Apache County (County) (Geographic Keyword)
76-100 (229 Records)
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) requested that Logan Simpson Design Inc. (LSD) perform a Class III cultural resources survey related to a proposed well and pipeline construction project associated with the SRP Coronado Generating Station in St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. The project area is located east of US 191 and southwest of the SRP Coronado Generating Station. Most of the pipeline corridor is on SRP-owned land; however, it also includes a small...
A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 84 Acres of Existing Fenceline, Undeveloped Roads, and a Block Parcel within the Salado Preserve, South of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2011)
LSD surveyed approximately 84 acres of SRP-owned land to identify, document, and evaluate cultural resources for their National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility; however, this project is not a Federal undertaking and no consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act is required at this time. Recommendations for the treatment or avoidance of sites are offered for future management considerations. The survey resulted in the discovery of 1 previously recorded...
Contributions to the Archeology of Petrified Forest National Park, 1985-1986 (1987)
Archeological work conducted during the summers of 1985 and 1986 produced much new data which was badly needed to update our perceptions of Petrified Forest prehistory. A total of 120 sites along the park boundaries and in the developed areas were recorded, many of them for the first time. Surveys to fulfill compliance requirements prior to installation of a new water system (NPS Package No. Ill) and developed area surveys provided data on prehistoric land use and settlement patterns in...
The Coronado Project Archaeological Investigations, The Coronado Generating Station Plant Site and Access Road (1980)
The Museum of Northern Arizona conducted archaeological investigations for the Salt River Project near St. Johns, Arizona. The excavation of 18 sites yielded architectural, ceramic, and lithic evidence in support of a general Anasazi cultural pattern. Nine sites showed definite ceramic affiliation with the Cibola Anasazi. The entire data base provides much additional information about the prehistory of east-central Arizona, specifically the Upper Little Colorado River Valley.
The Coronado Project Archaeological Investigations, The Specialists' Volume: Biocultural Analyses (1982)
In the mid-1970s, the Salt River Project, a public utility in Arizona, contracted with the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) to provide archaeological clearance for 148 miles of railroad and transmission line right-of-way in northeastern Arizona prior to actual construction. The project area is roughly bounded by St. Johns and Springerville to the south, and Holbrook and Navajo to the north. Those settlements also help define the western and eastern boundaries of the project area. MNA...
The Coronado Project Archaeological Investigations: Studies Along the Transmission Line Corridor (1983)
Intensive archaeological field investigations along the Coronado-Silver King Transmission Line (North End) began in September, 1976. These investigations were conducted by the Museum of Northern Arizona under contract with the Salt River Project. Forty-six sites along the transmission line route required mitigation procedures; site recording, collection, testing, and excavation were conducted as appropriate. Subsequent laboratory analysis confirmed a number of impressions resulting from the...
The Coronado Project Archaeological Investigations: The Ash Disposal and Evaporation Pond Site (1981)
The Museum of Northern Arizona conducted an archaeological investigation and mitigation program near St. Johns, Arizona, in an area proposed as the site for ash disposal and evaporation pond facilities associated with the Coronado generating station, then under construction. The archaeological survey located 33 sites, including Archaic and Pueblo period camps and residences, stone quarry locations, and several historic period sites. An attempt is made to place all sites within a broad temporal...
The Coronado Project Archaeological Investigations: The Concho Well Field Water Transmission Pipeline (1980)
The Concho Well Field Water Transmission Pipeline, constructed by the Salt River Project, originates in the Concho Well Fields just north of Concho, Arizona, and extends to the Coronado Generating Station Power Plant three miles north of St. Johns, Arizona. The pipeline route either impinges upon or crosses 15 prehistoric and historic sites, including two possible Archaic or Basketmaker lithic sites and two Spanish-American homesteads. These four sites provide the basis for most of the analysis...
