Consultation (Investigation Type)

An activity that involves discussions and meetings with communities, stakeholders, and other interested parties for the purpose of describing proposed archaeological activities and eliciting their comments, perspectives and feedback.

376-400 (581 Records)

Perimeter Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased Array Warning System (PAVE PAWS) facilities at Cape Cod Air Station (AS), Massachusetts (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles R. Aukland.

Post-Cold War downsizing has resulted in a number of necessary changes to Cold War era facilities. Two of the Perimeter Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased Array Warning System (PAVE PAWS) sites (Texas and Georgia) are no longer operational and have been partially dismantled. Several engineering projects required at the Cape Cod site have been determined to have adverse effects on the historic integrity of the radar facility. The Air Force, State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory...

Personal Artifacts from Nineteenth-Century Contexts (2014)
IMAGE RGA Inc. . Allison Gall.

Left to Right: Glass Dial Face (PCN 919); Glass Bead (PCN 780); Jewelry Setting (PCN 958); Decorative Metal (PCN 878); Watch Gear (PCN 916); Bead (PCN 956).

Phase 1 Archaeological Data Recovery Report and Phase 2 Data Recovery Proposal for the Punkin Center Section, ADOT State Route 188 Project, Tonto Basin, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James M. Vint. Bruce B. Huckell. Penny Minturn.

This report presents the results of Phase 1 data recovery at 13 archaeological sites along the proposed right-of-way for the Punkin Center Section of State Route 188. The Punkin Center Section is one part of a multi-year Arizona Department of Transportation project to realign and improve a 29-km long portion of SR 188, the principal road passing through the Tonto Basin, Gila County, Arizona. The project is funded by the Federal Highway Administration and occurs on Arizona Department of...

A Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of the, Fox Creek High School Property (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrew Pappas.

" On December 26-30, 2007 and January 14, 2008, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a Phase I archaeological resources survey of the approximately 63-acre Fox Creek High School property in Edgefield County, South Carolina. The project area is located North-Northwest of North Augusta, South Carolina, and approximately 2,000 feet West of US Highway 25/ SC Route 121. Archaeological investigations included the excavation of systematic shovel tests across the entirety of the project area...

Phase I Cultural Resources Survey and Phase II Archaeological Testing of the Proposed Bridge Replacement Along Road S-19 Over the Little River (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alex Sweeney.

"... This survey was conducted on behalf of the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) in Columbia, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) by personnel qualified under 36 CFR Part 61, and consistent with guidelines developed by the SCDAH. The goals of this investigation were to identify archaeological sites and architectural resources (e.g., standing structures) within and immediately...

Phase I Investigations at the Antenna Field, St. Inigoes, MD (1992.034)
PROJECT Julia King. Dennis Pogue. US Navy.

This investigation was completed in 1985 by Drs. Julia King and Dennis Pogue on behalf of the US Navy. The Antenna Field refers to the location of three large antennas associated with the US Navy located in St. Inigoes Neck peninsula , St. Mary's County, MD. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the location of two known colonial sites, 18ST386 (west end of field) and 18ST541 (northeast end of field) to mitigate disturbance caused by future construction. This investigation found...

Phase III Archaeological Investigations at the Hayes Site (15Cl67) Carroll County, Kentucky (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Hall.

Between March 8 and 22, 2004, Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. (CRAI), personnel conducted phase III data recovery excavations at the Hayes site (15Cl67) in Carroll County, Kentucky, to mitigate adverse affects of the installation of a force main sewer line associated with the proposed Carrollton Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mr. Terry A. Roach requested this work on behalf of Carrollton Utilities to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. This project is federally...

Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery Investigations at 40SV232, Seiver County, Tennessee (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrew Bradbury. Jason Ross.

Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. (CRA), was contracted by K-Va-T Food Stores, Inc., to conduct Phase II archaeological testing and Phase III archaeological data recovery investigations at site 40SV232 in Sevier County, Tennessee. The site is located north of the Dolly Parton Parkway along the front portion of a low lying terrace overlooking the floodplain of the Little Pigeon River. Data recovery excavations were designed to implement the research design developed for the project. The results of...

Phillips Laboratory Building Site, Charlene Avenue and Aberdeen Drive, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William B. Butler.

This report presents the results of an archaeological survey in support of the construction of a proposed building related to the nation-wide Phillips Laboratory Reorganization and Consolidation Effort. No cultural resources were encountered during the survey.

Possible Disturbance of Archaeological Sites on Sapelo Island (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lewis H. Larson, Jr..


Potential for DNA Testing of the Human Remains from Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington [Feb. 3, 2000] (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Noreen Tuross. Connie J. Kolman.

At the request of the Department of Justice and Dr. Francis P. McManamon, Departmental Consulting Archaeologist of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, the authors discuss the potential for DNA analysis of the human skeletal remains from Kennewick, Washington that are the objects of the lawsuit now pending (Bonnichsen et al., vs. United States of America, Civil No. 9601481-JE). The purpose of such an analysis would be to determine the genetic affinity of the above individual by...

