estudio se organiza en torno a una dobla problemática relacionado al Formativo de la costa ecuatoriana (4400 – 300 BC): el examen de los gestos funerarios y su comparación en una perspectiva diacrónica e intercultural. Con un examen teórico y estadístico se puede identificar normas funerarias propias a cada cultura. La comparación intercultural permite de subrayar similitudes y diferencias entre las diferentes culturas del Formativo. Procede de los diferentes trabajos arqueológicos...

Las Voces del Barro y el Paisaje Manteño en Hojas-Jaboncillo, Manabí Central (Ecuador) (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stefan Bohorquez Gerardy.

El gobierno ecuatoriano ha apoyado desde el 2009 al proyecto arqueológico "Cerro Hojas-Jaboncillo" y al estudio de la sociedad Manteña, en la provincia de Manabí (Ecuador). Actualmente la investigación está dirigida a los procesos constructivos de las estructuras y las modificaciones del paisaje, innovaciones en tecnología, estilos e iconografía cerámica, y en la dispersión y conectividad de los asentamientos manteños. El paisaje cultural manteño no solamente pudo ser apreciado en las áreas en...

The Late Archaic and Initial Ceramic Age in Coastal French Guiana (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Martijn Van Den Bel.

Recent excavations at two archaeological sites in French Guiana (Eva 2 and Saint-Louis) presented evidence of a Late Archaic an Early Ceramic Age occupation which is comparable to other coastal sites in South America, such as the Alaka Phase in Guyana and the Mina Tradition in Pará, Brazil. These early ceramic sites represent the suite of a larger Archaic Age Littoral Tradition in which ceramics represented an innovative aspect to the Archaic way of life. Starch grain analysis showed that maize,...

Late Formative Craft Production and Interregional Interaction at Las Orquideas, Imbabura, Ecuador (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eric Dyrdahl. Carlos Montalvo.

Scholars long have realized the importance of interregional interaction in Ecuadorian prehistory. While many non-local goods have been recovered that signal interregional interaction, archaeologists rarely have had the opportunity to study the contexts where the production of these artifacts occurred. The recent discovery of intact stratigraphy dating to the Late Formative in the rural barrio of Las Orquideas that includes large quantities of craft production waste will help change our...

A Late Formative Period Site in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laurie Beckwith.

Compared to the coastal areas of Ecuador, the central highlands of Ecuador are not well known archaeologically, especially for the Formative Period. This paper will report on preliminary survey and excavation research carried out in the Chibunga River Valley, to the south of the modern city of Riobamba, during the 2009 and 2012 field seasons. Test excavations were carried out at the site of Collay, located on a mesa at 3100 masl, to obtain a sample of material culture and material for dating....

Late Intermediate Period (A.D. 1250-1470) Mortuary Practices at Tumilaca La Chimba: spatial and temporal mortuary variation in the Moquegua Valley, Peru (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Davette Gadison. Brittany Hundman. Dan Jones. Nicola Sharratt.

In this paper we present recent fieldwork focused on Estuquiña mortuary contexts at the site of Tumilaca La Chimba in the Moquegua Valley of Peru). Estuquiña is the local expression of the Late Intermediate Period, and conventionally dated to approximately AD 1250-1470. In summer 2015, a total of eight intact circular below ground tombs were excavated at the site. This represents the largest sample of intact Estuquiña burials excavated since fieldwork was conducted by Programa Contisuyo members...

Late Pleistocene Archaeology in Argentina 47 years later (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gustavo Politis.

In the 1970s Ruth Gruhn and Alan Bryan spent several weeks in Argentina as part of a one-year trip around South America. In those years, Ruth and Alan started to challenge the Clovis-First Model for the peopling of the America, and their visit to South America was instrumental in consolidating their ideas as well as stimulating the research of Late Pleistocene archaeological sites. Subsequent travels to the region, especially the one made by Alan in 1980, contributed to generating the hypothesis...

DOCUMENT Citation Only Sanna-Kaisa Saunaluoma.

The archaeology of Acre has been widely drawing the attention of the scientific community due to the discovery of an ancient civilization building geometric earthworks labeled "geoglyphs". In the course of field surveys realized at the geoglyph sites other types of archaeological sites were documented as well, including sites consisting of small artificial earthen mounds arranged in a circular form. At first, the mound sites were also classified as geoglyphs, but through the recent fieldwork it...

Late Prehispanic Empires of the New World. In: Power and Propaganda: a Symposium On Ancient Empires (1979)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Adams.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

A Latin American choreography: entanglements of solidarity and collaboration for a forensic archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marcia Hattori.

This is an abstract from the "Weaving Epistemes: Community-Based Research in Latin America" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A Latin American choreography: entanglements of solidarity and collaboration for a forensic archaeology Latin America was and still is one of the most prominent areas for the development of forensic archaeology and anthropology. It is a common sense between researchers of the field that this latin america perspective started...

Lauricocha v2.0: Ancient highlanders grant new insights into the pre-Columbian population history of South America (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lars Fehren-Schmitz.

The Lauricocha caves in Peru were the first known evidence for an Early Holocene presence of humans in the high altitude Andes. However, critical examination of the excavation reports cast doubts on the status and significance of Lauricocha in the archaeological record of South America. Here, we present a thorough revision of site including new radiocarbon dates, as well as morphological, craniometric, and genome-wide genetic data obtained from the human remains found at the site. Our results...

