Chihuahua (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

676-700 (6,178 Records)

"Beware of All Houses Not Recommended": Sensory Experience and Commercial Success of a Nineteenth-Century Boston Brothel (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jade W Luiz.

Places of organized prostitution in the nineteenth-century operated within a very particular sensory framework. In many ways male patrons were paying for ambiance and sensory experience as well as sex. Through analysis of the material remains of brothel sites, such as items related to dining, lighting, or even personal hygiene, archaeology can potentially recreate the experienced context of these spaces. Sites, such as the brothel at 27/29 Endicott Street in Boston’s North End, have the...

"A Bewildering Variety" : A Material Culture Approach to Pearlware Hollow Forms (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Esther White. Barbara Heath. Eleanor Breen.

DAACS facilitates ceramic analysis at the sherd level with highly developed, exacting protocols for cataloguing attributes such as stylistic elements. This paper seeks to increase the level of systematic rigor applied to the vessel form field.  The authors argue that only through a material culture approach – one that employs multiple available lines of evidence including museum collections, archaeological data, and documentary sources – can vessel form data be made more reliable and replicable...

Beyond Battlefields: Incorporating Social Contexts into Military Sites (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hannah A. Vahle.

Although it has been more than a century since the US Civil War was fought, battles regarding interpretation and the public memory of the conflict continue to rage. Hundreds of sites along the eastern seaboard are consecrated to this period, with many preservationists and other historical organizations dedicated to sterile interpretations of these battlefields. These interpretations fail to capture social contexts of the site, as well as the development of the landscape since the Civil War. The...

Beyond Data Collection and Hands-On Experience: The Importance and Effects of Engaging Students in Archaeological Research (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristen R. Fellows.

This is an abstract from the "Beyond Data Collection and Hands-On Experience: The Importance and Effects of Engaging Students in Archaeological Research" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Most historical archaeologists working in an academic setting offer field schools for their students; these projects often occur locally (perhaps even on campus), but can also take place further afield. Such opportunities allow students to learn by doing and offer...

Beyond Diet: A Plethora of Plant Evidence from Middens at the Glen Eyrie Estate (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Abbie Harrison.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "The Glen Eyrie Middens: Recent Research into the Lives of General William Jackson and Mary Lincoln “Queen” Palmer and their Estate in Western Colorado Springs, Colorado." , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Recent excavations from midden locations (sites 5EP7334 and 5EP7352) associated with the Glen Eyrie Estate have provided opportunities to explore the multitude of roles plants have played at the estate....

Beyond Ethical, Legal and Practical Considerations: Unprovenienced Archaeological Items at Descendant Tribal Heritage Centers and Museums (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Holly Metz.

This is an abstract from the "To Curate or Not to Curate: Surprises, Remorse, and Archaeological Grey Area" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The mission of the Huhugam Heritage Center, which is both a tribal and federal repository, is to "ensure our Akimel O’otham and Pee Posh cultures flourish for future generations." This includes not just the physical remains of ancestral culture, but the cultural practices themselves. While we care for the...

Beyond the Mansion: How the Archaeology Program at a Plantation Museum Changed so Many Lives (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Whitney Battle-Baptiste.

Between 1988 and 2009, the Hermitage Archaeology Program trained students of archaeology, anthropology, history, and education. Summer after summer, as the excavation units were laid, the wheelbarrows lined up, the shovels and trowels counted and distributed, we were always excited about what was to come. I learned about who I was as an archaeologist, as a scholar of slavery and the African Diaspora, and a Black Feminist Archaeologist. This short reflection paper is to share some thoughts and...

Beyond the Overseer’s House: Centering the Stories of the Enslaved Community at White Hill Plantation (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexis Morris. Julia Steele.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Northeast Region National Park Service Archeological Landscapes and the Stories They Tell" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Of the larger 18th century plantations overlooking the Appomattox River, White Hill was positioned on the edge of the city of Petersburg, Virginia. The preservation and interpretation of White Hill Plantation is on the fringes of the enabling legislation that established Petersburg...

Beyond the Patriarchy: A Feminine Examination of Montpelier's Shifting Landscape (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christine H Heacock.

The physical landscape at James Madison's Montpelier underwent drastic changes between the mansion's original construction in 1764 and the end of Madison's life in 1836. These modifications paralleled Madison's rise in social status and increase of political power. This paper seeks to examine the ways in which a male's upward trajectory in the public sphere and subsequent changes to his home led to feminine renegotiations of place in a continually modified space. This paper utilizes...

