Gender (Other Keyword)

1-25 (172 Records)

Activist Archaeology and Queer Feminist Critiques in Mesoamerican Archaeology (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chelsea Blackmore. Shankari Patel.

One of the strengths of prehistoric archaeology is its ability to document the full range of human variation. For Latin America, activist archaeology has the potential to inform postcolonial and Third World feminist critiques that challenge white supremacist legal systems that marginalize women of color and indigenous peoples. The false universalisms and cultural essentialisms found in human rights debates ignore the diverse experiences of women’s oppression, especially the indigenous, poor,...

African Habits: Archaeology of the Saint Joseph Mission, ca. 1863-1940 (Ngasobil, Senegal) (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Johanna A. Pacyga.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Mission archaeology often identifies a dichotomy between missionaries and indigenous populations. This dynamic is complicated in the case of nineteenth-century French missionization in Senegal where local converts were increasingly relied upon as missionaries themselves. Drawing on archaeological and archival research, this paper focuses on the African Daughters of the Holy Heart of...

Agent Based Modelling on the origins of the sexual division of labour (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Francisco J. Miguel Quesada. Eduardo Tapia. Débora Zurro. Jorge Caro.

Social differences between men and women are still an object of debate among several areas of knowledge. These differences are the result of a long historical process that led to the establishment of the sexual division of labour as we know it, although we do not know the original cicumstances and steps that initially originated it. In order to throw light on this, we are focusing on hunter-gather societies; ethnographic and historical documentation about these human societies points to...

Aknah and the moon spiners: gender relations and rituals in caves. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adriana Sanchez.

Mensabak Lake, in the Lacandon Rainforest, is surrounded by caves that were used as pilgrimage destinations and for different rituals in the Protohistoric period. The role of Maya women in the rituals and ceremonies has been delimited to fertility and dependency stereotypes not only in the historical documents but in the archaeological research. This presentation discusses Maya women’s participation in a multi-regional pilgrimage network having Mensabak as the epicentre.

All are not Hunters that Knap the Stone - A Search for a Woman's Touch in Mesolithic Stone Tool Production (2005)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Farina Sternke.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Antelope Creek Phase Subsistence: the Bone Chemistry Evidence (1994)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Judith A. Habicht-Mauche. Alytia A. Levendosky. Margaret J. Schoeninger.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

An archaeological investigation of gender on the late prehistoric steppe (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeremy Beach. K. Bryce Lowry.

In 1954, Hawkes warned that the intangible aspects of social life are the most difficult for archaeologists to comment on due to distance between object and ideology, the material and the mental world. Certainly, there is an epistemological slippage that can occur when moving between categories of social life that rely on objects to legitimize claims or complete tasks, and those aspects of society which can be veiled within larger, and immaterial, structures or norms—religious beliefs,...

Archaeology of Colonialism and the lineages of Tupiniquim women in São Vicente & Rio de Janeiro during the 16-17th century: by an interdisciplinary approach (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marianne Sallum. Francisco Noelli. Sílvia Peixoto. Ane Elisabeth Modesti Simões.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Pre-Recorded Video Presentation Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This work proposes a different method, one in which historical, genealogical, and archaeological data are analyzed and interpreted through other hermeneutics and semantics in order to find lineages of women who had their names recorded. On the basis of two archaeological sites in Rio de Janeiro -...

The Archaeology of Gender in Historic America (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Deb Rotman.

Gendered social relations are fundamental to human experience. The ways in which individuals understand their roles as gendered beings and their relationships to other gendered beings is constantly pushed and pulled by forces both internal and external to the individual and the family/social/economic unit to which they belong at multiple scales from the household to the community to the nation. Identity, sexuality, cultural prescriptions for social roles, socioeconomic class, ethnic heritage,...

The Archaeology of Gendered Resistance at the Industrial Mine in Superior, CO (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura E Vernon.

The Industrial Mine at Superior, operating from 1895 to 1945, was one of many coal mines situated within a region known as the Colorado Northern Coal fields. It is exceptional only in that it was one of the largest coal producers in the area and because it was the sole mine in the region with both a company town and company store. This paper examines how camp housing structured the lives of women living at the Industrial Mine, as well as how women altered the camp. Through their gendered...

At the Crossroads: Intersections of Colonization (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dawn M. Rutecki.

Intersectionality arose as a strategy for understanding the ways oppression operates simultaneously on multiple aspects of a person’s identity.  As such, it provides a key framework for understanding how gender, race, and religion affected interactions between Europeans and indigenous communities from contact through today.  The missionaries of New Spain, as well as later explorers of the Louisiana Territory, proscribed gendered expectations on indigenous peoples that fundamentally altered their...

Balls, Cocks, and Coquettes: The Dissonance of Washington’s Youth (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Galke.

Powerful messages concerning ideal gender roles are significant, yet latent features of presidential biographies. Most contemporary authors suggest that Washington succeeded despite the efforts of his mother, Mary Ball Washington. Biographers tend to be most offended by Mother Washington when she exercised agency. Archaeological investigations at Washington’s childhood home in Stafford County, Virginia underscore the dissonance between the material culture of his youth and popular narratives...

Beautiful Virgins and Male War Captives: The Role of Sex Attribution in Ancient Maya Human Sacrifice at Midnight Terror Cave, Belize (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cristina Verdugo. Kimberly Zhu. Lars Fehren-Schmitz.

The prurient element in the popular notion of the Maya sacrifice of "beautiful virgins" during the first half of the twentieth century (Frost and Arnold 1909; Willard 1926) appears to have made researchers wary of the topic of gender in study of human sacrifice. The interest in human sacrifice arose in the 1990s at the same time as the formulation of the warfare hypothesis for the collapse of Maya civilization (Demerast 1990) so that models of human sacrifice tended to assume that victims were...