Law, private property, and the construction of the family in the archaeological record of colonial Moquegua (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pilar Escontrias.

In 1884, Friedrich Engels attributed the development of the nuclear family unit to the rise of the capitalist state and the subsequent emergence of private property in 16th century Europe. In The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, he posited that private property resulted in the restructuring of kinship practices where women gradually lost authority over their own activities, spaces, and their lives, and where the division of labor became gendered and spatialized. In this...

Laying the Foundations: A Unique Inka Construction Technique in the Northern Ecuadorian Highlands (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Pratt. David Brown. Dana Anthony. Patricia Mothes.

While Inka architecture is occasionally discussed as if it were a unified corpus of building styles, regional variation is great, with the Inka frequently adopting local techniques. Recent excavations is northern Ecuador have uncovered examples of a little documented Inka foundation style found at several sites in the region. At Hacienda Guachalá, where local legends maintain that the hacienda chapel, reportedly one of the oldest in Ecuador, was built atop an Inka temple, the early colonial...

Lessons from the Tello Obelisk- domestication and plant use at Chavin de Huantar, Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Sayre. Daniel Contreras.

The work of Dolores Piperno has significantly advanced our understanding of the rise of agriculture in the tropical Americas. Her work has been fundamental in the development of microbotanical techniques used to understand the use of plants in the past. This paper builds off of Dolores' analysis of plants depicted on the Tello Obelisk, at the site of Chavin de Huantar in Peru, in order to consider the role that plants from distinct ecological zones across the Andes played at the temple site....

Lidar Application in the Cerros Hojas-Jaboncillo, Manabi, Ecuador (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Juan Jijon.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Innovations in Ecuadorian Archaeology" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Currently, precise and high-resolution lidar (light detection and ranging) data is increasingly important for the detection of archaeological settlements. Through this technology it has been possible to detect a series of landscape modifications in the Hojas-Jaboncillo massif that could be of prehispanic origin. During the field verification...

Life and Death at the mouth of the River Loa: Bioarchaeological and biogeochemical analysis of human remains from Formative Period northern Chile (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Pestle. Christina Torres-Rouff. Francisco Gallardo.

Recent research has shown that during the Formative Period (1500 B.C.-A.D. 500), in northern Chile’s Atacama Desert life was sustained and enriched by inter-zonal movement and networks of exchange of both prestige goods and staple materials. In order to further detail these phenomena, a series of five cemeteries in the region of Caleta Huelén were recently excavated. In this work, we present the results of contextualized bioarchaeological and biogeochemical analysis of over 30 individuals,...

Life at Achanchi: A High Altitude Chanka Burial Site from the Andahuaylas Region of Southern Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lucas Kellett. Sarah Jolly. Danielle Kurin. Guni Monteagudo.

Recent archaeological research from a high elevation (4,000 masl) hilltop site in the Andahuaylas region of southern Peru offer new data to illuminate aspects of life and social organization within the Chanka society that lived during the tumultuous Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000-1400). In contrast to the machay (or cave) burials typical of this time period, an intramural burial site excavated from the ridgetop site of Achanchi may offer another perspective of this localized polity. This...

Life on the "Periphery": Pastoralism at Atalla (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sadie Weber.

Atalla, located in the South Central Andes of Peru in the province of Huancavelica, boasts a monumental temple and expansive, multi-phase domestic areas. Occupation of the site intermittently spans approximately 3000 years, and human presence in the surrounding area likely predates this site. Recent excavations focusing on both the monumental and domestic sectors of the site have yielded faunal remains from nearly all contexts. Here, I present an analysis of the faunal remains and bone tools...

Life, land and labour at Yayno (AD 400-800), a Recuay fort in the north highlands of Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only George Lau.

This presentation examines the domain of work as part of the social life of fortified settlements. In particular, it is interested in the gargantuan commitment – physical and symbolic – evidenced in defensive architecture. Using data from Yayno, a large mountaintop citadel in the north highlands of Peru (Recuay culture, AD 200-700), work estimates are presented to demonstrate the great labour expenditure in its stonemasonry constructions. Builders combined massive stone blocks (local granites,...

Linking Chronology, Culture History, and Culture Process in Moche Studies. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Quilter.

Revised chronologies affect our interpretations of cultural phenomena more than vice versa. This paper explores these issues in relation to the Moche. New dates suggest that the Moche phenomenon occurred later and ended later than previously thought and this is linked to a number of key issues in Andean culture history. The collapse of the Larco ceramic sequence is linked to the undermining of the concept of the Moche state and affects our concept of "Moche," in general. Particular attention...

A Lithic Analysis of Food Preparation and Resource Distribution in Recuay Ritual Feasting Contexts at Hualcayán (Ancash, Peru) (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elisabeth Granley. Rebecca Bria. Elizabeth Katherine Cruzado Carranza.

The preparation and consumption of food during feasting rituals is an ancient tradition in the Andes, occurring both on a small scale (participation of one family or kin group) and on a large scale (community-wide involvement). This poster presents a recent analysis of lithic tools from Hualcayán, an ancient Recuay community (1-600 AD) in highland Ancash, Peru. Excavations at Hualcayán yielded a variety of ground stone and expedient chipped stone tools and debris from a range of different...