Dragoon Ware (Material Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
Catalina State Park is situated approximately 22 km (14 miles) north of Tucson, Arizona. Within this beautiful and pristine desert area lie a large number of relatively undisturbed archaeological sites. The park has witnessed a long and varied history. Sometime after 5000 B.C. Archaic period hunters and gatherers first roamed through the park area in their search for game and edible plants. During the following Hohokam period the park area was intensively occupied. A wide range of sites are...
Archaeological Test Excavations and Plan for Data Recovery at AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), the Gibbon Springs Site, Pima County, Arizona (1993)
From January 25 to March 5, 1993, SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants conducted an archaeological testing program at AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), the Gibbon Springs Site, Pima County, Arizona. The test excavations were conducted for the Perini Land and Development Company, in conformance with Pima County regulations for grading permits. The plan of work for testing (SWCA 1993) was developed in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) issued by the Centre for Archaeological Field Training, Pima Community...
Excavation of the Gibbon Springs Site: A Classic Period Village in the Northeastern Tuson Basin (1996)
This volume summarizes data recovered from the Gibbon Springs site, AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), located in the northeastern Tucson Basin. This large Classic period site had a central compound surrounded by houses. Data and materials were obtained from 24 structures and hundreds of other features (e.g., pits, cremations, middens). Materials from Gibbon Springs suggest that either a non-indigenous population inhabited the site or there was another social arrangement between the Tucson Basin Hohokam and...