Beyond the Stereotype: Working toward a Landscape-Based Model of Study and Cross-Cultural Exchange of Fluteplayer Rock Art Imagery in Chaco Canyon (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charlotte Vendome-Gardner.

This is an abstract from the "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Rock Art Documentation, Research, and Analysis" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Fluteplayer is widely recognized within rock art, characterized by a figure holding and/or playing a flute. It has been misinterpreted as the Kachina Kokopelli. As a result it is now entangled with modern, predominantly Western, interpretations of the Kokopelli character, which are subsequently rooted in...

Beyond the Technical Report: Building public Outreach into Compliance-Driven Projects, A Case Study from Sandpoint Idaho (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Petrich-Guy. Mark Warner.

From 2005 to 2008 archaeologists conducted the largest excavation in the state of Idaho's history in the small north Idaho town of Sandpoint.  The excavations were a prelude to the construction of a byway through the city's former historic core by Idaho's Department of Transportation. Despite not being able to conduct a public program during the excavations, project archaeologists were subequently able to create a number of outcomes derived directly from the excavations that were ultimately...

Beyond the Walls: An Examination of Michilimackinac's Extramural Settlement (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James C Dunnigan.

Since 1959 the continuous archaeological investigations at Fort Michilimackinac have shaped our understanding of colonial life in the Great Lakes. The fort served as the center of a vast, multicultural trade network. While the Fort’s interior continues to be vigorously excavated, little attention has been given to the larger village that emerged outside the Fort’s walls in the latter half of the eighteenth century. Summer excavations from 1970-1973, conducted by Lyle Stone, attempted to explore...

Beyond the Waters’ Edge: Complexity and Conservation Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage by Public Agencies in North Carolina. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Watkins-Kenney.

Since the 1980s, heritage conservation has expanded in scope and complexity beyond just concern with technical preservation of tangible remains to also preserve intangible aspects. More than one conservation strategy may be possible but could have very different consequences for use of remains in the present and future. In many countries, those responsible for deciding which strategy to take are managers employed in public agencies. Understanding the nature of the system in which management...

Bickering over Bison Bones: Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Analysis to Determine Number of Individuals at the Haynie Site (5MT1905) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jonathan Dombrosky. Susan Ryan. Steve Copeland. R. David Satterwhite.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Haynie site (5MT1905) is an ancestral Pueblo village that was intermittently occupied from approximately AD 700 to 1280. The formation of this village is extremely complex, as it includes multiple occupations and significant modern disturbance. The Crow Canyon Archaeological Center has conducted research at Haynie since 2017, focusing on reconstructing...

The Big Data History of Archaeology: How Site Definitions and Linked Open Data Practices are Transforming our Understanding of the Historical Past (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joshua J Wells. Robert DeMuth. Kelsey Noack Myers. Stephen J Yerka. David Anderson. Eric Kansa. Sarah Kansa.

This paper examines big data patterns of historic archaeological site definitions and distributions across several temporal and behavioral vectors. The Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) provides publicly free and open data interoperability and linkage features for archaeological information resources. In 2015, DINAA had integrated fifteen US state archaeological databases, containing information about 0.5 million archaeological resources, as a linked open data network of...

Big Data, Human Adaptation, and Historical Archaeology: Confronting Old Problems with New Solutions (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Altschul.

How humans respond to climate change has been identified as one of archaeology's grand challenges. Traditionally, archaeologists correlate local or regional environmental reconstructions with human settlement to form post hoc inferences about adaptive and social responses to changes in climate and associated environmental resources. Regardless the logical strength of these explanations, rarely can they be generalized beyond the case study. To offer general statements about human adaptation to...

Bioarchaeological and Archival Investigations of the Milwaukee County Institution Grounds Cemetery Collection: A Progress Report (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brooke L. Drew.

Continuing bioarchaeological and archival research on the Milwaukee County Institution Grounds Cemetery collection is presented.  As reported elsewhere, the beginning stages of a multidisciplinary analysis of this late 19th and early 20th century institutional cemetery has led to the identification of a number of the 1,649 individuals excavated.  Included in this discussion will be new case studies that continue to demonstrate not only the interpretive potential of an integrated archaeological,...

