Baseline Road (Geographic Keyword)

1-7 (7 Records)

Archaeological Survey of Baseline Road From 7th to 51st Avenues, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lourdes Aguila.

At the request of Brian Kenny of the Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT). Archaeological Consulting Services., Ltd. conducted an intensive archaeological survey of county and private land along Baseline Road in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The survey was performed to provide an inventory of cultural resources that might be impacted by proposed road improvements. The work was conducted under permit 97-16BL issued by the Arizona State Museum (ASM). Seven isolated occurrences...

Archaeological Testing at AZ Q:6:69 (ASM) and AZ Q:6:72 (ASM) for the Concho Well East Field Project North of Concho, Apache County, Arizona (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald F. Ryden. Douglas R. Mitchell.

This report presents the results of archaeological testing at two sites located north of Concho, Apache County, Arizona. SWCA conducted mechanical trenching at AZ Q:6:69 (ASM) and AZ Q:6:72 (ASM) at the request of Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) prior to construction of two new wells and installation of approximately 10,700 feet of new pipeline, which will connect to the existing water delivery system at the Coronado Generating Station. The project area is...

Arizona Department of Transportation Environmental & Enhancement Group: An Addendum Cultural Resources Report for the 202L, South Mountain Freeway EIS & L/DCR Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark Brodbeck.

A supplemental Class III cultural resources survey and historic site documentation of alternative alignments for the South Mountain Freeway Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Location/Design Concept Report (L/DCR).

A Cultural Resource Inventory for the Southwest Loop Freeway Project: Phases One and Two of the Inventory and Planning Study for the Southwest Loop Project (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Todd W. Bostwick. Glen E. Rice.

The Arizona Department of Transportation began plans in 1985 to construct a new highway (State Route 218) in the Phoenix metropolitan area which would extend around the western and southern sides of South Mountain. This is a report on the historic and prehistoric cultural resources of the area. The construction of State Route 218 will be funded by the State of Arizona, and this work has been conducted under the State Historic ...

Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment of Red Mountain Freeway (State Route 202) From State Route 87 to US Highway 60 Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara S. Macnider. Holly DeMaagd. Karolyn Jackman Jenson. Shereen Lerner. Jerryll Moreno. Gerald A. Doyle.

In conjunction with an Environmental Impact Statement analysis being conducted for the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Red Mountain Freeway by Entranco Engineers, Inc., Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) performed cultural resource investigations of proposed alternative alignments. A Class I survey, or literature review, was first prepared for a 55-square-mile area to assist the initial alternative selection process. A Class III survey of all...

Historic Documentation of a Return Flow Canal Near 99th Avenue and Lower Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark R. Hackbarth.

Historic records documentation and photographic recordation was conducted for a return flow canal constructed between a.d. 1917 to 1921 as part of the region’s agricultural development. The feature has an interconnected history with the Salt River Project and the Roosevelt, St. Johns-Laveen, and Buckeye Irrigation Districts. The canal segment is an example of irrigation features that are fast disappearing and is eligible for inclusion on the National Register under Criterion D because of its...

Research Design for Data Recovery at La Ciudad de Los Hornos: The Superstition Freeway and Priest Drive Locale (AZ U:9:48 ASM) (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark Chenault. Deni Seymour. David Greenwald. Richard Ahlstrom. Thomas Euler. Kirk Anderson. Mark Slaughter. David Abbott.

The following document presents a research design for archaeological investigations sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) at the site of La Ciudad de Los Hornos (Los Hornos). The project consists of two phases: testing and data recovery. The testing phase has been completed and a report (Chenault et al. 1991) of the results submitted to ADOT. In addition, the testing results are briefly summarized below. The proposed ADOT undertaking involves the planned reconstruction of...