Consultation (Investigation Type)

An activity that involves discussions and meetings with communities, stakeholders, and other interested parties for the purpose of describing proposed archaeological activities and eliciting their comments, perspectives and feedback.

551-575 (581 Records)

U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Press Releases [Oct. 29, 1998 - Sept. 25, 2000] (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Francis McManamon. Stephanie Hanna.

The U.S. Department of the Interior released these 13 press releases about the examination and determination of cultural affiliation for the Kennewick Man remains.

United States Air Force Cultural Resources Servicewide Overview Project Andrews Air Force Base Air Mobility Command Prince George's and Ann Arundel Counties, Maryland (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bertram S. A. Herbert. Robert S. Grumet.

A National Park Service assessment of historical properties inventory and compliance efforts, the identification of data gaps, and the development of a strategy for evaluating the eligibility of cultural resources for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) at Andrews Air Force Base.

United States Congressional Record Honors the Discovery of Hernando De Soto's 1539 Encampment and the Lost Native American Town of Potano (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only United States Congress.

United States Congressional Record 115th Congress, 1st Session Issue: Vol. 163, No. 193 US Congressional Record honors the discovery of Hernando de Soto's 1539 Encampment and the lost Native American town of Potano, by the University of Florida professors, Dr. Fred A. White and Dr. Michele C. White, and University of Florida Anderson Scholar and History Honors Graduate, Ethan A. White. This newly discovered archaeological site is the oldest confirmed New World contact site in the United...

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Ukiah District, Archaeological Field Examination Survey Unit Record, Bill Etter Exchange Parcel, Humboldt County, California (BLM) (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julie Pfilf.

An Archaeological Field Examination Survey Unit Record for the Bill Etter Exchange Parcel. No historic or prehistoric cultural properties were identified during this survey.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting - No Properties Form: Bonita Canyon Prescribed Burn (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Liz Agpaoa. Jeanine A. Derby.

USDA Forest Service, Inventory Standards and Accounting - No Properties form in support of a prescribed burn. A linear survey of 3.1 acres was conducted for the construction of fire handlines. The survey falls entirely within the current project area. No sites were located. The firelines were never constructed. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Assessment of Effects of Proposed Safety Hazard Mitigation at Three Historic Mine Sites, Sandia National Laboratory (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert Dello-Russo. Roy W. Foster. Eric Petersen.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form completed in support of an assessment by the Environmental Restoration Project of Sandia National Laboratories. The project has proposed to seal vertical and horizontal shafts at three historic mine sites in order to mitigate perceived safety hazards. on lands withdrawn from the Sandia Ranger District by the Department of Defense. The three historic mine sites are located on lands withdrawn from the Sandia Ranger District by the...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites Present: Military Withdrawal Fuelwood/Burning (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Liz Agpaoa.

Completed USDA Forest Service 'Inventory Standards and Accounting: Negative Report - No Sites Present Form' (R3-FS-2300-4a) in support of a prescribed burn project entitled, Military Withdrawal Fuelwood/Burning. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites: ADT Battlelab Phase III Demonstration (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tom Cartledge. Jon Lutz.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Negative Report - No Sites Form completed for a survey in support of an Air Force Research Lab experiment. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites: Coyote Canyon Pole Replacement, Kirtland Air Force Base (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tom Cartledge. Christopher B. DeWitt.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Negative Report - No Sites Form completed for a survey in support of the replacement of 18 existing power poles in the vicinity of Coyote Canyon. Includes response from Kirtland Air Force Base Environmental Management Division with suggested modifications on the project.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites: Rebuilding Feeder Lines, Kirtland Air Force Base (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tom Cartledge. Sam Gooch.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Negative Report - No Sites Form completed for a survey in support of replacing and adding eight new powerline poles on Kirtland Air Force Base. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Otero Meadow Restoration (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Liz Agpaoa. Cheryl Clark.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form for a survey in support of the Otero Meadow Restoration Project. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Prescribed Burning and Fuelwood Sale Project in the Manzanita Mountains Phase 2 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Jeanine A. Derby. Eric Petersen.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form for a survey in support of a prescribed burn, the Prescribed Burning and Fuelwood Sale Project in the Manzanita Mountains Phase 2. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Proposed Road Rehabilitation and Obliteration on the Military Withdrawal for the Ecosystem Management Plan Phase 5 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form for a survey in support of an Ecosystem Management Plan. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Report 1998-03-062 Archaeological Survey of 2,070 Acres for the Armijo and David Canyon Prescribed Burns Cibola National Forest, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey L. Fredine. Robert Wick.

Archaeologists with Lone Mountain Archaeological Services, Inc. conducted a Class III Cultural Resource Survey on November 23 and 24, 1997, and April 20 through May 18, 1998 for the Cibola National Forest (NMCRIS # 60888). The survey was conducted as part of a proposed prescribed burn. This project area consists of two blocks within the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest and totals 2,070 acres. Twenty-seven sites and 82 isolated occurrences were recorded during the survey....

