USA (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

19,901-19,925 (35,799 Records)

EMVPP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
DATASET Sarah Oas.

Macrobotanical database from the El Morro Valley Prehistory Project (EMVPP) conducted in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico between 2000 and 2004.

EMVPP Obsidian Sourcing Data Table (2005)
DATASET Steven Shackley.

These samples were selected by Brandy Guthrie, an undergraduate at ASU for an unfinished honors thesis. They were selected from lithics collected during the 2003 field season and represent nearly all pieces of obsidian collected that year. The samples have been returned to their original bags along with a sample number and source information. Source information comes from Shackley 2005, a short report from the Berkeley Archaeological Laboratory.

(En)Gendering Cure: An Exploration of Gender Construction at a Twentieth Century Southern Asylum (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Zoe Schwandt.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this paper, I explore the way gender is conjured at an early twentieth century North Carolina Asylum through its organization of space and patients’ movement in this space. I consider the way that gender is maintained, reified, and produced through archival research on the Raleigh State Asylum of North Carolina. The built landscape of the Raleigh State...

Encapsulating Diversity in 19thCentury Los Angeles: An Archaeological Analysis of the Los Angeles/ Depot Hotel (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lena G. Jaurequi.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "California: Post-1850s Consumption and Use Patterns in Negotiated Spaces" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In 2001, the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) purchased the territory of what is now the Los Angeles State Historic Park located in downtown Los Angeles. The land has a diverse and complex history, intertwined with Gabrieliño Tongva, Spanish, Mexican and American ownership. Amongst...

Encountering Mannahatta: The Archaeological Search For New York's Past (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jacob S Kayen.

Considering the archaeological process within the City of New York and comparing two excavations from lower Manhattan landfill sites excavated thirty years apart, this paper analyzes how New York archaeology is carried out in practice, how the process has changed over time, and the capacity for the vast accumulation of material to (re)instantiate contemporary understandings of the past. How does archaeological research reflect a sociocultural disposition of the present? The dominant narrative of...

Encounters in the East African Bush: Game Trophies, African Hunting and the (Neo)Colonial Appropriation of Heritage (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexandra C Kelly.

This is an abstract from the "Itinerant Bureaucrats and Empire" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper traces growing colonial anxiety surrounding the management of East Africa’s natural heritage through sporadic encounters between white and indigenous hunters, distraught villagers, colonial officials, smugglers and safari tourists. Concerns about the availability of game for sport hunting, the supposed "cruelty" of indigenous hunting...

Encounters or Exposures? A Methodical Approach to Coastal Resiliency. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leah Colombo.

Climate change is unequivocal and recently the federal government has developed collaborative initiatives between the Departments of the Interior, Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, NOAA, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to identify natural and historic resources that require conservation and restoration to ensure they are more resilient to changing climate. Coastal resiliency, in particular, implies the need to maintain appropriate storm barriers, such as sand...

The End of Casas Grandes: The Legacy of Charles C. Di Peso Fifty Years after the Joint Casas Grandes Project (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Phillips, Jr..

Charles Di Peso believed that Paquime, the primary center for the Casas Grandes culture, succumbed to an attack in A.D. 1340. He further argued that the culture survived in the Sierra Madre, where it was encountered by early Spanish military adventurers. Other reviews of the data have come to different conclusions. In this essay, I examine and discuss the available chronometric data.

End of Field Work Report, Data Recovery for the Las Canopas Project, Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Czarzasty. Glen E. Rice.

This is a report on the end of fieldwork for the data recovery program conducted on the Helen Smith property from June 27, 2005 to January 12, 2006 at the site of Las Canopas (AZ T:12:137 [ASM]) in Phoenix, Arizona. The excavation was conducted to assist the property owner in complying with Arizona Statute A.R.S. 41-865 regarding the repatriation of burials and the City of Phoenix Ordinance on Historic Preservation (Chapter 8, Section 802). The Las Canopas project is Pueblo Grande Museum...

