USA (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

18,976-19,000 (35,799 Records)

The Dinosaur: Archaeological Investigations Within the Gila River Valley for the Salt River Project's Pinal Central to Dinosaur 500 kV Transmission Line, Pinal County, Arizona (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) plans to construct an 88-mile-long 500-kV extra-high voltage transmission line linking the Pinal West, Santa Rosa, Pinal Central, Abel, and Dinosaur substations (ACC CEC Case No. 126). This report presents the results of Phase I data recovery (extent testing) and Phase II data recovery within a 40-m- (130-ft-) wide corridor at seven sites located on State Trust Land administered by the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD) (ASLD...

The Diné Kin Ya’a Community (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Liv Winnicki.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Kin Ya'a (towering house) is a prominent Chacoan great house that was the center of large community in the 11th and 12th centuries. This area has been utilized by the Navajo (Diné) over the course of two or more centuries. Nevertheless, there has been a shortage of research done on the Diné occupation of this particular region. According to oral histories...

Diné łe’saa łitsxo bik'ah dash chá’ii dajíi la: Navajo Gobernador Polychrome Pottery (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Timothy Wilcox.

This is an abstract from the "Nat’aah Nahane’ Bina’ji O’hoo’ah: Diné Archaeologists & Navajo Archaeology in the 21st Century" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Gobernador Polychrome is a Navajo ceramic practice whose development was hastened by participation in the Pueblo Revolt. It represents a visible change in Navajo ceramic technology and a window into their social history. My discussions, in this paper are not aligned with Navajo...

Dipt, Painted, and Printed Wares: Ceramic Assemblages from Enslaved Homes as Evidence of Personal Choice at James Madison's Montpelier (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kimberly A Trickett.

For the past four years the Montpelier Archaeology Department has focused its research on the late-18th and early-19th-century enslaved community representing field hands, domestic servants, and skilled laborers and artisans. This paper will focus on the ceramic assemblages excavated from those areas and will discuss similarities and differences in decorative styles, vessel forms, and ceramic types using a vessel-based analysis. Decorative styles commonly found on white refined earthenwares will...

Direct Comparison of LA-ICP-MS and Handheld XRF Elemental Analysis of Copper Artifacts: A Methodological Case Study in the Exploration of Hopewell Valuables Exchange Systems (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin Nolan. Mark Seeman. Mark Hill. Eric Olson.

We evaluate the sensitivity of handheld X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF) analysis in reliable identification of geological sources of copper artifacts with varying levels of corrosion. As part of a larger project, we analyzed 52 copper artifacts and dozens of copper samples from known geological sources with Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) (Hill et al. 2016), and analysis of the same source samples with pXRF. In both of these previous analyses, we have achieved...

Directional Color Schemes at Chaco Canyon: Quaternary Patterns in Ornaments and Minerals from Kiva Offerings (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hannah Mattson.

This is an abstract from the "Coloring the World: People and Colors in Southwestern Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The placement of colorful ornaments, marine shell, and minerals in discrete ritual deposits is a long-lived practice in the Ancestral Pueblo region. This tradition is exemplified in Chaco Canyon, where numerous ceremonial deposits comprised of such objects have been documented in kivas and other rooms within great houses....

Directions in Deepwater Marine Archaeology: Using Technology to Grow and Synthesize Knowledge on the Deep Frontier. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eric Swanson. Tiffany Goldhamer. Ray Blackmon.

The increased use of remote sensing technology has allowed archaeology to go farther and deeper than ever before.  The capability of effecting real-time adaptations to Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) surveys and the increase in resolution of remote sensing equipment has provided scientists with a better opportunity to study and research what lies below the ocean’s surface.  It is with advancing technology that science and engineering has allowed for the better protection and understanding of...

Dirt, Rocks, and Water: Irrigation Here, There, Then, and Now (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Doolittle.

Regional specialists spend most of their time studying many topics in one area. Indeed, it would be next to impossible to be an authority on a region and its complexities if one did otherwise. Topical specialists, travel widely and study numerous variations on a single theme. Each of these specializations has its pros and cons. Neither is superior to the other. They are complementary. This presentation focuses on ancient irrigation in the American Southwest and present-day parallels from other...

Disappearing Historic Archaeology (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Neal Ackerly.

