Geophysical Survey (Investigation Type)

Investigations that rely on ground-based instrument sensing techniques to create images and/or maps for archaeological research (e.g. magnetometry, resistivity, or ground penetrating radar).

126-150 (672 Records)

Conductivity (EM) Survey: A Survival Manual (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text R. Berle Clay. Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc..

This report/manual focuses on the techniques and uses of the Conductivity survey, also known as the electromagnetic survey (EM) and how it measures the ability of the soil to conduct an electric current. The value, measured in siemens, is the reciprocal of resistivity (to convert to resistivity in ohm meters, divide the conductivity, in millisiemens per meter, into one thousand (Bevan 1983:51)). This said, there is considerable difference in the way earth conductivity and earth resistivity are...

Conductivity and Magnetic Surveys at Leetsdale (36AL480, area 2) (2002)
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Magnetic and conductivity in the bottom of an excavation may locate some prehistoric features. Survey for Conrad Weiser (US Army Corps of Engineers),

Conductivity and Magnetic Surveys in Trench 8 at Hopeton (2005)
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correlation between the surveys

Conductivity and Resistivity Surveys at View Mount (2004)
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Conductivity and resistivity surveys appeared to give better results than the radar at this historic site. Survey for Donald Tharpe.

Conductivity or Susceptibility? (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Which is better? Comparisons at several sites.

A Conductivity Survey at New Windsor Cantonment (1990)
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The conductivity survey at the Caldwell House found strong interference from nearby wires. Survey for William Roberts (Greenhouse Consultants).

A Conductivity Survey at Tell Banat (2005)
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A tall mound (now submerged by the Euphrates River in Syria) was explored for Anne Porter and Thomas McClellan (Euphrates Archaeology).

A Conductivity Survey at West's Field, St. Mary's City (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

A conductivity surveys appears to have been better than a radar survey for suggesting the location of a former residence. Survey for Henry Miller (Historic St. Mary's City).

Confirmed Tracks (2016)
DATASET Will Russell.

Data on confirmed racetracks

Crafting Culture at Fort St. Joseph: An Archaeological Investigation of Labor Organization on the Colonial Frontier (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brock Giordano.

The study of labor organization through the examination of craft production in complex societies has been a topic of intense scholarly interest (Blackman et al. 1993; Costin and Hagstrum 1995; Shafer and Hester 1991). A number of scholars have hypothesized that goods produced in mass quantities by particular specialists can be recognized by their high degree of standardization or homogeneity (Blackman et al. 1993:61; Schiffer and Skibo 1997). As such, this study employs the theoretical framework...

Cultural Chronology of Central Interior Alaska (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text E. James Dixon.

This report includes a reanalysis of key central interior Alaska archaeological sites and analysis of data from recently discovered sites that were used to define the cultural chronology of the central interior Alaska. Diagnostic material cultural elements, with the exception of those for the Euroamerican tradition, were identified and illustrated within this report. Additionally, six cultural traditions and complexes were documented: 1) Chindadn complex (greater than 11,000- c. 10,600 B. P.)....

Cultural Resources Assessment of Two Possible Shipwreck Locations in the Yazoo River at Belizoni, Mississippi (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles E. Pearson. Allen R. Saltus, Jr.. David B. Kelley.

This report presents the results of research conducted by Coastal Environments, Inc., concerning two possible shipwrecks located in the Yazoo River at Belzoni, Mississippi. These features were identified during three previous remote-sensing surveys conducted along this portion of the river. The Vicksburg District Corps of Engineers now plans to construct two stone dikes in this area, which may impact the possible wrecks. The present research was carried out in an effort to positively identify...

Cultural Resources Magnetometer Survey Brevard County, Canaveral Harbor, Florida (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Oceanprobe, Inc.

A cultural resources investigation was conducted to investigate a potential borrow area offshore Cape Canaveral in the Atlantic Ocean. Field work was conducted in February 1988, utilizing a proton precession magnetometer, precision echosounder and digitizer, microwave positioning system with three lines of position, computerized data acquisition and track guidance system, all deployed from a specialized nonmetallic shallow draft survey vessel. A total of 132 magnetic anomalies were detected...

A Cultural Resources Magnetometer Survey of Canaveral Sand Bypass Borrow Site, Brevard County, Florida, Draft Copy (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mid-Atlantic Technology.

The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District is proposing a plan that will involve transferring 530,000 cubic yards of sand from the north side of Canaveral Barge Canal Inlet at Cape Canaveral, Florida and placing it on the beach south of the inlet over a distance of 11,885 feet. Because of the potential for historic shipwrecks in the proposed project area, the Jacksonville District through their open-ended planning contract with Gulf Engineers and Consultants, Inc., of Baton Rouge,...

