United Mexican States (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

4,026-4,050 (4,293 Records)

Un basurero prehispánico en el valle intermontano de Maltrata, Veracruz (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yamile Lira-Lopez.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Un basurero es parte de la vida cotidiana de una familia, allí se va depositando todos los desechos que en un tiempo fueron de utilidad, tanto restos de comida como utensilios. Por ello el hallazgo de un basurero prehispánico en un contexto habitacional es de gran importancia para reconstruir parte de la vida cotidiana de una familia: que tipos de vasija...

Un caso de estudio sostentable en Puerto Morelos: Recursos arqueológicos y naturales en tierras bajas mayas del norte La Riviera Maya (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Ort. Lilia Lizama.

This is an abstract from the "La Práctica Arqueológica en México en Tiempos de Crisis: Escenarios, Problemáticas Claves, Actores, Acciones y Propuestas" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. La ciudad de Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo se ha convertido recientemente en un municipio y se esfuerza por promover el turismo sostenible en función de sus activos naturales y culturales y evitar el turismo de masas que ha afectado a otras partes de la Riviera Maya....

Un centro secundario Olmeca: Estero Rabón (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hirokazu Kotegawa.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. El sitio arqueológico de Estero Rabón fue uno de los centros secundarios de San Lorenzo y probablemente también de La Venta durante el Preclásico Inferior y Medio. Según los estudios previos de la cultura olmeca, los centros secundarios de estas capitales tenían su propia finalidad para sostenerlas. Así, Estero Rabón también se ubicó en un punto estratégico...

Un complejo arqueológico en las márgenes del río Tehuantepec en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca: El caso de Ladchixila (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pablo Fernando De Jesús Pérez.

El presente estudio trata sobre trabajos realizados en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca, localizado en los márgenes del río Tehuantepec, región en donde se establecieron grupos humanos dedicados a la caza, pesca, recolección de frutos y agricultura, con recursos naturales que fueron explotados, haciendo posible su establecimiento permanente, dejando plasmada su historia a través de elementos arquitectónicos, que para el año de 2015 fueron explorados arqueológicamente. El desarrollo de esta investigación...

Un fragmento de estela con la fecha de Bak’tun 7 en Chalchuapa, El Salvador (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nobuyuki Ito.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En la Costa Sur de Mesoamérica, se han descubierto numerosas estelas esculpidas. Sin embargo, solamente una docena de estas se registró dentro de un contexto arqueológico del período Preclásico. No obstante, en esta región se localizan dos sitios que poseen estelas con las fechas calendáricas más tempranas del Bak’tun 7, como Chiapa de Corzo y El Baúl,...

¿Un jorobado enano? Una pintura de bóveda en el sitio arqueológico de Sacnicté, Yucatán (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jonathan Rosas.

El presente trabajo versa sobre la pintura de la tapa de bóveda 1 del yacimiento arqueológico de Sacnicté, Yucatán. En ella aparecen representados un par de personajes, uno ha sido interpretado como un enano jorobado en actitud amenazante. Al respecto pongo en duda este planteamiento, ya que analizando diferentes aspectos de la imagen como la posición, la postura, el gesto y las características de cada individuo, propongo que se trata únicamente de un individuo jorobado, que señala al otro...

Una aproximación histórico-ecológica a los cambios en el paisaje del área costera de Sisal, Yucatán (1807-1990) (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gabriel Torales Ayala. Lane F. Fargher.

This is an abstract from the "Landscapes: Archaeological, Historic, and Ethnographic Perspectives from the New World / Paisajes: Perspectivas arqueológicas, históricas y etnográficas desde el Nuevo Mundo" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Esta presentación resume los resultados de una investigación sobre la historia del paisaje de la costa noroccidental de Yucatán. A pesar de la evidencia arqueológica prehispánica, la información sobre las...

Una iconografía estelar en figurillas y esculturas de las culturas del Clásico del Centro de Veracruz (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chantal Huckert.

La presentación se centra sobre figuras estelares de ojos emplumados, cruces, estrellas de tres o cinco puntas, y máscaras. Están pintadas y moldeadas en bajo relieve en la vestimenta y el cuerpo de representaciones humanas en barro que pertenecen a los tipos, rojo sobre crema, mayoide, sonriente y escultórico. Se identifican las variantes, procedentes de las culturas del centro de Veracruz, a la luz de formas análogas en las artes y los registros gráficos de Mesoamérica, referidos por los...

