Remote Sensing (Investigation Type)

Investigations that involve the use of aerial or satellite sensor technologies to detect, describe, or classify objects on Earth (e.g. LIDAR, photographic, radar, or spectral methods).

326-350 (767 Records)

Photographic field work in Tunisia in 1971 (1971)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Aerial photography with a bipod and hydrogen-filled balloon in Tunisia. Recording mosaics and architecture. Assist Julian Whittlesey in his site recording for Margaret Alexander.

Photographs (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

Photographs are one of the few remaining ways to examine the now inundated archaeological sites in the DAP. Photographic images add context to specific aspects of Anasazi life in the DAP area; in a sense, DAP photography "provides the investigator with ways to understand the spatial integration of households and communities" (Wilshusen et al. 1999:115). Only a fraction of all photographs taken during the project can be found in the published series of DAP reports. Individuals wishing to access...

Photographs of Launch Complex 40 and 41 (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Photographs of Launch Complex 40 and 41, Set 1 and 2.

Photolog for field photos from 41OR90 underwater monitoring investigations. (2020)
DATASET Uploaded by: Mason Miller

Photolog to accompany field photos included in the 41OR90 Project.

Photos and Maps of the Jupiter Crash Site (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Maps and photos associated with the Jupiter Crash Site 8BR02087.

Photos of Canaveral Fish Company (Stinktown) Site (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Photos of site 8BR00239.

PIN 0757.46.121
PROJECT New York State Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration.

This project includes reports including a data plan, an archaeological monitoring and treatment report, a pre-reconnaissance and reconnaissance report, an architectural survey, and site examination report relating to the investigation of the PIN 0757.46.121 project area.

PLC dataset from San Andrés, Tabasco, México
PROJECT Uploaded by: Christopher von Nagy

To be added

Post-processed Teledyne BlueView scanning multibeam sonar dataset collected at Site 41OR90 (January 2020) (2020)
SENSORY DATA Mason Miller. Joseph Grinnan. Sara M. Parkin.

Processed and merged point clouds from BlueView multibeam scanning sonar deployed around the perimeter of World War I shipwreck 41OR90. The dataset includes three vantages around the wreck that were accessible and produced viable data, including: 1) the full length of the ship's starboard, 2) the port bow, and 3) the port side abaft the midships section.

Pottery type images for the western Tabasco Coastal Plain (2008)
IMAGE Christopher von Nagy.

This set of images documents common ceramics types found at La Venta, Tabasco. The examples here were recovered from San Andrés (Barí 1), a subsidiary elite community in the Lower La Venta area of the flood plain. The ceramics at San Andrés demonstrate a range of states from refired and eroded to well-preserved. The type images presented here are of generally well-preserved examples. These types are defined in my dissertation (von Nagy 2003), and will receive full treatment in a forth coming...

Preservation Briefs #36 - Protecting Cultural Landscapes: Planning, Treatment and Management of Historic Landscapes (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles A. Birnbaum.

Preservation Recommendations, treatment, and management of cultural and historic landscapes from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

Prosperity, power, and change: Modeling maize at Postclassic Xaltocan, Mexico (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chris Morehart. Dan Eisenberg.

Documenting the relationship between agriculture and political economy occupies the center of much research and debate in anthropological archaeology. This study examines this issue by focusing on maize at Xaltocan, a Postclassic community located in the northern Basin of Mexico. We consider how different mechanisms of distribution, circulation, and production can influence maize variation. We analyze maize variability through time at Xaltocan and the community’s chinampa system and interpret...

PROYECTO ARQUEOLÓGICO MATACANELA (PAM), Informe Técnico de la Primera Temporada 2014 (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marcie Venter.

Report of the 2014 field and lab season submitted to, and approved by the Consejo de Arqueologia, INAH

Proyecto Laguna Costera Catalógo ● Muestras de Cerámica (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher von Nagy.

Catalog of ceramic type collections on file with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). This is part of the Proyecto Laguna Costera document set.