The Coronado Project: Anasazi Settlements Overlooking the Puerco Valley, Arizona, Volume 3 (1993)
The three volumes of The Coronado Project present a wealth of information on the archaeology of the Puerco Valley of east-central Arizona. The Coronado Project provided a rare opportunity to revisit and further explore previously investigated sites, thus generating modifications to some previous interpretations and perceptions. In Volume 3, a synthesis of the project data, project authors examine architecture and chronology, review ceramics in a regional context, and assess settlement data....
The Coronado Project: Anasazi Settlements Overlooking the Puerco Valley, Arizona, Volume I (1993)
The three volumes of The Coronado Project present a wealth of information on the archaeology of the Puerco Valley of east-central Arizona. Excavations were performed at four prehistoric sites along the existing Salt River Project Coronado Coal Haul Railroad. All four sites were located on privately owned lands, and Salt River Project proceeded with this project in voluntary compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act as revised. Two of the sites, Cottonwood Seep and...
CPP - Correspondence of Cibola Prehistory Project Ceramic Coding Sheets (2016)
Correlation of different ceramic coding sheets used for the component projects
CPP Integrated Faunal Data (2019)
This is the integrated dataset created by the data integration https://core.tdar.org/workspace/integrate/959. It includes the combined results of the faunal analysis of all Cibola Prehistory Project projects: CARP, EMVPP, HARP, OBAP, RCAP, and ULCPP. SOme aggregation is done for burning and completeness but not for element or taxon. SOme variables were not included. The integration cited above can be copied and modified to get different aggregations or add additional variables. It includes...
A Cultural Resource Survey for an Electric Distribution Line to a Meteorological Station in the Salt River Project Fence Lake Coal Mine Transportation Corridor in Apache County, Arizona (1995)
Salt River Project (SRP) proposes to construct a meteorological station with an overhead electric distribution line to monitor atmospheric conditions east of the SRP Coronado Generating Station along the SRP Fence Lake Coal Mine Transportation Corridor (Figure 1). The U.S. Department of the Interior (USDI), Office of Surface Mining, is the overall lead agency for the Fence Lake Coal Mine Project and the USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces District, Socorro Resource Area, is the lead...
A Cultural Resource Survey of Approximately 640 Acres for the Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station Land Addition II Near St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2002)
This report presents the results of a Class III non-collection cultural resource survey of approximately 640 acres of land for the Salt River Project (SRP) Coronado Generating Station (CGS) Land Addition II project near St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (Figures 1 and 2). Entranco conducted the survey at the request of SRP as Bid No. II 98999 IDC prior to the proposed land acquisition to determine whether significant cultural resources exist within the project area. For purposes of this...
Cultural Resource Survey of Concho West Well Field Addition, Apache County, Arizona (2000)
This report presents the results of a cultural resource inventory performed by Lone Mountain Archaeological Services, Inc. under contract with Salt River Project for the Concho West Well Field Addition in southern Apache County, Arizona. The Concho West Well Field Addition consists of an expansion of the existing Concho Well Field, which serves Salt River Project’s Coronado Generating Station. The expansion will involve the construction of three well sites and the installation of a water...
Cultural Resources Clearance Investigation, Navopache Electric Cooperative Archeological Survey Part 32: Locations for Placement of a Proposed Aerial Utility Line Right-of-way, West of the Town of St. Johns, in Apache County, Arizona (1989)
In order to insure that no cultural resource sites or materials are affected by the construction of an aerial utility line by the Navopache Electric Cooperative, an archeological survey was made on approximately 43.4 acres of land. Of the total acreage figure approximately 28.4 acres is Arizona State land, 13.2 acres is administered by the Salt River Project, and 1.8 acres is private property. The utility line is proposed in order to provide electric service to an AT&T installation. The...
