USA (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

19,926-19,950 (35,439 Records)

Examining Handheld XRF Inter-Instrument Variation: A Collaborative Project Using a Large Assemblage from the Great Basin (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lucas Martindale Johnson. Daron Duke. Jennifer DeGraffenried. Bruce Kaiser.

Collaborating with multiple XRF instruments enables larger than normal datasets to be analyzed in a short period. The portability of instruments is important to analysts working together in one location as groups of specimens can be analyzed simultaneously. However, certain protocols must be followed so there are no discrepancies among instruments. We present our project’s methodological controls, such as shared source library and calibration, and preliminary results. The study consists of over...

Examining History and Material Practice at George Washington’s Mount Vernon (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sean (1,2) Devlin.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Before, After, and In Between: Archaeological Approaches to Places (through/in) Time" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Historical archaeologists’ recent turn towards the consideration of temporality speaks directly to an interest in critically reflecting on the immanence of narrative historical events for daily practices within specific households or communities. George Washington’s Mount Vernon provides a...

Examining Indigenous Persistence and Survivance: Historical Archaeology at Mission Espada (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelton Sheridan.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper will present preliminary data from excavations and collections analysis at the Mission Espada in San Antonio, Texas. This is part of a larger multiscalar project that examines the lived experiences of Indigenous neophytes at Mission Espada and its associated ranch, Rancho de las Cabras, in eighteenth-century San Antonio. Exploring the daily...

Examining Large Game Animal Trade at Two Fremont Sites in Utah (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Spencer Lambert.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Strontium isotope analysis has been used by archaeologists to track prehistoric human and animal migrations. Strontium isotope analysis can suggest which large game individuals were obtained locally by prehistoric hunters and which were brought to habitation sites through long-distance hunting or trade. This study explores the potential of using strontium...

Examining Lynx and Pride of Baltimore II as Material Culture (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas J. Nelson-DeLong.

The study of privateers during the War of 1812 and Baltimore Schooners are directly linked to one another because it was during this time that the swift sailing vessel reached the pinnacle of its design, which provided the means for America’s private navy to be successful. The purpose of this essay is to examine the Baltimore Schooner during the War of 1812 and the replica ships Lynx and Pride of Baltimore II, to better understand maritime material culture both then and now. The replica...

Examining Mandan and Arikara Agricultural Production at Fort Clark in the Fur Trade Era (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adam S. Wiewel.

The Mandan/Arikara earthlodge village adjacent to the American Fur Company’s Fort Clark in North Dakota is well-documented, appearing in the accounts and depictions of Catlin, Maximilian, and Bodmer, among others. The village was originally constructed in 1822 by the Mandans, who occupied the settlement until the widespread 1837 smallpox epidemic, after which the Arikaras appropriated the village. Historical documents suggest the Mandans and Arikaras traded crucial resources, namely maize, to...

Examining Multiple Groups of Chronometric Data Using Multiple Methods: An Example from the Prehispanic U.S. Southwest (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Myles Miller.

This is an abstract from the "Constructing Chronologies II: The Big Picture with Bayes and Beyond" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over 4,000 radiocarbon age estimates are used to examine temporal trends in the Jornada region of the American Southwest between 4500 and 400 BP. Chronometric analysis reveals changing frequencies in architectural forms, technologies, and subsistence, a series of punctuated demographic trajectories and regional...

Examining Racialized Space: Understanding Free Communities Of Color Through Property Records (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jared P Muehlbauer.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "An Archaeology Of Freedom: Exploring 19th-Century Black Communities And Households In New England." , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. By the 19th century, slavery was abolished in New England and African Americans living in the region were legally free. Despite this, they occupied a tenuous position in American society, with political, economic, and social inequality a constant reality, and the continued...

Examining Ritualism in Late Archaic Domestic Contexts: Clay-floored Shrines at the Burrell Orchard Site, Ohio (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brian Redmond.

Much past research on the development of Archaic ideological complexity in eastern North America has focused primarily on ritualism and ceremony related to mortuary behaviors. Less attention has been given to ritualism within what is commonly thought of as domestic contexts and without overt mortuary ceremonialism or monumental architecture. The recent discovery of puddled clay architecture (floors) and associated features at the Burrell Orchard site (33LN15) in northeast Ohio provides new...

Examining Segregation between Chinese and Euroamerican Railroad Workers at the Townsite of Terrace Using Spatial Modeling (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelly N Jimenez.

This is a poster submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. By using spatial and statistical methods, this research aims to analyze patterns of social behavior at the historic townsite of Terrace, located in Box Elder County, Utah along the Central Pacific Railroad. The results of these analyses—a combination of field survey, cluster analyses, suitability modeling, and non-metric multidimensional scaling—are expected to answer several questions...

Examining Site Functions and Relationships: The Value of Small Ridgeline Sites on Pimu/Catalina Island (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karimah Kennedy Richardson. Hugh Radde. Wendy Teeter. Desiree Martinez.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Several decades of field reconnaissance have identified nearly one thousand archaeological sites on Catalina Island. The relationship between these coastal bluff villages, interior occupations, and smaller ridgeline sites are recognized via pathways, but not fully explored. In our efforts to better understand settlement patterns on this island the Pimu...

Examining Small-scale Variations within Late Mississippian Complicated Stamped Pottery from St. Catherines Island, GA (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anna Semon.

