Building Materials (Material Keyword)

Materials used for construction (e.g., brick, wood, adobe)

3,351-3,375 (5,396 Records)

Locational Reconnaissance at the James A. Garfield National Historic Site, Mentor, Lake County, Ohio (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alfred M. Lee.

In July 1990, the Midwest Archeological Center and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, under the terms of a Cooperative Agreement, conducted archeological excavations at the James A. Garfield National Historic Site in Mentor, Ohio. These investigations were prompted by the proposed renovation of the Garfield horne and the relocation of the parking lot. The investigations focused on five general areas: the main house, the carriage house and gas works (or gas holder), the campaign...

Long Branch Lake Survey 1974-1978
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District.

The Long Branch Lake Survey 1974–1978 was authorized under the Flood Control Act of 1965 (Grantham 1986:1). The investigation was initiated because the construction of Long Branch Lake would directly impact and result in the loss of significant archaeological data. Since preservation was unfeasible, the USACE, Kansas City District, contracted with Northeast Missouri State University to recover archaeological data in order to mitigate the effects of construction. Between the summer of 1974 and...

Long Hollow Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Brittany Clark

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for Long Hollow Pueblo, comprised of sandstone room blocks, middens, and artifact scatter, located on Apache Sitgreaves National Forest land. The file consists of a site description form, site map, and three maps of the site location. The earliest document dates to 2001.

Long Wall Arizona Site Steward File (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Brittany Clark

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Long Wall site, located on Apache Sitgreaves National Forest land. The site consists of a wall, kiva, pueblo, and midden. The file consists of a site description form, two photographs of projectile points, a map of the site location, and a site map.

Lookout Site Arizona Site Steward File (1958)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Phillip Schnering.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Lookout Site, comprised of pottery and a compound constructed of Malpais boulders, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of a cultural resources inventory form, archaeological site inventory form, archaeological survey card, and a map of the site location. The earliest dated document is from 1958.

Looted_Bugavita_Gold_Rush Shapefile (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This shapefile is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. All files associated with this record must be downloaded to ensure that the shapefile...

Looted_KH_Identified Shapefile (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This shapefile is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. All files associated with this record must be downloaded to ensure that the shapefile...

Looted_McNeil_Harvard Shapefile (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This shapefile is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. All files associated with this record must be downloaded to ensure that the shapefile...

Looted_McNeil_Smithsonian Shapefile (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This shapefile is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. All files associated with this record must be downloaded to ensure that the shapefile...

Looted_McNeil_Yale Shapefile (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This shapefile is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. All files associated with this record must be downloaded to ensure that the shapefile...

Lower Mayfield Canyon Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Wood. F. Olson. A. Olson.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Lower Mayfield Canyon Ruin site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site consists of a settlement, alternatively described as a caserón, compound, or pueblo, as well as trash deposits containing human bones. The file consists of a site data form, heritage inventory form, three site maps, three pages of unlabeled site data forms, and a map of the site collection. The earliest dated document is from 1929.

The Lower Verde Archaeological Project
PROJECT Jeffrey A. Homburg. Richard Ciolek-Torello. Jeffrey Altschul. Stephanie M. Whittlesey. Steven D. Shelley. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

The Lower Verde Archaeological Project (LVAP) was a four-year data recovery project conducted by Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI) in the lower Verde River region of central Arizona. The project was designed to mitigate any adverse effects to cultural resources from modifications to Horseshoe and Bartlett Dams. The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Project’s Office sponsored the research program in compliance with historic preservation legislation. The LVAP’s...

Lynwood Bridge Project: a Report of Salvage Excavations at the Kemper and Dilworth Sites in Rockingham County, Virginia (1976)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Clarence R. Geier. R. Terry Hands. Bill Oliver. Sandra Raredon. Ann Otteson.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Machile Valley Research Project
PROJECT Uploaded by: Zach McKeeby

This dissertation project studies frontier dynamics in one ‘in-between’ location between emergent state systems in southern Africa: the Machile Valley in Western Zambia. I bring together historical, ethnographic, metallurgical, archaeological, and geophysical data to reconstruct the work of craftspeople – and particularly of iron workers – over the longue durée along internal frontiers in Western Zambia between the 8th and 18th centuries CE. In doing so, I situate crafting within its larger...

Macrobotanical Remains (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The DAP research design was structured to systematically address broad domains of inquiry that encompass economy and adaptation, paleodemography, social organization, extra-regional relationships, and cultural process. The variables used in the botanical datasets represent the various lines of evidence needed to mitigate “bioturbation, preservation, and sampling biases” and establish the “case for cultural association of botanical remains preserved in the archaeological record” (Petersen, Clay...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman. Linda Scott Cummings.

Six sediment samples and two adobe brick samples from the Espinosa Adobe, Site CA-MNT-1429H, were floated to recover macrofloral remains. One of the adobe brick samples also was examined for pollen and phytoliths. This site contained an adobe dwelling constructed in 1823 by Salvador Maria Espinosa. The adobe building survived through 1930, but was in ruins by 1954. Macrofloral analysis will be used to provide information to help determine the local plant population at the time of the adobe...

Mad as Hell Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dave Breternitz. Hinckley. Schoen. Lyle M. Stone. J. Ravesloot.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Mad as Hell Ruin site, comprised of multiple Salado compounds with trash mounds and artifact scatter, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of two heritage inventory forms, a site data card, three printed site maps, a hand drawn site map, and an archaeological site inventory form. The earliest dated document is from 1959.

Madam Felix / Hodson Historic District, Feature H85: Howard Saloon and Residence, Excavation Report (1991)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. G. Costello. J. Marvin.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Maggies Camp: A Look at an Historic Logging Cookcamp Dump, presented at the 2009 State of Jefferson Historical Group Meeting, Ashland, Oregon. (BLM) (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Matthew Steele.

The presentation of an archaeological excavation conducted at a historic logging cookcamp dump, located in Humboldt County, California.

Magnetometry Data - 2/20/2003 (2003)
DATASET William Sauck.

Raw data from survey.

Magnetometry Data - 6/5/2002 (2002)
DATASET William Sauck.

Raw data from survey.

Magnetometry Data - 6/6/2002 (2002)
DATASET William Sauck.

Raw data from survey.

Magnetometry Data - 7/3/2002 (2002)
DATASET William Sauck.

Raw data from survey.

Magnetometry Map (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William Sauck.

Composite map depicting results of 2002 and 2003 magnetometry surveys.

Malpaso Database (2008)
DATASET Uploaded by: Vincent Schiavitti

no description provided