USA (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

35,701-35,725 (35,814 Records)

Work Order Directory, March 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 544 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of March 2012.

Work Order Directory, May 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 429 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of May 2011.

Work Order Directory, May 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 598 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of May 2012.

Work Order Directory, November 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 494 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of November 2011.

Work Order Directory, November 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 551 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of November 2012.

Work Order Directory, October 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 551 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of October 2011.

Work Order Directory, October 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 708 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of October 2012.

Work Order Directory, September 2011 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2011)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 569 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of September 2011.

Work Order Directory, September 2012 State Historic Preservation Office Spreadsheet, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2012)
DATASET Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

This procurement log is a spreadsheet of 543 work order numbers, their vendors, status and date of completion. The work orders were completed at Randolph Air Force Base in the month of September 2012.

Work Plan and Research Design for the 3,116-acre Intensive Cultural Resource Inventory on Schriever Air Force Base Lands, El Paso County, Colorado (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Clive Briggs. Melissa Elkins. Dante Knapp. Natasha Krasnow.

Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc., contracted by the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University-San Marcos (CAS), has completed this work plan and research design in preparation for Class III Intensive Cultural Resource Field Inventory of approximately 3,116 acres on United States Schriever Air Force Base (SAFB) lands in El Paso County, Colorado.

Work Plan for Conducting Data Collection and Site Stabilization for Four Endangered Archaeological Sites (LA 38136, LA 38910, LA 112472, and LA 148019) Located on Lands Owned by the US Air Force and on Cibola National Forest Lands Withdrawn to Kirtland Air Force Base (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James D. Gallison. David J. Kilby.

Work plan for site stabilization of four sites threatened by either erosion or construction at Kirtland Air Force Base.

Work Plan for Conducting Geomorphic Investigations at LA 152577 on Kirtland Air Force Base (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James D. Gallison. J. David Kilby.

This is a proposal to carry out limited subsurface testing at LA 152577 for the purpose of collecting sediment and soils data to contribute to understanding the geomorphology of Kirtland Air Force Base. LA 152577 is a Folsom Paleoindian site that we encountered and recorded while carrying out a geomorphic survey along Tijeras Arroyo. We propose to place two excavation units on the site, exposing stratigraphic profiles of the potentially deep eolian sands that characterize the southern edge of...

Work Plan for Conducting National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Eligibility Determination for 62 Archaeological Sites on Cibola National Forest Lands Withdrawn to Kirtland Air Force Base (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James D. Gallison. J. David Kilby.

This document details plans to conduct the archaeological testing necessary to complete National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility assessments of the remaining 62 sites on US Forest Service (USFS) lands withdrawn to the Department of Defense (DoD) at Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) for which eligibility has not been determined. This investigation will help to complete the inventory of cultural resources recorded at Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) and will assist Kirtland Air Force...

A Work Plan for Further Investigations of Archaeological Sites Along the 500kV Tonto National Forest Boundary to Kyrene Transmission Line Route, Coronado Station Project, Pinal and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John M. Antieau.

An intensive survey of approximately 67 km (42 mi) of transmission line right-of-way between Kyrene and the Tonto National Forest boundary was completed by a 3-man crew in 15 days. A total of 144 field numbers were assigned to cultural materials encountered, ranging from a single flake or sherd to a large site or component thereof. Material recovered is summarized in Table 1, and locations are plotted on accompanying aerial photos. Isolated artifacts and small scatters were collected; samples (1...

Work Plan, Phase 1 Archaeological Survey: Sagamore Hill Antenna Complex, Hamilton, MA and Eagle Hill Antenna Facility, Ipswich, MA (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Parsons Engineering Science, Inc.

The Headquarters Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (HQ AFCEE) has tasked Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. (Parsons) to conduct Phase I archaeological surveys at the Sagamore Hill Antenna Complex, Hamilton. Massachusetts, and at the Eagle Hill Antenna Facility, Ipswich, Massachusetts. The overall project objective is to conduct a Phase I archaeological survey of approximately 10 acres of the Sagamore Hill facility considered to be archaeologically sensitive. To achieve this...