A Cultural Resources Survey of 1,971 Acres on Black Mesa for Peabody Western Coal Company, Mine Area J-21 West, Kayenta Mine Complex, Navajo County, Arizona (2017)
SRP requested that Logan Simpson conduct a Class 111 cultural resources inventory of 1,971 acres within Mine Area J-21 West (J-21-W) in Peabody Western Coal Company's proposed Kayenta Mine Complex (KMC). This is part of a larger environmental impact study (EIS) for the continued operation of the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) and the KMC from December 23, 2019 to December 22, 2044. Reclamation is the lead federal agency, and the BIA and OSMRE are key cooperating agencies. Re-permitting of the...
A Cultural Resources Survey of 134.4 Acres for the Concho Well Field, Apache County, Arizona (2001)
SWCA, Inc. conducted a cultural resource survey at the request of Salt River Project (SRP) north of Concho, Apache County, Arizona (Figures 1 and 2). The survey involved a 10,613 foot long, 100 foot wide corridor and a total of 110 acres in four parcels adjacent to the corridor. The total number of acres surveyed is 134.4. SRP is proposing to construct two new wells and approximately 10,700 feet of new pipeline, which will connect to the existing water delivery system to the Coronado Generating...
Cultural Resources Survey of a Potential 1.8-km Segment of the Fence Lake Coal Mine Transportation Corridor, Apache County, Arizona (2002)
Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), completed a survey of a potential transportation corridor segment as part of the overall Fence Lake Coal Mine Project in the fall of 2001. The survey was sponsored by the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) on private land owned by SRP and land leased to SRP by the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD).
Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2.0 Miles of Transmission and Pipeline Right-of-Way and a Well Pad within the Salado Preserve near St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2014)
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) requested that Logan Simpson Design Inc. (LSD) conduct a cultural resources survey prior to the installation of a well pad, a water pipeline right-of-way (ROW), and an electrical transmission line ROW within the Salado Preserve south of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. The well pad survey area measures 60 m by 60 m (0.92 acre). The two ROWs are perpendicular to each other and partially overlap. A north to south trending ROW...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Ganado Irrigation System and 40 Farm Plots, Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources (NNDWR), in conjunction with other Federal and local entities prepared and evaluated alternatives for improving water management, conservation, and distribution within the Ganado Irrigation System. The resulting recommendations are termed the Ganado Irrigation Water Conservation Project (GIWCP), whose purpose is to develop a system that will enable the efficient conveyance of irrigation water to farmland and...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Ganado Irrigation System and 40 Farm Plots, Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona: Photos (2000)
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources (NNDWR), in conjunction with other Federal and local entities prepared and evaluated alternatives for improving water management, conservation, and distribution within the Ganado Irrigation System. The resulting recommendations are termed the Ganado Irrigation Water Conservation Project (GIWCP), whose purpose is to develop a system that will enable the efficient conveyance of irrigation water to farmland and...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Ganado Irrigation System and 40 Farm Plots, Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona: Report (2001)
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources (NNDWR), in conjunction with other Federal and local entities prepared and evaluated alternatives for improving water management, conservation, and distribution within the Ganado Irrigation System. The resulting recommendations are termed the Ganado Irrigation Water Conservation Project (GIWCP), whose purpose is to develop a system that will enable the efficient conveyance of irrigation water to farmland and...
A Cultural Resources Survey of the Salt River Project Fence Lake Coal Mine Transportation Corridor Reroute 4 Near the Coronado Generating Station in Apache County, Arizona (1995)
Salt River Project (SRP) proposes to construct a railroad transportation corridor from the proposed Fence Lake Coal Mine in Catron County, New Mexico, to the Coronado Generating Station in Apache County, Arizona. The original route of the Arizona corridor was surveyed by O’Brien and Dosh (1987). The New Mexico portion of the corridor and two reroutes along the New Mexico segment were inventoried in 1991 (Morris 1992). A third reroute, also on the New Mexico corridor, was inventoried in 1994...
Danson Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Danson Pueblo site, located on Archaeological Conservancy land. The file consists of a site data form and map of the site location.