Apache County (County) (Geographic Keyword)

176-200 (229 Records)

RCAP Coding Sheet for Mano/Handstone Tabulations (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Coding sheet for mano/handstone tabulations from Rudd Creek Pueblo.

RCAP Coding Sheet for Metate Tabulations (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Coding sheet for metate tabulations from Rudd Creek Pueblo.

RCAP Excavation Forms and Unit Notes (1/2) (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Excavation forms and unit notes from the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project excavations at Rudd Creek Pueblo (part 1 of 2).

RCAP Excavation Forms and Unit Notes (2/2) (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Excavation forms and unit notes from the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project excavations at Rudd Creek Pueblo (part 2 of 2).

RCAP Fauna Coding Key (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tiffany Clark.

Note: There is an inconsistency on the coding key for taxon, code 593 is used twice. Except for taxon codes 588-593 the key is consistent with ULCPP and CARP. Because taxon codes 588-593 do not appear in the database the CARP (most recent) coding keys are used.

RCAP Macrobotanical Database (2017)
DATASET Sarah Oas.

Macrobotanical database from the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project (RCAP).

RCAP Mano/Handstone Tabulation Forms (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Mano and handstone tabulation forms from Rudd Creek Pueblo.

RCAP Metate Tabulation Forms (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Metate tabulation forms from Rudd Creek Pueblo.

RCAP Photography Log (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Rudd Creek Archaeological Project photography log.

RCAP Specimen Log (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Rudd Creek Archaeological Project Specimen Log

RCAP Transit Log (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Rudd Creek Archaeological Project transit log.

Report on Palynological Investigations (Hopi Buttes area) (1967)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James Schoenwetter.

Attempt to cross-date alluvial beds through pollen study of CCa horizon samples failed. Pollen concentrations too low, though pollen preservation was adequate.

Research Design: For Archaeological Data Recovery Along the Salt River Project Coronado Coal Haul Railroad (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Greenwald. Richard V. N. Ahlstrom. Mark L. Chenault.

The following document constitutes a research design for archaeological data recovery within planned expansions of the Salt River Project Coronado Coal Haul Railroad.The project area is located in Apache County, Arizona, south of Interstate 40 near the town of Navajo. Three sites were listed in the project RFP and specific information regarding the impacts to those sites and the location of the sites in relation to the Coal Haul Railroad were provided in that document. The research design is...

Rudd Creek Archaeological Project (RCAP)
PROJECT Arizona Game and Fish.

The Rudd Creek Archaeological Project was an Arizona State University Summer Archaeological Field School Project, sponsored in part by Arizona Game and Fish. It resulted in an exhibit at the visitor center for the ranch.

Salado Preserve Addendum I: Cultural Resources Monitoring of Seismic Testing within the Salado Preserve South of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Grant Fahrni. Michael S. Foster.

During cultural resources monitoring of seismic testing within the SRP owned Salado Preserve, LSD recorded six new prehistoric archaeological sites (LSD 5-10) and updated the description of the previously recorded site, LSD-2.The seismic crew complied with all avoidance requests and no significant impacts to known or newly recorded cultural resources occurred. This report serves as an addendum to a previous cultural resources survey report entitled A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 84...

Salado Preserve Addendum II: Cultural Resources Survey of 3.5 Miles of Fence Line within the Salado Preserve South of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Grant Fahrni. Michael S. Foster.

At the request of SRP, LSD completed a Class III cultural resources survey of 3.5 miles of fence line on the Salado Preserve south of St. Johns, Arizona. The survey resulted in the recording of three previously unrecorded sites, LSD-11, LSD-12, and LSD-13 and a total of 12 isolated occurrences (lOs). The locational data for 7 of the lOs was inadvertently lost. However, lOs are not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and require no further investigation or...

Salt River Project Archaeological Clearance Investigations: Coronado Generating Station Plant Site Coal Haul Railroad, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Appendix II: A Cost Estimate for the Mitigation of 47 Archaeological Sites Located Within the Right-of-Way of the Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station Plant Site Coal Haul Railroad (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr..

This appendix contains cost estimates for mitigation of 47 archaeological sites within the Coronado Generating Station plant site coal haul railroad right-of-way. It consists primarily of tables of costs, broken down by category, personnel, equipment, and other variables. Major sections include a cost schedule for archaeological investigations; project development costs; time, labor, and equipment estimates for archaeological excavations; cost estimate sums for excavation; project analysis and...

Salt River Project Archaeological Clearance Investigations: Coronado Generating Station Plant Site Coal Haul Railroad, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Appendix II: A Proposal for the Mitigation of 47 Archaeological Sites Located Within the Right-of-Way of the Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station Plant Site Coal Haul Railroad (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. James Trott.