Pueblo on the Plains: The 2019 Investigations at the Merchant Site of Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

Poster presentation describing the 2019 investigations at the Merchant Site (LA 43414)

Pueblo on the Plains: The Merchant Site (LA 43414) of Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

Public education and outreach brochure describing the survey and excavation projects at the Merchant site and Mescalero Plain of southeastern New Mexico

DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller. Timothy B. Graves. Charles Frederick. Mark Willis. John D Speth. J. Phillip Dering. Susan J. Smith. Crystal Dozier. John G. Jones. Jeremy Loven. Genevieve Woodhead. Jeffery Ferguson. Mary Ownby.

This report presents the results of the second season of investigations at the Merchant village site (LA 43414) in southeastern New Mexico. The excavations and analyses were sponsored by the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) of the Bureau of Land Management and funded under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement. Excavations focused on sections of room blocks in two areas of the main village, the agricultural fields, and midden deposits.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller. Timothy B. Graves. Charles Frederick. Mark Willis. John D Speth. J. Phillip Dering. Susan J. Smith. Crystal Dozier. John G. Jones. Jeremy Loven. Genevieve Woodhead. Jeffery Ferguson. Mary Ownby.

This report presents the results of the second season of investigations at the Merchant village site (LA 43414) in southeastern New Mexico. The excavations and analyses were sponsored by the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) of the Bureau of Land Management and funded under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement. Excavations focused on sections of room blocks in two areas of the main village, the agricultural fields, and midden deposits.

The Racetrack Project
PROJECT Will Russell. Katherine Spielmann. David Abbott. Arizona State University (ASU).

Between A.D. 1250 and 1450, a large number of ceremonial racetracks were built at and between villages in north-central Arizona. This assemblage began as a relatively dispersed collection, stretching from the Sedona area down to Cave Creek and from the Bradshaw Mountains to the Mazatzal Wilderness. Over time, the racetrack network grew in intensity but became spatially focused atop Perry Mesa, along the middle Agua Fria River. In conjunction with the Legacies on the Landscape Project and...

Raw Data for Soils Collected on the Pampa de Chaparri on the North Coast of Peru (2010)
DATASET Colleen Strawhacker.

These are the raw data for soils collected on the Pampa de Chaparri on the north coast of Peru for Strawhacker's dissertation research.

Raw Data on Soils Collected from Prehispanic and Historic Fields on the Middle Gila River (2013)
DATASET Colleen Strawhacker.

These are the raw data from the soils collected from the middle Gila River (on the land now management by the Gila River Indian Community) for Strawhacker's dissertation research.

Recent Archaeological Investigations on Dataw Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brockington and Associates. Eric C. Poplin. Gwendolyn Burns. Andrew Agha.

Archaeologists with Brockington and Associates, Inc., undertook limited investigations of the B. B. Sams Plantation Complex (38BU581) and the Cotton Dike Cemetery (38BU508) on Dataw Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations include ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the Sams Family Cemetery at 38BU581 and the Cotton Dike Cemetery, an African- American cemetery, and limited excavations at the reported location of the former well in the B. B. Sams Plantation complex....

Remote sensing of cultural deposits on Marajo Island (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Ideas for possible aerial exploration of Marajo Island. Prepared for Anna C. Roosevelt (Field Museum).

Retracing the Middlebrook Encampments of the American Revolutionary War: A Cartographic Analysis (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Brown. Geoffrey Fouad. Richard Veit.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Revisiting Revolutionary America" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Continental Army occupied a strategic section of the Watchung Mountains of New Jersey during the spring of 1777 and winter of 1778-79. More than 5,000 soldiers were encamped over a 10-square-mile area of Washington Valley in Somerset County. During what is known as the Middlebrook Encampments, the soldiers modified the terrain in this...

A Sample of Aboriginal Pottery Vessels from Structure 03 at Old Mobile (1MB94), Mobile County, Alabama. (2000)
IMAGE Gregory Waselkov.

A sample of some of the Native American pottery vessels identified from the Structure 03 assemblage at the Old Mobile site (1MB94). Many of the illustrated types can be attributed to Apalachee, Mobilian, Tomeh, and Chato potters.