End of Field Work: Report Data Recovery for the GWH Project, Las Cremaciones, Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Glen E. Rice. John Gooding.

This is a report on the end of field work for a data recovery program conducted from September 23 to November 30, 2005, at the site of Las Cremaciones (AZ T:12:220 [ASM]) in Phoenix, Arizona. The excavation was conducted to assist the K. Hovnanian Great Western Homes (GWH) in complying with Arizona Statute A.R.S. 41-865 on the repatriation of burials and the City of Phoenix Ordinance on Historic Preservation (Chapter 8, Section 802). The K. Hovnanian Great Western Homes data recovery project is...

End of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery and Clearance of the SunAmerica Washington Park Property, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cory Dale Breternitz. Christine K. Robinson. Banks L. Leonard.

Between September 1997 and March 2002, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted archaeological excavations on approximately 32.5 ac of private lands at the large Classic Period Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande in Phoenix, Arizona. The property owned by SunAmerica is referred to as Washington Park. The excavations included testing and data recovery of prehistoric features to clear the parcel for proposed building construction. The excavations recovered human burials, architecture, and other features,...

End of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ U:9:264 (ASM) and a Portion of La Lomita [AZ U:9:67 (ASM)], for the Centergate Distribution Park Property in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cory Dale Breternitz. Christine K. Robinson. Banks L. Leonard.

Under contract to Higgins Development Partners, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted archaeological data recovery excavations between February and October 2007 at AZ U:9:264 (ASM) and a portion of La Lomita [AZ U:9:67 (ASM)] on approximately 60 acres of State Trust land in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. This parcel of State Trust land has been leased by Higgins Development Partners (ASLD Lease No. 03-105720) to be developed as the Centergate Distribution Park. The excavations at two...

End of Fieldwork Report, Data Recovery of the North End of the Frank Luke Addition, City of Phoenix Housing Department (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Glen Rice. Erik Steinbach.

Archaeological data recovery was conducted in the north end of the Frank Luke Addition in the City of Phoenix within a portion of the Hohokam site of La Ciudad, also known as AZ T:12:1 (ASM). The City of Phoenix Housing Department plans to construct affordable housing on the site of the Frank Luke Addition housing project originally constructed in 1952 by the City. The project is divided into two construction phases, and this report pertains to the northern part of the Phase 2 area. The area of...

End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery and Burial Removal for a Proposed Building Footprint and Utilities Along a New Street Alignment; Excavations Related to Monitoring For Other Utilities Installations; and Excavations Related to Unanticipated Discoveries in the Washington Park Development at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:7[ASM]), Phoenix, Arizona, 2007-2008 (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Banks L. Leonard. Brian E. Yunker. Rebecca J. Hill.

Three categories of activities are described in this report. A) Construction of a building and associated utilities would result in excavation below the grade to which previous archaeological data recovery and burial removal had occurred. In addition, the proposed construction would include modification to a landscaping easement, sidewalk, and curb along where the new street alignment would form an intersection, where no previous archaeological data recovery or burial removal had occurred....

End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) for the Coventry Homes Sewer Line (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David B. Tucker.

Archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants excavated within site AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) from September 4th to September 20th, 1996. A total of 41 person-days were spent investigating nine features and seven sub-features. These excavations were located along a proposed sewer line for Del Webb’s Coventry Homes. Prior archaeological testing utilized a backhoe to dig trenches in accessible areas along the line (Terzis 1996). Four features were noted in the profiles of these trenches, all...

End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Testing at AZ AA:12:130 (ASM) for the Effluent Pipe Outfall Realignment, Pima County Landfill, Pima County, Arizona (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

Archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, conducted test excavations at site AZ AA:12:130 (ASM) on November 21 and 22, 1996. These excavations consisted of five backhoe trenches long the centerline of a planned effluent pipe outfall realignment for Pima County Waste Water Management. This document summarizes the results of archaeological testing on the segment of the pipeline that crosses the plotted location of a known Middle Archaic site. Four features were identified during...

An End to Irate Letters? Social Justice in Tongva Land (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Desiree Martinez.