Bioarchaeological and Mortuary Indicators of Social Order in Mimbres Society: Seated Burials, Occupational Stress, Health, and Trauma (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn Baustian.

This is an abstract from the "Cooperative Bodies: Bioarchaeology and Non-ranked Societies" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Mimbres culture of the American Southwest is most recognized for its beautiful black-on-white ceramics but recent research is revealing greater understanding of social organization, community interactions, and the response to social and cultural change. Bioarchaeological and mortuary data are contributing important evidence...

Bioarchaeological Evidence of the African Diaspora in Renaissance Romania (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathleen L Wheeler. Thomas A Crist. Mihai Constantinescu. Andrei Soficaru.

Little documentary or archaeological information currently exists regarding the presence of people of African descent in Eastern Europe during the historical period.  Known to have arrived in Europe with the Romans, free and enslaved Africans were common members of European society by the advent of the Renaissance, especially in the Moorish territories and the Ottoman Empire.  In 1952, archaeologists recovered a set of partial remains of 30-35-year-old man during excavations of an Orthodox...

Bioarchaeology of Burials Associated with the Elkins Site (7NC-G-174) (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley H. McKeown. Meradeth H. Snow. Rosanne Bongiovanni. Kirsten A. Green. Kathleen Hauther. Rachel Summers-Wilson.

Bioarchaeological interpretations of five burials from a small family cemetery likely associated with one of the domestic structures at the Elkins Site integrate information from in situ data collection and standard laboratory assessment, as well as DNA and stable isotope analysis. Four of the burials (two adult males and two adult females) were tightly clustered and the fifth burial (a male infant) was spatially separated within the cemetery. Despite craniofacial morphology that could be...

The Bioarchaeology of the Columbian Harmony Cemetery Collection (51NE049), Washington, D.C. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dana D. Kollmann.

The Bioarchaeology of the Columbian Harmony Cemetery Series (51NE049), Washington, D.C. Archaeological investigations on a portion of the Columbian Harmony Cemetery in Washington, D.C. resulted in the identification of 231 grave features, many of which had been disturbed by a cemetery relocation project that took place in 1960. Information obtained from skeletal and dental analyses have provided information on 19th and early 20th century patterns of burial, postmortem treatment (i.e., embalming...

Biographies of Things, People, and Space at Jesuit Missions: The St. Inigoes Manor Weaver’s House (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Lenik.

A biographical framework for archaeological studies of Jesuit missions in the Americas guides enquiry toward histories of specific artifacts, especially religious objects that were implicated in efforts to gain converts, as well as mission space including manor houses and churches. Additionally, narrative accounts of Jesuit missions lend themselves to biographies, either for the lives of influential missionaries or the missions, that were disseminated through texts such as the Relations. This...

A Biography of Place: Thinking Between Texts and Objects at the Saint Joseph Mission (Senegal) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Johanna A. Pacyga.

Mission archaeology benefits from a rich documentary archive produced by missionaries themselves, church and government officials, sponsors and charitable organizations, and—ideally—converts. Biography emerges as a potent method of organization and mode of analysis, allowing the archaeologist to name, follow, and order traces in the archives and the archaeological record. Thinking about archaeology as crafting a compelling biography of place allows for the articulation of intimacies and...

The Biography of Spoliation As Insight Into the Role of Urban Fortification During the Levantine Crusader Era (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda C. E. Charland.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "“We Go to Gain a Little Patch of Ground. That hath in it no profit but the name”: Revolutionary Research in Archaeologies of Conflict" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper demonstrates the complex role of spoliated elements and how they offer broader insight into the role of urban fortification in the Levant during the conflict of the Crusades. The motivations behind the spoliation of these elements...

Biology of a Shipwreck: Dendrogyra Cylindrus on the 1724 Guadalupe Underwater Archaeological Preserve (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emma DeLillo. Charles D Beeker. Claudia C. Johnson. Samuel I. Haskell.

This is an abstract from the "POSTER Session 2: Linking Historic Documents and Background Research in Archaeology" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In June of 2011, Indiana University Underwater Science inaugurated the 1724 Guadalupe Underwater Archaeological Preserve (GUAP) as a Living Museum of the Sea, designed to protect both the submerged cultural and biological resources of the site. Located in Bayahibe, Dominican Republic, the site is an...