Consultation (Investigation Type)

An activity that involves discussions and meetings with communities, stakeholders, and other interested parties for the purpose of describing proposed archaeological activities and eliciting their comments, perspectives and feedback.

451-475 (581 Records)

Sapelo Island: Filling of Long Tabby Swimming Pool (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lewis H. Larson, Jr..

Clearing Notice

Sapelo Island: Phase I Survey for Proposed New Gasoline Tank and Fueling Facility (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Morgan R. Crook, Jr..

Survey Report

Sapelo Island: Proposed Restoration of Chocolate Plantation (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text [NFM] Various. Jennifer Bedell.

Memos of meeting to discuss deterioration of historic structures (Tabby) and how to prevent them from further destruction through elements, and GPS recordings of the historic structures.

Sapelo Island: Review of Proposal for Replacement of Oakland Crossing Bridge (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lewis H. Larson, Jr..

Proposal Review Correspondence

Sapelo Island: Review of Timber Activities at Cabretta Creek & Long Row Field (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lewis H. Larson, Jr..

Site Visit Report

Sapelo Island: Site Visit along Bluffs at Post Office and Barn Creeks (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jennifer Bedell.

Site Visit for Proposed Bank Stabilization due to Erosion

Sapelo Island: Survey for Alternate Locations for DNR Fuel Area (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronnie Rogers.

Four locations near DNR headquarters at Long Tabby on Sapelo Island, Mcintosh County, are being considered as alternate locations for construction of a below ground fuel storage facility. Each location is less than one acre in area. All are located along the south side of the paved road connecting the DNR facility with Hog Hammock community. One is located near the public dock at the north end ofthe grass airstrip; one is located in the field east of the N/S road which parallels the airstrip,...

Scott Air Force Base Tribal Consultation Meeting Agenda and Slides (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Shawn C. Covault.

Agenda and Slides for Scott Air Force Base Tribal Consultation Meeting held on August 15, 2018. Includes presentation, "Help From Above: Enabling Rapid Global Mobility" by Colonel Shawn C. Covault.

Selected Phase III Prehistoric Artifacts (2014)
IMAGE RGA Inc. . Allison Gall.

Top Row, Left to Right: Prehistoric Ceramic (PCN* 1094); Chert Biface (PCN 964); Jasper Biface, Amos-like corner notched (PCN 1155); Chert Biface, LeCroy-like, bifurcated base (PCN 1156); Chert Biface tip (PCN 1158). Bottom Row, Left to Right: Quartz Scraper (PCN 962); Quartz Biface, Bare Island-like (PCN 953); Chert Biface, Poplar Island-like (PCN 957); Quartz Biface (PCN 962). *Provenience Control Number

Shaw Air Force Base: Test Excavations at 20 Archaeological Sites on the Poinsett Electric Combat Range, Sumter County, South Carolina Vol. I (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Headquarters Air Combat Command. Maynard B. Cliff. Gary A. Hebler. John S. Cable. Kenneth F. Styer. Leslie E. Raymer. Lisa O'Steen.

This report presents the results of Phase II archeological testing of 20 prehistoric sites on the Poinsett Electronic Combat Range, Sumter County, South Carolina (i.e., 38SU51, 38SU52, and 38SU107, 38SU138/139, 38SU158, 38SU172, 38SUI73, 38SU178, 38SU179, 38SU180, 38SU181, 38SU182/208, 38SU203, 38SU206, 38SU207, 38SU215, 38SU218, and 38SU232). The sites are located in the Coastal Plain province and ring the edge of Big Bay, one of the largest Carolina bays in South Carolina. All of the sites...

Shaw Air Force Base: Test Excavations at 20 Archaeological Sites on the Poinsett Electronic Combat Range, Sumter County, South Carolina, Vol. II (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Headquarters Air Combat Command. Maynard B. Cliff. Gary A. Hebler. John S. Cable. Kenneth F. Styer. Leslie E. Raymer. Lisa O'Steen.

This report presents the results of Phase II archeological testing of 20 prehistoric sites on the Poinsett Electronic Combat Range, Sumter County, South Carolina (i.e., 38SU51, 38SU52, and 38SU107, 38SU138/139, 38SU158, 38SU172, 38SUI73, 38SU178, 38SU179, 38SU180, 38SU181, 38SU182/208, 38SU203, 38SU206, 38SU207, 38SU215, 38SU218, and 38SU232). The sites are located in the Coastal Plain province and ring the edge of Big Bay, one of the largest Carolina bays in South Carolina. All of the sites are...

SHPO Correspondence Regarding Chapel 2 (Building 3715) Repairs, Andrews Air Force Base (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth Cole.

Correspondence from the Maryland Historic Trust (MD SHPO) to Andrews Air Force Base with recommendations to avoid or mitigate adverse effects from the proposed project to repair Chapel 2.

SHPO Correspondence Regarding the Archaeological Survey Andrews Air Force Base Prince George's County, Maryland (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Elizabeth J. Cole.

Correspondence from the Maryland Historical Trust offering their recommendations on Argonne National Laboratory's 1994 draft report, "An Archaeological and Historic Resources Inventory at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland."

SHPO-CON-055: SHPO Concurrence for Brown Road Gate Reconstruction Project (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text California State Historic Preservation Office.

This document is a Section 106 concurrence letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office to Vandenberg Air Force Base. The letter is associated with the Brown Road Gate Reconstruction Project. The letter provides concurrence for 1) a determination of non-eligibility for archaeological site CA-SBA-766, 2) the project Area of Potential Effect, and 3) the project finding of no historic properties affected.