Potentially Eligible Properties for the Cold War Era, Andrews Air Force Base (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Eugene D. Csaszar.

Correspondence concerning the state and national historic eligibility status of thirty-nine buildings at Andrews Air Force Base.

Preliminary Geoarchaeological Studies at Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington, USA (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gary Huckleberry. Thomas W. Stafford, Jr.. James C. Chatters.

In August 1996 a well preserved, disarticulated human skeleton was found submerged in Lake Wallula within an area about 7 m offshore at Columbia Park in Kennewick, Washington. The skeleton's anatomy (non-Mongoloid physical features) and great antiquity attest to its tremendous scientific importance to New World archaeology. On August 26, 1997 an ARPA permit application was submitted by Drs. Gary Huckleberry (Washington State University), Robson Bonnichsen (Oregon State University), C. Vance...

A Preliminary Report on Archaeological and Historical Resources within the Recent Addition to Bald Point State Park (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael (Mike) Wisenbaker.

DHR archaeologists made several visits to Bald Point State Park from 1999 through 2001 to look for and better document historical resources within this newly acquired park (Wisenbaker and Swann 2001 ). In 2003, however, Bald Point State Park grew by 2,851 acres, more than tripling the size of the park. Early in 2004, Park Specialist Bonnie Allen called us to tell us about several unrecorded sites that she had discovered within this addition. In so doing, she invited us to come to the park to...

Preliminary Search for Orleans Cemetery, Sapelo Island, GA (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Crass.

Preliminary onsite reconnaissance of the suspected Orleans Cemetery location on the south end of Sapelo Island. GA.

Preserving Vermont's Archaeological Collections - Background and Feasibility Study for a Vermont Archaeological Heritage Center (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text U.S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis Curation and Archives Analysis Branch.

In July, 2001 the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) contracted with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, to assess the archaeological collections recovered in the course of federal and state funded archaeological investigations in Vermont and to assess two Vermont organizations as potential candidates for curating and managing Vermont’s archaeological collections (VTrans Contract No. 0984273; USACE Agreement No. VDOT0001). The goal of the project was to determine the...

Presidential Aircraft Recapitalization (PAR) Program at Joint Base Andrews - Naval Air Facility Prince George's Country, Maryland Section 106 Review - USAF (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth Cole.

The Maryland Historic Trust (MDSHPO) comments concerning the Presidential Aircraft Recapitalization (PAR) Program at Joint Base Andrews, determining no historic properties or archaeological sites eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in the Area of Potential Effect (APE).

Presidential Pipe Bowl from Features 6 and 163 (2014)
IMAGE RGA Inc. . Allison Gall.

1848 Lewis Cass Presidential Pipe Bowl from Features 6 and 163. (PCN 782 and 1097).

Programmatic Agreement on Protection of Historic Properties During Emergency Response Under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Judith E. Bittner.

A Programmatic Agreement to ensure that historic properties are taken into account in their planning for and conduct of the emergency response under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) 40 CFR Part 300. The National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers was also a signatory on behalf of State Historic Preservation Officers to facilitate federal agency ability to develop and execute a uniform nationwide approach for considering and treating...

Programmatic Agreement Regarding Archaeological Properties Among the U.S. Air Force 611th Air Support Group: the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, for the Implementation of the Environmental Compliance and Restoration Programs (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William J. Heinen. Judith E. Bittner. John M. Howler.

A Programmatic Agreement regarding the Implementation of Environmental Compliance and Restoration Programs for eligible properties at remote installations of the 611th Air Support Group in Alaska. Compliance and restoration programs may include site characterization, structure demolition (clean sweep), soil remediation, landfill construction, and other ground disturbing activities. The agreement is intended to only deal with properties of an archaeological nature that are eligible or potentially...

Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement Among the United States Department of Defense The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Department of Defense. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

A programmatic Agreement regarding the demolition of World War II buildings.

Proposed Construction and Renovation Projects at Andrews Air Force Base (Group II, III) (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tracy A. Bailey.

Descriptions of the proposed actions that may affect historic buildings at Andrews Air Force Base in 1996.

Proposed Rehabilitation of Belle Chance Section 106 Review, Andrews Air Force Base, Prince George’s County, Maryland (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Elizabeth J. Cole.

Response from the Maryland Historic Trust (MD SHPO) concurring that the proposed rehabilitation project at the Belle Chance property will produce no adverse effects to the historic structure.

Public Architecture, Ritual, and Temporal Dynamics at the Maya Center of Blue Creek, Belize (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas Guderjan.

This paper summarizes more than a decade of excavations in the monumental core precinct of the Maya center of Blue Creek in Northwestern Belize.

Puha Flows from It: The Spring Mountains Cultural Landscape Study (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard W. Stoffle.

This is a report of findings about American Indian cultural concerns for places and landscapes in the Spring Mountain range in what is today called southern Nevada. More specifically it is a study of how people who speak a Numic language and who call themselves Nuwuvi or Nungwu, and are known in English as Southern Paiutes, interact with the Spring Mountain range. Included is a PDF presentation on the ethnography.