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Trails, Fuels, Habitat, Recreation, and Roads Project in the Manzanita Mountains Phase 4 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Buttery Benedict.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form and Cultural Resource Report in support of an Ecosystem Management Plan at Kirtland Air Force Base. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Heritage Resource Survey/Literature Search - No Sites Form: Prescribed Burn Rifle Range #2 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Jeanine A. Derby.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Heritage Resource Survey/Literature Search - No Sites Form in support of a prescribed burn of Rifle Range #2 at Kirtland Air Force Base. An intensive survey of the 3 area parcel was conducted. Parallel pedestrian transects were walked, spaced no more than 15m apart. No heritage sites were recorded within 1/4 mile of the project area. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is included.

VAFB-2000-02: National Register of Historic Places Eligibility and Effects Determination for CA-SBA-740, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Clayton G. Lebow. Jill A. Onken. Carole A. Denardo. Douglas R. Harro. Rebecca L. McKim. Joyce L. Gerber.

This document is a report that presents the National Register of Historic Places evaluation and effects determination for a project involving archaeological site CA-SBA-740 on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County, California. This study was performed in support of the installation of a retaining wall along Point Sal Road. Altogether, 15 shovel test pits, 1 column sample, and 4 test excavations units were used to gather data for site evaluation, resulting in a total excavated volume...

VAFB-2008-11: Report of Pre-Repatriation Inventory of Human Remains and Associated Materials from VAFB Sites Curated at the UC Santa Barbara Repository Ossuary (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ann M. Munns.

This document is a report on the Pre-Repatriation Inventory of Human Remains and Associated Materials from Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Sites, currently curated at the UC Santa Barbara Ossuary. The purpose of this project is to document the collections from VAFB archaeological sites that include human remains, and repatriate them to Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI). As part of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, in 1995, the Repository completed an inventory...

VAFB-2010-06: Rock Art Monitoring and Maintenance Reports Oct 2009 - July 2010 (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rick Bury. Antoinette Padgett. Dan Reeves.

This document is a Rock Art Monitoring Report for the 14 rock art sites that exist with Vandenberg Air Force Base boundaries. The purpose of Rock Art Monitoring is to 1) ensure Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) Compliance, 2) preserve and protect the unique cultural resources, and 3) monitor any threats to the rock art sites and recommend maintenance responses. The assessment report presents the findings, actions, and recommendations developed through scheduled monitoring and...

VAFB-2011-05: Rock Art ARPA Compliance 2011 (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rick Bury. Antoinette Padgett. Dan Reeves.

This document is the 2011 Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1970 Rock Art Compliance Report. The goals of this project specifically include monitoring of three well-known and regularly visited rock art sites: Honda Ridge (CA-SBA-550), Window Cave (CA-SBA-655) and Swordfish Cave (CA-SBA-503). There are a total of 14 rock art sites that are monitored within Vandenberg Air Force Base boundaries. This report is one component of a continuing effort by the United States Air Force to protect...

VAFB-2020-32: Archaeological Investigations in Support of Section 106 Compliance Ground Based Strategic Deterrant Test Program (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beniamino Volta. Michael Connolly. Daniel Leonard. Daniel Leard.

This document is a report on the Archaeological Investigations in Support of the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Test Program. The purpose of this project is to modernize the United States’ land-based nuclear arsenal and eventually replace the nation’s current Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) system. A portion of development and testing of the new system, named Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD), would take place in California at Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa...

VAFB-2020-34: Identification of Built Environment Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects, Ground Based Strategic Detterent Test Program (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chad Blackwell.

This document is a Section 106 Identification of Built Environment Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects for the Ground Bases Strategic Deterrent Test Program (GBSD). The project proposes to develop and test a new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) system by utilizing and modifying existing ICBM infrastructure at VAFB. The proposed Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) Test Program would develop and test a new ICBM system that would modernize the United States’ land-based...

VAFB-2021-14: Beta Analytic Testing Laboratory Report on CA-SBA-1594 and -1595 (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chris Patrick.

This document is a report on the Radiocarbon Dating Results. The Conventional Radiocarbon Ages have all been corrected for total fractionation effects and where applicable, calibration was performed using 2020 calibration databases. Four samples were sent to the lab and tested. Results are in the associated report in the form of calibrated date graphs.

VAFB-2021-21: Identification of Historic Properties for the B4 Feeder Line Replacement Project, Vandenberg Space Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Roscoe Loetzerich.

This document is a Historical Properties Inventory Report on the Project to Replace the B4 Power line. The proposed Project will remove and replace approximately 4,800 linear feet of the B4 overhead feeder line that is a part of the 12kV distribution system. Vandenberg Space Force Base is seeking State Historic Preservation Office concurrence that 1) the Area of Potential Effect is adequately delineated, and 2) the effort to identify historic properties and the result that no historic properties...

VAFB-2021-28: Identification of Historic Properties for the Install Pad Mounted Switch at Pole A2-01/01 on OH Distribution Line Project (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Roscoe Loetzerich.

This document is a Section 106 historic property inventory report for the Install Pad Mounted Switch at Pole A2-01/01 on OH Distribution Line Project. The document defines a study area, area of direct impact, and area of direct effect. The identification of historic properties within the study identified five archaeological sites, CA-SBA-2569, -2888, -3560, -3747, and -3748, the Camp Cooke Cantonment District, and two isolated finds, VAFB-ISO-170 and 510. This report supports a Section 106...