A Cultural Resources Magnetometer Survey of Coastal Waters, Vicinity of Cape Canaveral, Brevard County, Florida (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text T9S, Inc..

This report discusses the purpose, time frame, location, equipment used, methodology, personnel, environmental conditions, data gathered, findings and recommendations of a magnetic remote sensing survey conducted by T9S, Inc., in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral, Florida. This report also contains a brief history regarding maritime activities in the general area of Cape Canaveral.

Cultural Resources Survey and Evaluative Testing of the Battery Gaillard Tract (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles F. Phillips Jr.. Inna Burns.

Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey and evaluative testing of the 22 acre Battery Gaillard Tract (TMS 355-13-00-001), Lots 49 and 50 of the Magnolia Ranch subdivision (TMS 355-09-00-079 and 355-09-00-080, respectively), as well as a 1.4 acre marsh lot (TMS 355-09-00-092) in Charleston County, South Carolina in April and July 2004. These investigations involved background research, systematic shovel testing, ground penetrating radar survey, and...

Cultural Resources Survey of the Cypress Ridge Tract (38BU2116, 2165-73, 2180) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ralph Bailey. Brent Lansdell. Jason Ellerbee.

"Brockington and Associates, Inc., completed an intensive cultural resources survey of the Cypress Ridge Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina, in December 2005 and January 2006." They "recorded 10 archaeological sites on the tract." A cemetery along with several potential and one eligible NRHP sites were found. The report states that remote sensing was used due to the possibility of unmarked graved being discovered in order to keep from disturbing them.

Cultural Resources Survey of the Gregg Tract (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Walsh.

"In April and July 2011, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 42-acre Gregg Tract in Charleston County, South Carolina. These investigations were completed for Henrich Properties in compliance with state and federal laws concerning the management of historic properties (i.e., archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, or districts listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]) affected by...

Cultural Resources Survey of the North Columbia Quarry Tract (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Walsh. Jennifer Salo. Allison Wind. Damon Jackson.

"Between April 20 and May 1, 2009, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 315 uplands acres of the 508-acre North Columbia Quarry project tract in Richland County, South Carolina. The project tract was divided into 315 acres of uplands, consisting of ridges and drainages, and 193 acres of the Broad River and Nipper Creek floodplains. Geoarcheology Research Associates conducted the geoarchaeological survey of the floodplains. This work was...

Cultural Resources Survey of the Pearl River in the Vicinity of Walkiah Bluff, Mississippi and Louisiana (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allen R. Saltus, Jr.. Charles E. Pearson. Tad Britt.

The results of cultural resources investigations along the Pearl River near Walkiah Bluff. Mississippi, are presented. These investigations, part of which were in the state of Louisiana and part in Mississippi, were undertaken by the Vicksburg District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers relative to the proposed construction of several water control structures at this location. The objective of the investigation was to identify and evaluate cultural properties that may be effected by the proposed...

Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed US Highway 78 Improvement Project (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allison Wind. Inna Burns.

"In July–August 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed US Highway 78 Improvement Project in Dorchester County, South Carolina. This work was conducted through Davis & Floyd, Inc., for the Dorchester County Sales Tax Authority in advance of road improvement activities along this portion of US Highway 78. The project corridor is approximately 39.6 kilometers (24.6 miles) long. The proposed project is located along existing US...

Design of Geophysical Surveys (2003)
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How to decide on an instrument and survey procedures.

Determining village extent and layout utilizing geophysical survey and excavation at the Mississippian site of Cane River, North Carolina (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Timothy Horsley. Ashley Schubert.

Geophysical techniques can help to clarify the extent of a site and show spatial relationships between structures, therefore guiding research and excavation strategies. When monuments and larger structural elements are absent, feature density can be a reliable proxy for occupation areas and village boundaries. Utilizing a combination of magnetometry and ground-penetrating radar survey at the Cane River site in North Carolina, we were able to locate borrow pits, storage pits, structures, and...

Dewatering (2010)
IMAGE Stephanie Barrante. Victoria Hawley. Jessica Hughes.

Images illustrating the installation, utilization, and evolution, 2006-2010 of a dewatering system at the site of Fort St. Joseph to lower the ground water table sufficiently to allow for excavation.

Directionality of Geophysical Parameters as an Indicator of Cultural and Natural Deposits: Experiments at the Cahokia Mounds Site (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Seismic and resistivity anisotropy were tested with Rinita Dalan for the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.