SHPO-CON-216: Re: Section 106 Consultation for Replace 12 kV Switchgear at Switchyard M Project, Vandenberg AFB (USAF Letter of September 03, 2019 and e-mail of September 12, 2019) (2019)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julianne Polanco.

This document is a Section 106 letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office for the Replace 12kV Switchgear at Switchyard M Project. The letter reiterates the information provided in the transmittal letter from Vandenberg Air Force Base. It provides concurrence for 1) the delineation of the project area of potential effect, and 2) the project finding of no adverse effect to historic properties with conditions. The conditions that will be required during project execution...

SHPO-CON-221: SHPO Concurrence Letter for Removal and Replacement of Existing 400 Feet Tall Radio Tower (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jenan Saunders.

This document is a SHPO Concurrence Letter for Removal and Replacement of Existing 400 Feet Tall Radio Tower. The existing tower will be dismantled in 20 feet sections and the existing concrete guy wire anchors will be abandoned in place. The new tower will be constructed within an approximately 30 feet radius of the existing tower base. A records search revealed two archaeological sites, CA-SBA-0788 and CA-SBA-1073. The project delineated an Area of Potential Effects (APE), and CA-SBA-0788, is...

SHPO-CON-230: Re: Section 106 Consultation for Infrastructure Improvements, North Base, Vandenberg Tracking Station, Vandenberg Air Force Base (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julianne Polanco.

This document is a Section 106 letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to Vandenberg Air Force Base (Vandenberg AFB) regarding the United States Air Force's (USAF) proposal to upgrade electrical feeder lines B7 and B10 in Vandenberg's north base area and feeder line K5 on Vandenberg's south base. This letter is in response to the transmittal letter of July 25, 2017, initially opening consultation for the project. The letter briefly reiterates information provided in...

SHPO-CON-232: Re: Section 106 Consultation for Construction of a Flame Trench Catchment Area at Space Launch Complex-4 East, Vandenberg AFB (your letter of October 17, 2017) (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julianne Polanco.

This document is a Section 106 letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to Vandenberg Air Force Base (Vandenberg AFB) regarding the Construction of a Flame Trench Catchment Area at Space Launch Complex-4 East. This letter is in response to the transmittal letter of October 17, 2017, initially opening consultation for the project. The letter briefly reiterates information provided in the initial transmittal letter from Vandenberg AFB, including project activities...

SHPO-CON-299: Re: Construction of a Waste Water Treatment Plant at the Vandenberg Tracking Station (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Gualtieri.

This document is a Section 106 letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to Vandenberg Air Force Base (Vandenberg AFB) regarding the Construction of a Waste Water Treatment Plant at the Vandenberg Tracking Station. This letter is in response to a request for review of documentation provided to the SHPO by Vandenberg AFB, including a report by Sarah H. Berry (September 1990), entitled Waste Water Treatment Plant Archaeological Testing for Effects at SBA-793, Vandenberg...

SHPO-CON-365: Section 106 Concurrence for Space Launch Complex-Three East Conversion, Vulcan Centaur Program, Vandenberg AFB (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Roscoe Loetzerich

This document is a letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Vulcan Centaur Program at Vandenberg Air Force Base. The letter provides SHPO concurrence for 1) the project area of potential effect, and 2) the project finding of no historic properties affected.

SHPO-CON-3: Re: Section 106 Consultation for Infrastructure Improvements, North Base, Vandenberg Tracking Station, Vandenberg Air Force Base (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julianne Polanco.

This document is a Section 106 letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to Vandenberg Air Force Base (Vandenberg AFB) regarding the United States Air Force's (USAF) proposal to initiate a series of infrastructure improvements at the Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS) in Vandenberg's AFB's North Base area. This letter is in response to the transmittal letter of May 16, 2017, initially opening consultation for the project. The letter briefly reiterates information...

SHPO-CON-432: Section 106 Consultation for Vegetation Removal for Maintenance of Sewer Line Behind Building 856 Project (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julianne Polanco.

This document is a Section 106 letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office related to the Vegetation Removal for Maintenance of Sewer Line Behind Building 856 Project. The letter provides concurrence for 1) the United States Air Force's delineation of the Area of Potential Effect, 2) the proposal to assume CA-SBA-923 and CA-SBA-3107H as eligible to the National Register for this undertaking only, and 3) the project finding of no adverse effect to historic properties is...

SHPO-CON-438: Re: Section 106 Consultation for Facility 1810 Sewer Replacement, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julianne Polanco.

This document is a letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to Vandenberg Space Force Base regarding the Facility 1810 Sewer Replacement project. The letter provides concurrence for 1) the project Area of Potential Effect, 2) the treatment of archaeological site CA-SBA-1060 as eligible for the National Register for this project only, and lastly, 3) that the project finding of no adverse effect to historic properties is appropriate.

SHPO-CON-441: Section 110 Evaluation, Lompoc Landing Site, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julianne Polanco.

This document is a concurrence letter from the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) for the Section 110 National Register eligibility evaluation of the Lompoc Landing Site. The Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) concurs with Vandenberg Space Force Base's (VSFB) determination regarding the eligibility of the Lompoc Landing Site. The SHPO office concurs that the 2022 evaluation of the site demonstrates that the property no longer retains sufficient historic integrity for National Register...

SHPO-CON-443: Section 106 Consultation for Oak Mountain Feeder Electrical Line Replacement, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text California Office of Historic Preservation.

This document is a Section 106 letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office regarding the Oak Mountain Feeder Electrical Line Replacement project. The letter 1) reiterates the project activities discussed in the transmittal letter, 2) discusses the treatment of archaeological sites CA-SBA-2967 and -2972 as eligible for this undertaking only, 3) the determination that the project will not be an adverse effect to these resources, and lastly, 4) concurs with the finding that the...