This paper explores the unintended consequences of recycling and solid waste disposal practices, both informal and programmatic, on nineteenth and twentieth century historic sites in the American West. Recycling or re-use of items of material culture has been around since time immemorial. However, it was not until World War I that recycling emerged on an industrial scale with the establishment of the Waste-Reclamation Service. Similarly, efforts to establish protocols for garbage (solid waste)...

The Disappearing Island: The Effect of Imminent Displacement on Social Exchange Relations on Tangier Island (WGF - Dissertation Fieldwork Grant) (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jonna Yarrington.

This resource is an application for the Dissertation Fieldwork Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Tangier Island is a small, incorporated town, just over one square mile, of 470 inhabitants in the Chesapeake Bay, belonging to Accomack County, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA. Its residents are densely related watermen and their families--mostly white, lower income, politically conservative, Christian, and skeptical of science and climate change. Endogamous marriage is preferred,...

Disaster Survey and Documentation of Southwest Florida Archaeological Site Damage from Hurricane Ian (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michelle LeFebvre. Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz. Victor Thompson. Nicolas Gauthier. Kristen Grace.

This is an abstract from the "*SE Hope for the Future: A Message of Resiliency from Archaeological Sites in South Florida" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Accelerating shifts in climate and extreme weather events such as hurricanes threaten archaeological sites, especially in coastal regions which contain some of the most vulnerable forms of cultural heritage. As such, coastal archaeological sites provide exemplary locations for 1) the rapid study...

Discerning Paleoindian Mobility in the Eastern Great Basin: A Geochemical Analysis of Lithic Artifacts from Bonneville Estates Rockshelter and Smith Creek Cave (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caitlin Doherty. Ted Goebel.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Lithic technological organization studies and geochemical analyses provide a useful way for archaeologists to examine prehistoric forager mobility. In the Great Basin, these methods, when applied to assemblages from multi-component sites, have revealed diachronic changes in lithic raw material procurement patterns between the Paleoindian and Early Archaic...

Discourse and Narrative Production at Historic Sites: The Role of Documentary Archaeology in Addressing Structural and Symbolic Violence (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marc Lorenc.

Expanding on conversations occurring in 19th century African American print culture studies, this paper explores the relationship of documentary archaeology to African American print materiality, black nationalism, and collective memory. Conceptualizing print material as mnemonic devices, the paper explores how print culture creates an imagined collectivity through the broad circulation of representational media. Specifically, this paper examines how these mnemonic devices, in relationship to...

Discourse, Dumpsites, and New Directions in the ‘Land of Trump’: Archaeology and Representations at Appalachian Company Coal Mining Towns (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Zada Komara.

Appalachia has been represented problematically for the past 150 years: Appalachians are the homogenous, white ‘Other’ in a backward land of isolated hillbillies living in opposition to the American mainstream.  Such characterizations have been revitalized since the 2016 election to explain Appalachia’s ‘cycle of self-inflicted ills,’ to justify exploitation, and to obfuscate underlying structural factors.  Archaeologists in Appalachia have unique input about its materiality, identity, and...

Discovered Repeatedly: A "Newcomers" Archeological Evaluation of Pacific Reef Wreck (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Madeline J. Roth.

Home to over one hundred submerged archeological sites, Biscayne National Park sits at the northern end of the Florida Reef. As part of the Park’s ongoing efforts to study, interpret, and stabilize submerged resources threatened by intensified storm activity and looting, National Park Service personnel excavated the remains of a mid-nineteenth century composite ship during the summer of 2016. Colloquially termed "Pacific Reef Wreck" by treasure hunter Marty Meylach, the site has been the target...

Discoveries from the Fort St. Joseph Bead Collection (Past & Present) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Korrin Lovett. Abbey Churney.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As small as they are, beads can create a window into past cultures. Their many uses demonstrate the intricacies of people’s personal preferences, socioeconomic status, religious practices, and much more. There has been no shortage of beads found at Fort St. Joseph, an eighteenth-century mission, garrison, and trading post. Made of glass, ceramic, or bone,...

Discoveries of Nautical Chart Making: NOAA Ship Fairweather - 2012 Arctic Region Expedition (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Janelle Harrison.

The NOAA Ship Fairweather is a hydrographic survey vessel that collects multi-beam bathymetry and side scan sonar data to produce today’s nautical charts which aid in the safe navigation of vessels along the Coast of Alaska, through the Bering Sea and into the Arctic Region. These types of cutting edge technologies are not only used to produce nautical charts, but are also methods utilized in nautical archaeology to discover historic shipwrecks. This paper discusses the findings and methods used...

