Howard (County) (Geographic Keyword)
1-25 (277 Records)
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Aboriginal Soapstone Quarries in Maryland (1980)
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Addendum Report on the Archeological Reconnaissance of Maryland Route 100, Alternates 2, 3, and 4, from Maryland Route 3 to U.S. Route 1, Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland (1989)
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Addendum Report on the Archeological Reconnaissance of Maryland Route 175 from Snowden River Parkway to U. S. Route 29, Howard County, Maryland (1979)
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Additional Archeological Survey of Maryland Route 32 Between Pindell School Road and Maryland Route 108, Howard County, Maryland (1991)
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Additional Radiocarbon Dates for Arkansas (1965)
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Alliance Pipeline L.P.: Literature Review and File Search for Previously Recorded Sites and Structures - Iowa (1996)
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Alliance Pipeline Project 1997-1998 Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of the Iowa Pipeline Corridor Route Variations Compressor Station 27-a and Additional Investigation St 13Hw26 (1999)
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Alliance Pipeline Project 1998 Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of the Iowa Pipeline Corridor, Route Variations and Extra Workspaces Volume I+II (1999)
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Alliance Pipeline Project: 1998 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Iowa Pipeline Corridor Route Variations and Extra Workspaces Volume I + II (1999)
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Alliance Pipeline Project: 1998 Phase II Cultural Resource Evaluations IN Iowa (1999)
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Ancient Kansas City Area Borders and Trails (1988)
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Ancient Town or Chief's House of the Indians of Southwestern Arkansas (1920)
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Antiquities of Central and South-Eastern Missouri (1910)
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Appraisal of the Archeological and Paleontological Resources of the Lower Platte Basin, Nebraska, Supplement, September, 1952 (1952)
A field party from the University of Nebraska Laboratory of Anthropology conducted a surface reconnaissance in four potential reservoir areas in the Lower Platte Basin, Nebraska. The party, consisting of James H. Gunnerson and Dolores A. Gunnerson, spent twelve days in the field on this survey, between August 15 and September 2, 1948. The Laboratory of Anthropology undertook this reconnaissance in an attempt to locate archeological remains in potential reservoir areas in the Missouri Valley....
Appraisal of the Archeological and Paleontological Resources of the Lower Platte Basin, Nebraska: Supplement (1953)
An archeological and paleontological survey of the Lower Platte Basin was first made in the spring of 1947? and the results of the survey reported in a preliminary appraisal issued during the fall of the same year. During the summer of 1948 a preliminary survey of the potential Cushing Reservoir area was made by the Laboratory of Anthropology, University of Nebraska, and a supplementary report of the work issued in 1952.2 Within the period of November 7th to November 16, 1950, a reconnaissance...
Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Millwood Reservoir, Little River, Arkansas (1954)
An archeological survey of the area to be affected by the Millwood Reservoir,, Arkansas, was undertaken by the Austin office of the River Basin Surveys, National Park Service, as a project of the nationwide program of archeological and paleontological salvage being conducted by the National Park Service and the Smithsonian Institution with cooperation of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Three separate field excursions were made to the Millwood area, the...
Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Rocky Gorge Reservoir Area, Maryland (1953)
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Archaeological and Paleoenvironmental Studies In the Turkey River Valley, Northeastern Iowa (1988)
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Archaeological Context of Human Skeletons In the Northern and Central Plains (1994)
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An Archaeological Evaluation of Beals Creek, Big Spring, Texas (1977)
Howard County, located in west-central Texas, is situated at the intersection of the Edwards Plateau, Rolling Plains, and the Llano Estacado (Godfrey, McKee, and Oakes 1973). Big Spring, in south-central Howard County, is the county seat and largest city in the county. The city of Big Spring has developed along the Texas and Pacific Railroad line, which partially parallels Beals Creek within the present city limits. Beals Creek, a headwater tributary of the Colorado River, is the major focus of...
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance, Improvements of Sycamore Road, Howard County, Indiana (1979)
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Archaeological Investigations Along a Power Line Route Near Lime Springs, Howard County, Iowa (1986)
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Archaeological Investigations of Triadelphia Reservoir: Preliminary Report (1981)
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Archaeological Reconnaissance of Stringing Sites and Associated Access Roads for the Proposed Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Waugh Chapel to the Vicinity of High Ridge 500KV Transmission Line Corridor, Anne Arundel County and Howard County (1992)
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