This is an abstract from the "Social Justice in Native North American Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For the past thirty years, Tongva leaders and cultural educators have created educational programs with local scholars in order to rectify the belief that the Tongva are extinct. In some instances, these programs were the result of irate letters from and protests by Tongva community members when exhibits, tours, interpretive signs,...

End-of-Life Choices and 19th Century North Georgia Cemeteries (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only L. Meghan Dennis.

In 1835, Carmel Baptist Church was established in the rural town of BrickStore, Georgia. Though not a large settlement by modern standards, Carmel drew from a dense population and was located in a built-up and developed area. Only 16 years later, the church combined with another congregation and instead of staying in BrickStore, the new Carmel Baptist Church was moved outside of the settled zone and into an unpopulated area marked only by the junction of two country roads.  The cemetery...

Ending at the Beginning: Excavation of the Louis Beaudoin Site (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Meyer.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 2013 while conducting an archaeological survey for proposed interstate improvements, archaeologists with the Missouri Department of Transportation identified the remnants of an 18th-century French-style house. The identification of several post-in-earth wall trenches and a handful of period artifacts was monumental and changed the entire direction of...

Endscrapers (2010)
IMAGE William Engelbrecht.

Selected Endscrapers

Endscrapers From the Eaton Site (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sharon Jenkins.

After seventeen field school excavations, the Eaton Site assemblage is ready to be examined more closely. One hundred sixty-two endscrapers found on the site were studied. Just what endscrapers were used for and the controversy surrounding hafting is discussed. In addition, data concerning variability and patterning in six areas of the site are reported. What this suggests for the site, as well as the potential impact of extensive plowing on the sample, are also discussed. Site maps showing...

The Enduring Expression of Historic Memory: The Role of Artistic Works in the Understanding, Protection, and Promotion of Cultural Resources (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alicia Caporaso.

Maritime disasters, military battles, and other significant traumatic events can develop enduring bodies of creative expression that work to preserve their memory, impact, and sense of place, and transforms them into shared social experiences even well after the events occurred. It may take the form of song, paintings, physical models, exhibitions, memorials, devotionals, novels, and/or film.  In this symposium, archaeologists and historians discuss examples of these forms of artistry as they...

An Enduring People: The Grand Portage Ojibwe and Expanding the Historical Narrative of the Post-Fur Trade Era. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jay Sturdevant. William Clayton. Steven De Vore. Michael Schumacher. Sean Rapier. Blair Scheider. Susan Kilgore.

The North West Company at Grand Portage defines the colonial narrative on the north shore of Lake Superior. A more inclusive historical narrative recognizes the lasting presence of the Grand Portage Ojibwe. After the 1854 Treaty of LaPointe, the Grand Portage Ojibwe entered the Reservation Era. Over the next century, the Grand Portage Ojibwe utilized traditional lifeways mixed with wage labor jobs while enduring U.S. Government policies of assimilation. Today, the Grand Portage Ojibwe co-manage...

"The enemy are in full march for Washington": The Search for the 1812 British Encampment at Nottingham (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Swain.

On the night of August 21st, 1814, British troops under the command of General Robert Ross camped at Nottingham in Prince George’s County, Maryland, while on their march to burn Washington, D.C. Nearly 200 years later in 2010, The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission began a multi-year survey at Nottingham with the goals of finding evidence of the encampment and of the nearby colonial town, established in 1706. Using a map drawn by a British engineer travelling with the troops,...

Engaged Bioarchaeology: Centering Descendant Voices in the Excavations of a Historic Mission Church in Belen, New Mexico (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claira Ralston. Pamela Stone. Debra Martin. Samuel Sisneros.

This is an abstract from the "Community Engaged Bioarchaeology: Centering Descendants" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. An engaged bioarchaeological project includes the Indigenous or descendant community from the beginning of the project, centers their questions, and brings forward their knowledge of the past to create more nuanced conversations about their ancestors. Shifting the focus from solely the goals of the anthropologist to a shared vision...