Discovering Archaeology Through Video Games: A Non-Archeologist’s Enlightenment (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cory M Fogg.

Gamers interact with the past, present and future of the archeological world regularly, whether they realize it or not. We can experience the past through tools, clothes and weapons. We embark on virtual quests to recover cultural treasures from fictional peoples and worlds. We can even see all the efforts that archaeologists have made over the years in these games, depicted in the landscapes and characters of our favorite virtual worlds. Indeed, video games and the systems we play them on are...

Discovering Buried Pasts: Illinois Transportation Archaeology and the Rediscovery of America's First Native City (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alleen Betzenhauser. Thomas E. Emerson. Brad H. Koldehoff. Tamira K. Brennan.

This is an abstract from the "Byways to the Past: An American Highway Archaeology Symposium" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeology and transportation share a 60-year partnership in Illinois during which large-scale approaches to data recovery have become standard practices. These practices were recently employed to expose 28.5 acres of a precolumbian mound complex that is an integral part of Greater Cahokia. Investigations at East St Louis...

Discovering Leetown: A Small Hamlet’s Role in the Battle of Pea Ridge and Beyond. (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Victoria Jones. Jamie Brandon.

Leetown, a nineteenth century hamlet now within Pea Ridge Military Park in Northwest Arkansas was investigated during the University of Arkansas’ summer 2017 field school. The preliminary study of Leetown was a cooperative effort between the University of Arkansas, the Arkansas Archeological Survey, and National Park Service’s Midwest Archeological Center. The goal of both the geophysical and excavations were to identify what buildings and roads were located in the hamlet―from the Civil War...

Discovering San Antón de Carlos: the Sixteenth Century Spanish Buildings and Fortifications of Mound Key, Capital of the Calusa (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Victor Thompson. Amanda D. Roberts Thompson. William Marquardt. Karen J. Walker. Lee A. Newsom.

In 1566, Pedro de Menéndez de Aviles arrived at the capital of the Calusa kingdom. During that same year Menéndez issued the order to construct fort San Antón de Carlos, which was occupied until 1569. This fort was also the location of the first Jesuit mission (1567) in what is now the United States. We now can confirm, what archaeologists and historians suspected, that the location of the fort and the capital of the Calusa was the site of Mound Key (8LL2), located in Estero Bay in southwestern...

Discovering the Blue Ridge Exploradores: Celebrating Thirty Years of Public Engagement at the Berry Site (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Melissa Timo.

Juan Pardo and his men arrived in western North Carolina 450 years ago hoping to establish an overland route from the capital of Spanish Florida at Santa Elena (Parris Island, SC) to the silver mines of Zacatecas, Mexico. Excavations at one of the Pardo-established forts (known as Fort San Juan, Joara, and the Berry Site) began in 1986. Public engagement has been a key component from the first field season. This paper will discuss the evolving role outreach has played in the continuing...

The Discovery and Excavations of the 17th Century Structures at Eyreville (44NH0507) on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael W. Clem.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Archaeological Research of the 17th Century Chesapeake" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. VDHR staff was informed of early colonial artifacts recovered at Eyreville Farm, in Northampton County on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, in February of 2017. Documents available at the Northampton courthouse indicate that John Howe built a house there sometime after 1623. Colonel William Kendall, a wealthy merchant and the...

Discovery and Investigation of the Luna Settlement (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth D Benchley. John Worth.

The unexpected 2015 discovery of the Tristán de Luna y Arellano settlement (1559-1561) overlooking two Luna shipwrecks in Pensacola Bay has expanded research directions and public outreach by University of West Florida (UWF) archaeologists. Working in an established Pensacola neighborhood, UWF archaeologists have found diagnostic 16th century Spanish artifacts (Spanish ceramics, Aztec ceramics, wrought nails, armor, weapons, personal items, trade beads) across at least eight city blocks.  Intact...

Discovery of A Lost Seminole War Fort: Fort Shackelford (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Shawn Keyte.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Fort Shackelford was built in February of 1855 on what is now the Big Cypress Seminole Reservation in South Florida. It was one of several forts built by the U.S. Army used to scout near the Big Cypress and Everglades regions during the U.S. Government’s efforts to pressure the Seminoles into leaving the area. In late 1855, the fort was found burned and since...