Behind the Scenes of Hollywood: The Intersectionality of Gender, Whiteness, and Reproductive Health (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jodi Barnes.

In ongoing research at Hollywood Plantation, a 19th century rural plantation in southeastern Arkansas, intersectionality, with its roots in Black feminist theory, plays two roles. It is an analytical tool for uncovering intersecting power relations, such as gender, whiteness, and reproductive health, as they emerged in the late 19th century. As patent medicines were increasingly marketed to women, medicine bottles provide a lens into rural upper class white women’s healing practices and the ways...

Being A 'Good' Girl: Crafting Gender in Indian Residential Schools (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sandie Dielissen.

As part of the project of colonialism in North America, churches and missionaries introduced their standards of childhood through the education of Aboriginal peoples. Indian residential schools determined what it meant for Aboriginal girls to become proper women. Western ideals of femininity, modelled behaviour, appearance and clothing, personal possessions, and household goods informed respectability, and Aboriginal girls were taught a Christian home life geared towards removing them from their...

Being a Woman in Roman Gaul: Gendered Votive Offerings in a Colonial Context (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alena Wigodner.

The annexation of Gaul into the Roman Empire in the mid-first century BCE spurred the development of new religious practices in that region, including the practice of offering votive figurines at sanctuaries. Because each votive represents a personal decision on the part of the dedicant, analysis of votive assemblages provides unique insight into the demographics of worshippers and illuminates aspects of individual identity in this colonial context. Here, I present the results of a quantitative...

Beyond the Mansion: How the Archaeology Program at a Plantation Museum Changed so Many Lives (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Whitney Battle-Baptiste.

Between 1988 and 2009, the Hermitage Archaeology Program trained students of archaeology, anthropology, history, and education. Summer after summer, as the excavation units were laid, the wheelbarrows lined up, the shovels and trowels counted and distributed, we were always excited about what was to come. I learned about who I was as an archaeologist, as a scholar of slavery and the African Diaspora, and a Black Feminist Archaeologist. This short reflection paper is to share some thoughts and...

Boca, California- House On The Hill Project: Results of 2016 Field Survey (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leo A. Demski.

During 2016, fieldwork was carried out in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains at Boca, a late 19th century company town that provided lumber for the construction of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the Comstock mine. Boca was also one of the largest producers of naturally harvested ice, selling to individuals and companies, including the railroad. Use of iced railcars provided the means for the transcontinental railroad to successfully ship perishable goods long distances, giving later rise...

Boston Latin School: A Look At Ethnic And Engendered Spaces (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathleen von Jena.

Boston Latin School: A Look at Ethnic and Engendered Spaces Kathleen von Jena, Boston Landmarks Commission   During the summer of 2015 the Boston City Archaeology Program conducted excavations on the site of the original Boston Latin School and neighboring Schoolmasters house dating to 1635-1748. Boston Latin was the first purpose-built free school in America where Cotton Mather, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams and John Hancock attended. Public Archaeology conducted at this site provided an...

The Can: Clandestine Infant Burials in Plain Sight (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only B E Charles.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "In Small Things Remembered II: An Archaeology of Affective Objects and Other Narratives", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Mortuary treatment in a capitalist society can be cost-prohibitive and a source of shame or guilt for those unable to pay for a proper burial. Coroner reports from Milwaukee County describe the recovery of miscarried, stillborn, or infant remains from outdoor locations, often concealed...

Changes in Decoration Through Time: An Analysis of Salinar Pottery found in Huanchaco, Moche Valley, North Coast of Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Gontarski.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The late Early Horizon (400-200 BCE), also known as Salinar in the north coast of Peru, was a key moment immediately after the influence of the Chavín de Huantar sphere of interaction. Salinar pottery bears distinct designs and motifs that have never been properly studied. This paper presents a first systematic analysis of the varied decorative designs on...

Collections Care as Care Work: Examining the Gendered Nature of Museum Work in Archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samantha Fladd. Sarah Oas. Sarah Kurnick.

This is an abstract from the "Ideas, Ethical Ideals, and Museum Practice in North American Archaeological Collections" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Despite women receiving the majority of archaeology PhD degrees for decades, issues with gender representation continue within the discipline, such as the well documented underrepresentation of women in prestigious academic positions. It follows that the majority of archaeological museum collections...

Confronting Uncomfortable Pasts: Gender and Domestic Violence in Pennsylvania Company Towns, 1850 to Present (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only V. Camille Westmont. Mikaela Girard.

Historical archaeology has an opportunity to tell histories that have been obscured, overlooked, or forgotten, purposefully or otherwise, through the passage of time; however, some of these facets of the past continue to ring true in the present. Archaeologists from the University of Maryland have documented patterns and stories of domestic violence in small company "patch" towns in Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Anthracite coal region covering nearly 100 years of history. Oral histories with town...

Construction and Negotiation of Gender at Yama, a Late 19th-Early 20th Century Japanese American Community (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caroline Hartse.

The Japanese village of Yama, located on Bainbridge Island, Washington, U.S.A., was occupied from the 1880s-1920s.  Yama contained approximately 250 people, and many residents worked at the Port Blakely Lumber Mill.  Using a transnational framework, I present analysis and interpretation of gender at the community of Yama and implications for a comparative and collaborative approach to the study of gender in the field of Japanese diaspora archaeology.

Creating and Contesting Male Personhood on the Last Spanish Colonial Frontier (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily D. Dylla.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Gender in Historical Archaeology (General Sessions)" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Gender roles were an especially visible aspect of Spanish Colonial evangelization in Alta California. Part of the worldview Franciscan missionaries attempted to impart to Indigenous neophyte communities was a particular model of manhood, rooted in medieval European ideology and medicant philosophy. Missionaries also...