Una perspectiva sobre el empleo del barro cocido en el beneficio del cobre: Caso de Jicalán Viejo, Michoacán (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jose May-Crespo. David Larreina-Garcia. Blanca Maldonado. Luis Ramón Velázquez-Madonado. Mario Retiz-García.

This is an abstract from the "Technological Transitions in Prehispanic and Colonial Metallurgy: Recent and Ongoing Research at the Archaeological Site of Jicalán Viejo, in Central Michoacán, West Mexico" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Jicalán Viejo, es uno de los sitios prehispánicos donde se han encontrado vestigios de escoria metálica asociada al proceso metalúrgico del cobre. Al igual que las escorias, el barro utilizado en la manufactura de...

Una síntesis de la historia prehispánica de Michoacán (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claudia Espejel.

El avance de los estudios arqueológicos realizados hasta el momento permiten delinear ya un panorama general de la historia prehispánica en Michoacán desde aproximadamente 1500 aC hasta 1522 dC. En esta ponencia presentaré una síntesis de dicha historia, vinculando la información de Michoacán a la de otras regiones colindantes con el fin de distintguir los rasgos particulares de diversas zonas pero identificando también las tendencias generales de desarrollo que se dieron a través del tiempo.

Under Fire: An Experimental Examination of Heat on Lithic Microwear Evidence (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Rutkoski.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Lithic microwear analysis provides important insights into stone tool function by identifying various polishes, residues, and striations that ultimately represent microscopic evidence of how these tools were used. However, recent archaeological analyses have recognized an interesting pattern: burned lithic specimens do not appear to preserve microwear traces...

Under the Hills: Archaeology of the Quetzaltenango Valley (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maria Belen Mendez Bauer.

This is an abstract from the "Art, Archaeology, and Science: Investigations in the Guatemala Highlands" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In prehispanic times the tops of the mountains and volcanoes were used as natural markers of geographical spaces; many of these points served as referents in the construction of cultural landscapes based on the sacred. The valley of Quetzaltenango, in western Guatemala, is surrounded by ten prominent hills and...

An Underground Home for Earthly Beings. Reconstructing the Archaeological Context of a Lot of Mesoamerican Mosaic Encrusted Artifacts in the National Museum of the American Indian Collections (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Davide Domenici.

The National Museum of the American Indian holds a lot of Mesoamerican mosaic encrusted wooden masks and shields bought in 1921 from Carl A. Purpus, who stated they were found in a cave near Acatlán, Puebla (Mexico). The presentation, besides including a brief description of the artifacts, it is aimed at reconstructing the objects’ unknown contextual information through a comparison with similar objects held in American, Mexican and European museums, some of them proceeding from scientifically...

Understanding Animal Use at the Wetland Maya Site of Chulub (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lori Phillips. Erin Thornton. Eleanor Harrison-Buck.

Reconstructions of ancient Maya animal use often emphasize the importance of terrestrial species, such as deer, to the overall diet. While these species played an important role, much less attention has been paid to the use of aquatic resources despite the presence of resource rich perennial wetlands in the Maya lowlands. To further understand this crucial area of the Maya-environment relationship, we investigated the site of Chulub located in the Western Lagoon Wetlands of Belize. This site...

Understanding Archaeology in the Dunes: OSL Dating of the Tolleston Beach at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Its Implications for Interpreting the Archaeological Record (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gosia Mahoney. Paul Hanson. Dawn Bringelson.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The puzzling scarcity of archaeological sites on the Tolleston Beach at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore prompted an investigation into the development of this dune field in an attempt to determine whether the distribution of known archaeological sites is governed by ancient human behaviors, or influenced by its dune setting, which can affect site preservation...

Understanding Diachronic Patterns of Feasting at the Late Classic Maya Polity of Lower Dover, Belize. (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Olivia Ellis. John P. Walden. Kyle Shaw-Müller. Claire E. Ebert. Julie A. Hoggarth.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Traditional anthropological perspectives depict feasting events as a way of promoting social cohesion, as well as reinforcing inequalities. As described by Spanish observers, Postclassic and Colonial (~AD 1280-1600) Maya elites hosted elaborate feasts to reward their followers’ loyalty. Similar events are shown on polychrome pottery, depicting Classic Maya...

Understanding Infrastructural Power, Collective Action, and Urban Form: Situating Neighborhoods and Districts at Caracol, Belize (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adrian Chase.