Late Mississippian (AD 1300-1580) ceramic typologies on the Georgia coast broadly group pottery based on 1) temper (coarse grit) and 2) surface decoration (incising, stamping, and rim decoration). Recently, Late Archaic and Mission period pottery studies focused on small-scale ceramic variations, which reflect micro-styles, were successful in identifying patterns related to past pottery communities of practice. Using a similar approach, I present data on three Late Mississippian village ceramic...

Examining the "Combustion point" as it relates to fire by friction (2007)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Al Cornell. David Wescott.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Examining the Architectural Technology at Lava Ridge Ruin, Arizona (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Benjamin Van Alstyne.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology of the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. One component of the archaeological record that can shed light on human behavior is architectural remains. Architectural studies in archaeology have mostly focused on evaluating the mechanical properties of construction materials, the amount of labor, time, and materials needed for construction, and room function to make...

Examining the Dietary Ecology of Ancient Channel Island Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and Island Foxes (Urocyon littoralis) Through Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of 13C and 15N from Bone Collagen (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chelsea Smith. Chris Yarnes.

Advancements in gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS) have allowed researchers to examine isotopic compositions for individual amino acids (AAs) comprising protein-based tissues. This method, known as Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA), has the potential to overcome certain limitations associated with bulk tissue (e.g., bone collagen) isotopic analysis. Specifically, CSIA allows information about organismal ecology to be generated from discrete samples...

Examining the landscape of enculturation at Euro-American Children’s Homes (Orphanages) and Native American Boarding Schools (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paulina Przystupa.

Institutions played an important part in American culture during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, serving segments of society that could not take care of themselves. While asylums, orphanages, and boarding schools have come to have a negative connotation in modern American culture, these places played a formative role in the enculturation and care for multiple generations and ethnicities in the United States. Particularly, children’s homes or orphanages and Native American Boarding...

Examining the Subsistence and Social Landscapes of the Late Precontact Occupations at the Topper Site (38AL23), Allendale, South Carolina (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Martin Walker. David Anderson.

The Late Woodland to Early Mississippian transition within the Atlantic Coastal Plain is characterized by widespread and dynamic changes from more dispersed and politically decentralized organizational practices into highly centralized, stratified, and complex sociopolitical organization. This period also experiences changes in both hunting technologies and horticultural food production. The timing of the linkages among these developments are not well established locally, something that this...

Examining the Use Lives of Archaic Bipointed Bifaces: Cache Blades from the Riverside Site (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Sterner. Robert Ahlrichs.

During the Late Archaic to Early Woodland transition, caches of blue gray chert bifaces were deposited throughout the Midwest, often in association with burials. Their utility between manufacture and deposition has long been the subject of speculation, but never compellingly demonstrated. Comprehensive use-wear analysis of these bifaces demonstrates that they were, in fact, used prior to deposition. Unfortunately, use-wear data in isolation tells us little about the actual role these bifaces...

Examining Turkey Husbandry in the Northern Southwest Using Legacy Museum Collections (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Blythe Morrison.

This is an abstract from the "Current Research on Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) Domestication, Husbandry and Management in North America and Beyond" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this paper, I examine some of the details of turkey husbandry by analyzing avian remains and associated material culture, including feathers and cordage. The North American turkey (Meleagris gallopavo spp.) has had a significant and enduring presence in many of the...

Examining Variable Funerary Practices at Pottery Mound, New Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jana Meyer.

Pottery Mound (LA 416) is a Pueblo IV village site located on the Rio Puerco in central New Mexico southwest of the modern city of Albuquerque and was occupied from the mid-14th to mid-15th centuries. This site is most notable for its abundance of local and non-local ceramic types and elaborate kiva murals (Schaafsma 2007). Excavations at Pottery Mound took place during several University of New Mexico (UNM) field schools under direction of Frank Hibben and later Linda Cordell between the 1950s...

Examining Wangunk-Hollister Interactions Through Analysis of the Colonial Landscape and Indigenous Pottery (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maeve Herrick.

The first few decades of colonization in southern New England appear to have been markedly different from eighteenth-century colonialism in the region. Specifically, relationships and interactions between English settler-colonists and Indigenous peoples during this time seem to have been complex and characterized by reciprocity. Intersecting lines of evidence at the Hollister site support this, and indicate that complex relationships were fostered between the colonists occupying the site, and...

Examining Wealth and Technology of the Palmer Family at Glen Eyrie (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael J. Prouty.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "The Glen Eyrie Middens: Recent Research into the Lives of General William Jackson and Mary Lincoln “Queen” Palmer and their Estate in Western Colorado Springs, Colorado." , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Recent excavations along Camp Creek in Colorado Springs have identified separate dumping episodes associated with the Palmer family and the estate staff’s occupation of the Glen Eyrie Estate. Nearly 60,000...

Excavated Archaeofaunal Data from the Agua Fria National Monument (2004)
DATASET Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

Excavated Archaeofaunal Data from the Agua Fria National Monument

Excavated Paleoethnobotanical Data from the Agua Fria National Monument (2004)
DATASET Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

Excavated Paleoethnobotanical Data from the Agua Fria National Monument

Excavated Squares
IMAGE Uploaded by: Amanda Sacks

This is a map of the excavated squares during the 1983 excavation at the Jackson-Everson site.