End of Field Work Report, Data Recovery for the Las Canopas Project, Phoenix, Arizona

Author(s): John Czarzasty; Glen E. Rice

Year: 2006


This is a report on the end of fieldwork for the data recovery program conducted on the Helen Smith property from June 27, 2005 to January 12, 2006 at the site of Las Canopas (AZ T:12:137 [ASM]) in Phoenix, Arizona. The excavation was conducted to assist the property owner in complying with Arizona Statute A.R.S. 41-865 regarding the repatriation of burials and the City of Phoenix Ordinance on Historic Preservation (Chapter 8, Section 802). The Las Canopas project is Pueblo Grande Museum project number PGM 2005-91.

The State statute and City ordinance pertain tot he recovery of prehistoric Native American burials and their repatriation to appropriate culturally affiliated Native American communities. This project used an existing burial agreement previously reached by the City of Phoenix, working with the Arizona State Museum, and the Salt River Pima - Maricopa Indian Community designating the Community as the group to accept the human remains and associated grave goods from Las Canopas for repatriation. During the data recovery program cultural representatives from the Salt River Pima - Maricopa Indian Community visited the site to conduct traditional observances prior to the removal of the burials.

This report describes the implementation of the work plan (Czarzasty et al. 2005) and presents tabular information on the extent of the fieldwork and numbers of excavated features. The analysis of artifacts and inventory of human remains is currently underway, and a final report presenting the full findings of the project will be completed in the summer of 2006, after which the burials will be repatriated to the Salt River Pima - Maricopa Indian Community.

Cite this Record

End of Field Work Report, Data Recovery for the Las Canopas Project, Phoenix, Arizona. John Czarzasty, Glen E. Rice. 2006 ( tDAR id: 446783) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8446783

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min long: -112.028; min lat: 33.369 ; max long: -111.993; max lat: 33.408 ;

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Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Landowner(s): Helen Smith

Prepared By(s): Rio Salado Archaeology, L.L.C.

Submitted To(s): Pueblo Grande Museum

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Project Number(s): RSA 12

Pueblo Grande Museum Number:(s): 2005-91

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