Work Plan: Phase I/II Archeology Survey, Site W - U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center, White Oak, Maryland (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Garrow and Associates, Inc..

This work plan is submitted in compliance with the scope of work issued by the Department of the Army, Baltimore District, Corps of Engineers (COE) on June 7, 1995. The scope of work encompasses Phase 1 Archaeological Survey of a portion of a parcel of land in what is known as Site W at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, as well as Phase II Archaeological Testing of two sites identified by COE staff during a previous Phase I survey of remaining acreage within Site W. One of the sites is described...

Work Request, Building 900 Room 301, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Danny J. Parnell.

A work request form for the existing ceiling and lights, of Room 301 in Building 900 at Randolph Air Force Base, to be replaced with a suspended ceiling system. To keep continuity in the building, Randolph proposes that the new ceiling should match the ceiling in the Command Section at the other end of the hall.

Work Request, Building 900 Room 309, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John D. Jenkins.

Work Request Form, by Randolph Air Force Base, to install a food preparation area within the existing Head Quarters ATC/CSP Facilities, Building 900, Room 309.

Work shelter construction at Virginia's Explore Park. (1996)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniel Firehawk Abbott. David Wescott.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Worker’s Housing and Class Struggle in the Northern Forest (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only LouAnn Wurst.

Worker’s housing is the material embodiment of the contradictions and class struggle between capital and labor. These contradictions stem from capital’s goal of securing cheap and reliable labor while workers strive for higher wages and gaining a measure of control and autonomy over their own lives. Archaeologists tend to overly simplify these complex social relations by uncritically adopting common ideological descriptions such as paternalism or overusing dualisms like dominance and resistance....

Working Class Providence: The Gaspee Street Neighborhood in the Mid-Nineteenth Century (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heather Olson.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Reinterpreting New England’s Past For the Future" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. For the last six years, The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc. has worked to catalog and analyze the Providence Cove Lands Collection. This assemblage represents artifacts from two archaeological sites from the edges of what was once the Great Salt Cove: the Carpenter’s Point Site (on the south shore), and the North Shore...

Working For Community: The Yaqui Indians at the Salt River Project (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Leah S. Glaser.

After fifty years of service,Juan Martinez retired from the Salt River Project on June 20, 1968. From the age of seven­teen, Martinez had worked alongside hundreds of other Yaqui In­dians maintaining the Salt River Valley’s irrigation system. For much of that time, he lived and raised his family in a company-owned labor camp—one of the largest Yaqui settlements in Ari­zona. At the camp, corporate interests cultivated the Indian com­munity in a mutually beneficial arrangement that supported the...

Working Hypotheses for the Study of Hohokam Community Complexes (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Glen Rice.

Over the course of the last seven to ten years, archaeologists working in different parts of the south central desert of Arizona have begun the documentation of Community Complexes. This is a general term for a range of phenomena which lie somewhere on the scale between community patterns and settlement patterns. This is a discussion of settlement structure rather than style, and not all researchers will be comfortable with this orientation. I readily violate and ignore many long standing...

Working in Small Areas: The Archaeology Of An Urban Backyard in St. Charles, Missouri (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Dasovich.

Working in small, urban backyards is challenging due to often numerous ground disturbing activities.  Often lurking between these disturbances, archaeological deposits can offer interesting and surprising glimpses of past activity.  One backyard along Main Street in St. Charles, Missouri offers just such a glimpse that includes family life and dumping activity interpreted through 20th-Century children's toys and an unusually dense concentration of 19h-Century ceramics,

Working Off the Farm: Extracurricular Labor Expenditures and Farm Households (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dustin W Conklin.

Between the late 19th and early 20th centuries farmers in the town of Hector, Schuyler County, New York, sought out additional employment oppurtunies at an increased rate. These occupations included endeavors that ranged from shopkeepers and schoolteachers to stenographers and doctors. Furthermore, these additional strains on household labor impacted agricultural production across the town of Hector. This included differential product choices and land improvements. Historical and archaeological...