Ancient Maya cities possessed a unique urban form characterized by two factors: mixed agricultural land use within residential areas and dispersed households consisting of extended family groups. These two factors contributed to the low-density nature of Maya cities, and conditioned urban form and the structure of neighborhoods and districts. The requirements of top-down administration resulted in the creation of districts to delineate areas of provisioning for the city’s urban services....

Understanding Maya Rituals of Power in the Candelaria Caves, Guatemala: A View from the Polychrome Ceramics of the Early Classic (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Walter Burgos Morakawa. Brent Woodfill.

The Candelaria Caves System, with its approximately 18 km of passageways, forms the second largest underground karstic complex in the Maya Area. As result of their location at the highland-lowland transition and close to Great Western Trade Route, it was an important pilgrimage center for people of different cultural and geographical regions. The Early Classic period (A.D. 250-500) marked the introduction of polychrome ceramics, mainly Dos Arroyos-group ceramics, which played an important role...

Understanding Pleistocene and Early Holocene faunal exploitation at Barrow Island, North-west Australia (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tiina Manne. Peter Veth. Fiona Hook. Kane Ditchfield. Ingrid Ward.

Barrow Island, located 50km off the modern Pilbara coast, contains the longest and richest archaeological record of Pleistocene coastal settlement in northern Australia. During lowered sea levels of the Pleistocene, the island was part of the greater Australian continent. Archaeological survey has revealed an array of sites in cave, rockshelter and open air-settings. The most diverse record has been recovered from a large limestone cave, where repeated visits began at c. 50 ka BP and continued...

Understanding Section 3 of NAGPRA (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Carroll.

This is an abstract from the "Beyond Collections: Federal Archaeology and "New Discoveries" under NAGPRA" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) became law on November 16, 1990. In the 29 years since NAGPRA was enacted, much attention has been paid to Native American human remains and other cultural items subject to NAGPRA already in museum and Federal agency collections. However, there’s...

Understanding the Diet of Late to Terminal Classic Period Maya Groups in the Sibun River Valley, Belize, through Food Web Reconstruction (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Morgan McKenna. Gabriel Wrobel. Amy Michael. Amy Commendador. Patricia McAnany.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A stable isotope based dietary study, coupled with previously collected zooarchaeological and botanical data, expands our understanding of ancient Maya dietary variation in the Late and Terminal Classic periods in the Sibun River Valley of central Belize. A food web was created based on the analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in plants and...

Understanding the World of the Scribe: Challenges and Opportunities of Cataloguing the Kerr Photographic Collection of Maya Art at Dumbarton Oaks (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joanne Baron. Frauke Sachse. Daniel Boomhower.

This is an abstract from the "A Celebration and Critical Assessment of "The Maya Scribe and His World" on its Fiftieth Anniversary" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The majority of photographs in “The Maya Scribe and His World” were taken by Justin Kerr. Kerr’s development of rollout photography transformed the field, allowing Maya ceramics to be documented and studied more easily. With the creation of the searchable online database Mayavase.com,...

Understandings of Household Architecture at Night in the Middle Chamelecón Drainage, Honduras (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lauren E. Schwartz.

Interpretations of Mesoamerican households tend to focus on activities that might rightly be associated with daylight hours and mostly informed by material culture that is moveable and multipurpose. However, intensive examinations of the non-movable or architectural composition of household settings have recently revealed even more about these diverse and socially complex domestic spaces. This examination initiates an analysis of the interaction between humans and their built-environment as it...

Underwater Archaeological Survey of Freshwater Lagoons in the Lacanja Basin, Chiapas, Mexico (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jason Paling. Marx Navarro Castillo. Justin Lowry.

The intrinsic relationship between human beings and bodies of water is unquestionable. Among the ancient Maya it has been observed that many of their agricultural cults were linked to existing bodies of water where they settled. In the Maya Northern Lowlands, multiple underwater archaeological studies of cenotes record this behavior as offerings of luxury items and human sacrifice are often recovered and noted. The Rancho Ojo de Agua archaeological project focuses on the basin of the Lacanhá...

Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection and Management in Pacific Island States (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Akatsuki Takahashi.

The waters of the Pacific Ocean contains a wealth of Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) encompassing the history of humanity from the Stone Age to the Atomic Age and witnessing climate change. This paper presents a summary of the outcomes of the UCH Programme in Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Notable progress includes the reference to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the UCH in SAMOA Pathway outcome document (2014), national and regional capacity building workshops, and...