Interstate 10 (Geographic Keyword)
1-15 (15 Records)
Archaeological excavations at El Dumpe and the Embankment site were conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc. in the summer of 1994. The Arizona Department of Transportation had made plans to install frontage roads on each side of Interstate 10, between Speedway Boulevard and Grant Road. Archaeological testing had previously suggested these sites might be National Register eligible. Work at El Dumpe involved collecting samples from this 1930s to 1940s dump. The University of Arizona Garbage...
Archaeological Investigations of Early Village Sites in the Middle Santa Cruz Valley, Analyses and Synthesis, Part I (1998)
A series of archaeological investigations were conducted from 1993 to 1995 at four prehistoric sites in the middle Santa Cruz Valley. This fieldwork was part of the Arizona Department of Transportation's archaeological mitigation program of the Interstate 10 Corridor Improvement Project through Tucson, Arizona. The sites included the remains of three early farming settlements--the Santa Cruz Bend (AZ AA:12:746 [ASM]), Square Hearth (AZ AA:12:745 [ASM]), and Stone Pipe (AZ BB:13:425 [ASM])...
Archaeological Monitoring and Discovery Plan for a Sign Rehabilitation and Replacement Project on Interstate 10 (Mileposts 145.5-156.3) and Several Crossroads in the Cities of Phoenix and Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) intends to conduct a sign rehabilitation and replacement project on Interstate 10 (1-10) from milepost (MP) 145.5-156.3 in the cities of Phoenix and Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona (Figure 1). In addition to the 1-10 mainline, the project also will include sign installation and replacement on the following crossroads: 3rd Street, 7th Street, 16th Street, Washington Street, Jefferson Street, Sky Harbor Circle, Buckeye Road, 24th...
A Class I Overview of the South Mountain Freeway Corridor Study Area, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is preparing a new Environmental Impact Statement and Location/Design Concept Report for the South Mountain Freeway Corridor, south and west of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. As part of that report, this Class I overview provides a detailed inventory of previously recorded archaeological sites and previous archaeological investigations located in the current study area. This document is to be used primarily as a management tool in the...
Craft Specialization in the Southern Tucson Basin: Archaeological Excavations at the Julian Wash Site, AZ BB:13:17 (ASM), Part 1: Introduction, Excavation Results, and Artifact Investigations (2011)
Results of large-scale excavations conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., personnel in 2000, at the Julian Wash site, AZ BB:13:17 (ASM), are reported in two volumes. Data recovery focused on portions of the site that were to be directly impacted by construction of the new highway interchange, while portions of the site not impacted were set aside as preserves later incorporated into a regional park. Excavations focused on four areas with concentrations of prehistoric cultural features. The...
A Cultural Resources Assessment of Potential Routes for the Salt River Project's Proposed 230 kV Electric Transmission Line in District 4 of the Gila River Indian Community, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2013)
This report presents the results of a Cultural Resources Assessment (Class I Records Search, with limited supplemental fieldwork) by the Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) Cultural Resource Management Program (CRMP) for the proposed construction of a 230 kV electric transmission line in District 4 of the GRIC, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (CRMP Project No. 2012.36x0). Implementation of the proposed undertaking will require approval from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Pima Agency....
The Early Agricultural Period Component at Los Pozos: Feature Descriptions and Data Tables (2001)
This volume contains descriptive data for excavated features and materials collected from the Early Agricultural period component at Los Pozos (AZ AA:12.91 [ASM]). These data are analyzed and discussed in a companion volume (Gregory, ed. 2001), while a related volume (Gregory, ed. 1999) reports on the Middle Archaic component investigated at this same site. The site name acknowledges several Early Agricultural period wells discovered during work at the site. These data were collected as part of...
Excavations in the Santa Cruz River Floodplain: The Early Agricultural Period Component at Los Pozos (2001)
Archaeological research reported in this volume was conducted under an on call contract between Desert Archaeology, Inc. and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT; Contract 9446). This contract provides for documentation and appropriate treatment of cultural resources encountered during long-term implementation of proposed ADOT improvements to the Tucson area segment of the Interstate 10 corridor between the Interstate 19 interchange on the south and Tangerine Road on the north (Mabry...