At the request of Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona has prepared a proposal and cost estimate for Phase III investigations along the proposed Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station Coal Haul Railroad. These Phase III investigations will consist of an impact mitigation program designed to recover that portion of the archaeological manifestations located within the right-of-way of the proposed Coal Haul Railroad. A total of 47 archaeological sites are recorded within the...

Salt River Project Coronado to Dinosaur Transmission Line Associate Study--Evaluation of Prehistoric Site NA13,886, Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: A Cost Estimate and Recommendations for Coronado to Dinosaur Transmission Line Routing Relative to Prehistoric Site NA13,886 (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Howard M. Davidson.

Prehistoric site NA13,886 is an extensive archaeological resource exhibiting profuse quantities of artifacts which appear to represent a very wide range of human activities. The proposed Salt River Project Coronado to Dinosaur 500 kV transmission line right-of-way is currently oriented so as to bisect this site. A recent SRP-sponsored field evaluation of this site was undertaken by the Museum in order to establish the site's qualities and thus its significance and determine costs for various...

Salt River Project, Archaeological Clearance Investigation: Coronado Generating Station, Coal Haul Railroad Wye and Repair Workshop, Private Land, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Clearance Survey for the Coal Haul Wye and Repair Workshop (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bill J. Gossett.

On December 17-18, 1976, at the request of the Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted an archaeological survey of the proposed Coal Haul Railroad Wye and an area selected as a Repair and Welding Workshop, both areas on private land. The area was surveyed from west to east beginning at surveyors stake No. 1, to a point 150 meters east and parallel to the railroad right-of-way base line. The area chosen as a repair and welding workshop includes an 800 ft. x 3000 ft. tract of...

Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Phase I and II: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David N. Siegel. James E. Bradford.

Between January 27 and February 15, and February 25 to May 6, 1974, the Museum of Northern Arizona acted as a consultant to Wirth Associates to study a series of alternate transmission line corridors to connect proposed Salt River Project coal-fired power plants at either the Snowflake or St. Johns localities to three substations in the Phoenix area. Then from April 11 to May 3, 1974, the Museum was contracted by Bechtel Power Corporation to complete Phase I survey investigations of the proposed...

Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station, Ash Disposal Area and Evaporation Pond Site on Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Interim Report for Phase II and Phase III Operations in the Ash Disposal and Evaporation Pond Site for the Salt River Project Coronado Station, A 76-6 (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Eileen Camilli.

Between February 18, 1976 and April 25, 1976 archaeological field work was conducted on the Coronado Generating Station ash disposal area and evaporation pond site for the Salt River Project, During this time 3.25 square miles were surveyed and 33 sites recorded. In addition to the fieldwork, analytical and write up phases of the project were carried out between May 3 and July 19, 1976. These phases provide a description and analysis of archaeological sites and artifactual materials from the...

Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station, Coal Haul Railroad - Realignments 1 & 2 and the Western Alignment, Private, Federal, and State Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Preliminary Evaluation of Realignments 1, 2, and the Western Alignment of the Salt River Project Coronado Station Coal Haul Railroad (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. James Trott. Gale M. McPherson.

During the months of April and May, 1976, Salt River Project requested that the Museum of Northern Arizona inspect a number of test pit and bore hole locations along the proposed Coronado Generating Station Coal Haul Railroad. Proposed test locations were examined along three alternative alignments, Realignment 1, Realignment 2, and the Western Alignment. A total of 19 archaeological sites were found during these investigations. Based on the data collected during this time, numerical evaluations...

Salt River Project, Coronado Station: Mitigation Plans for Seven Impacted Bureau of Land Management Properties - NA14,638; NA14,640; NA14,642; NA14,650; NA15,208; NA13,911; NA14,869 (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William S. Marmaduke.

Responding to a request from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Phoenix District, the Museum of Northern Arizona has prepared a description of work that the Museum will undertake at sites on BLM managed lands during the Coronado Station Archaeological Project. The total number of BLM sites impacted by Coronado Station construction is seven: five sites (NA's 14,638; 14,640; 14,642; 14,650; 15,208) in right-of-way of the Coal Haul Railroad, and two sites (NA13,911 and NA14,869) in the...

Salt River Project: Cultural Resource Inventory Survey, Coronado Generating Station Land Addition (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Entranco Engineers, Inc.

Entranco is pleased to submit this proposal to Salt River Project (SRP) for a cultural resource inventory survey for the Coronado Generating Station (CGS) Land Addition (Bid No. II603501DC). This inventory survey includes approximately 1,280 acres of privately owned land in Apache County, Arizona; more specifically, the project area encompasses all of Sections 27 and 29 in Township 14 North, Range 29 East, Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian (USGS St. Johns North and Kearn Lake, Arizona).