Excavations in the Santa Cruz River Floodplain: The Middle Archaic Component at Los Pozos (1999)
The Middle Archaic remains reported here are a component of a larger distribution designated as AZ AA:12:91(ASM) in the Arizona State Museum Site Survey system and named Los Pozos. The site was investigated in anticipation of impacts from proposed Arizona Department of Transportation improvements to the Interstate 10 corridor in the Tucson metropolitan area (Mabry 1993b; Preface to this volume). In addition to the spatially restricted Middle Archaic remains, the site includes an extensive Early...
Investigations at Sunset Mesa Ruin: Archaeology at the Confluence of the Santa Cruz and Rillito Rivers, Tucson, Arizona (1999)
Data recovery at Sunset Mesa Ruin, AZ AA:12:10 (ASM), uncovered a segment of a single-component Rincon phase settlement dating between A.D. 1000 and 1100, as well as the remains of a turn-of-the-century adobe homestead. Excavations were confined to a 7,500-m2 area in the northwestern corner of the site, primarily within the proposed Corps of Engineers overbank protection area along the Rillito River. The prehistoric component consisted of a discrete residential cluster of five pit houses that...
Las Capas: Early Irrigation and Sedentism in a Southwestern Floodplain (2008)
In 1998, Desert Archaeology, Inc., personnel conducted archaeological data recovery fieldwork at the request of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) for a redesigned on-ramp to the Interstate 10 (I-10) highway in the western Tucson Basin, southern Arizona. The investigated areas were within the boundaries of Las Capas, AZ AA:12:111 (ASM), a 50-hectare (123-acre) stratified site buried in the former floodplain of the Santa Cruz River. Radiocarbon dates from 46 samples of maize and...
Prehistoric Uses of a Developing Floodplain: Archaeological Investigations on the East Bank of the Santa Cruz River at A-Mountain (1999)
Between 18 March and 12 April 1997, archaeological fieldwork was conducted at two sites in the Congress Street to Twenty-ninth Street segment of the Arizona Department of Transportation's Interstate 10 Corridor Improvement Project in Tucson, Arizona. Both sites are buried in the eastern Holocene terrace of the Santa Cruz River, directly opposite A-Mountain. In Locus 1 were stratified alluvial deposits containing features dating to the early Cienega phase (800-400 B.C.) and late Cienega phase...
A Preliminary Report of Archaeological Sites Found Along the All American Pipeline Right-of-Way Between Ward Road in Maricopa County, Arizona, and a Point 95 Miles to the West (1985)
Between March 22 and August 14, 1985, archaeologists from the Cultural Resources Management Division of New Mexico State University (NMSU) conducted an archaeological clearance survey of all lands along the proposed Right-of-Way of the All American Pipeline Project (AAPL) between a point known as Ward Road in Maricopa County, Arizona and a point 95 miles to the west, at the Colorado River in La Paz County, Arizona. The All American Pipeline project is a construction project which involves...
A San Pedro Phase Agricultural Field and Early Ceramic Period Occupations in the Middle Santa Cruz Valley, Southern Arizona: Investigations at the Stewart Brickyard and Rillito Loop Sites (2013)
Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) proposed widening Interstate 10 (I-10) in northern Pima County, Arizona. Desert Archaeology, Inc., was contracted to mitigate the potential effects construction would have on significant cultural resources. A phased data recovery program was completed that addressed construction impacts at five archaeological sites along the l-10 corridor. Phase 1, exploratory trenching, tested for subsurface deposits at AZ AA:12:51 (ASM), AA:12:252 (ASM), AZ AA:12:486...
Watering the Desert: Late Archaic Farming at the Costello-King Site: Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:503 (ASM) in the Northern Tucson Basin (1998)
In August 1995, Statistical Research, Inc., performed data recovery on an area approximately 3,200 m2 at AZ AA: 12:503 (ASM), a Late Archaic period site in the northern Tucson Basin. The site is located on a parcel of land owned by Waste Management of Southern Arizona, and the project was undertaken in response to the plans of Waste Management to construct a new southern Arizona headquarters. Three of the four stratigraphic units defined at the site yielded cultural features. One hundred...