Mogollon (Other Keyword)

76-100 (136 Records)

A Mimbres Mogollon Sacred Landscape as Seen from an Early Classic Period Communal Structure at City of Rocks State Park, Southwestern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Stokes. Joseph McConnell.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this paper, we discuss elements of what we argue were components of a sacred landscape imbued with meaning as seen from a Mimbres Mogollon communal structure at City of Rocks State Park in southwestern New Mexico. The structure dates to the early Classic period and falls into the poorly understood period of time marking the evolution of Mimbres communal...

Mogollon Early Pithouse NAA Data (2020)
DATASET Lori Barkwill Love. Darrell Creel. Jeffery Ferguson.

These data represent all of the new NAA ceramic compositional data and group assignments from Barkwill Love (2020) and Barkwill Love et al. 2022. Barkwill Love, Lori (2020) Challenging the Village Concept: Bayesian Analysis and Chemical Composition Characterization in the Mogollon Early Pithouse Period of the US Southwest. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio. Barkwill Love, Lori, Jeffrey R. Ferguson, and Darrell Creel (2022) Movement of Pots (and...

Mogollon Murk: Ideas for Some New Ways Forward through Collections and Collaboration (and a Little Fieldwork) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Erin Baxter. Steve Nash. Michele Koons. Deborah Huntley.

This is an abstract from the "Emerging Voices in Mogollon Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Emily Haury wrote, “[Mogollon studies are] . . . a currently confused state of affairs. Perhaps in another half century [it] will have reached a state of broad acceptability and equilibrium” (1983:xix). Forty years into the prognostication, have we made inroads? This paper will explore the Denver Museum of Nature & Science’s efforts toward that...

Mogollon Strontium Isotopic Baseline (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda Semanko. Richard George. Martin Welker. Frank Ramos.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent studies on domestic turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and exotic scarlet macaws (Ara macao cyanoptera) have raised new questions about how prehistoric communities in the American Southwest maintained local avian management practices, developed breeding regimes, and fostered trade networks. While strontium isotopic analysis (87Sr/86Sr) can be used to...

The Northern Periphery of the Casas Grandes World: An Assessment and Update of the Animas Phase (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Thatcher Seltzer-Rogers.

In the 1930s through 1960s, several sites in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico were excavated to assess their role in a regional system that spanned across the international border. Many of these sites were characterized by their shared, mixed composition of architectural, ceramic, and iconography traits that did not neatly fit into established archaeological cultures. Subsequently, they became the basis of understanding for the northern Casas Grandes frontier, oftentimes termed...

Offerings in the Mogollon Underworld: Big-Eyed Beings and Birds (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Scott Nicolay.

Three Classic Mimbres vessels depict similar ceremonial processions in which individuals carry effigies of animals and/or goggle-eyed beings. The goggle-eyed effigies are versions of a figure common in both Mimbres and Jornada Mogollon rock art that may represent the Mesoamerican rain deity Tlaloc. Similar effigies have been recovered from five cave shrines in southern New Mexico and Arizona: two wooden goggle-eyed figures and one of stone, and two wooden birds. However, modern Pueblo informants...

On the Shoulders of Giants: A History of Archaeological Research in the Mogollon (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jared Renaud. Rebecca Harkness.

This is an abstract from the "Emerging Voices in Mogollon Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Since its inception by Emil Haury during the height of the cultural-historical period of American archaeology, the idea of a Mogollon cultural tradition has exhibited considerable dynamism through time. The concept has since developed as a means to delineate a mountain highlands–based cultural tradition from that of the identified Hohokam and...

Ongoing Investigations at the Gila River Farm Site (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Devlin Lewis. Leslie Aragon.

This is an abstract from the "Local Development and Cross-Cultural Interaction in Pre-Hispanic Southwestern New Mexico and Southeastern Arizona" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The manifestation of the Salado Phenomenon in the Upper Gila is expressed as a combination of local Mogollon traits and traits associated with immigrants from northeastern Arizona. New communities that were formed in the generations after initial migration incorporated...

Our World: Archaeologists and Zuni Knowledge Keepers Create a Shared Narrative of Life in the Mogollon Highlands (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Deborah Huntley. Michele Koons. Octavius Seowtewa. Ronnie Cachini. Stephen Nash.

This is an abstract from the "Collaborative Archaeology: How Native American Knowledge Enhances Our Collective Understanding of the Past" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Mogollon Highlands of west-central New Mexico, despite a flurry of archaeological activity in the mid-twentieth century, have long been treated by archaeologists as a cultural backwater of the American Southwest. Boundary zone, frontier, and crossroads are labels that most...

Persistent Places and Settlement Patterns in the Mogollon Highlands: A Case Study along Eagle Creek, Eastern Arizona (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Lewandowski.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper examines settlement patterns and the concept of persistent places and its implications regarding population circulation, community, and identity during the Pithouse and Pueblo period occupations (A.D. 700–1450) within the Eagle Creek area of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests (ASNF) in eastern Arizona. Eagle Creek is a perennial stream which...

The Pine Lawn-Reserve Area Archaeological Project: Results and Prospects (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephen Nash. Michele Koons.

Between 1939 and 1955, Paul Sidney Martin and John Rinaldo of the Field Museum excavated or tested more than 30 archaeological sites in the Pine Lawn/Reserve region of New Mexico. Researchers from the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, the United States Forest Service, and elsewhere have since 2010 been working to re-locate and record those sites, many of which were never properly registered with state and federal authorities. This paper shares results of that research as well as exploratory...

The Pithouse to Pueblo Transition, Mealing Facilities, and the Mogollon Mimbres Society (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sean White.

This is an abstract from the "Research Hot Off the Trowel in the Upper Gila and Mimbres Areas" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Mealing facilities include the tools (metates, manos), features (bins), and architecture (kivas, pueblo rooms) used in the process of grinding corn kernels and other materials at an archaeological site. The goal of this poster is to classify, catalog, and compare the properties of mealing facilities in the Mogollon Mimbres...

Plain Pots Do Travel: Insights into Mogollon Early Pithouse Period Pottery Circulation (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lori Barkwill Love. Jeffery R. Ferguson. Darrell Creel.

This is an abstract from the "Local Development and Cross-Cultural Interaction in Pre-Hispanic Southwestern New Mexico and Southeastern Arizona" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Ceramics in the Mogollon region, particularly the Mimbres Mogollon, have been the focus of numerous neutron activation analysis (NAA) studies to discern pottery circulation and social networks throughout the region. However, most of these studies have focused on the painted...

Plazas, Proxemics, and Ritual Power: The Main Plaza and Ceremonial Precinct at Paquimé, Chihuahua, and Its Place in a Plaza-Pueblo World (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Mathiowetz.

This is an abstract from the "Humble Houses to Magnificent Monuments: Papers in Honor of Jerry D. Moore" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In his seminal article on Andean plazas, Jerry Moore (1996) characterized plazas as spaces that serve as a setting for diverse public interactions, including as arenas that help to structure verbal and nonverbal ritual communication in the context of ritually infused power dynamics. In the Puebloan and Mogollon...

Polychromes and People at 76 Draw, New Mexico (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Candace Sall.

This is an abstract from the "25 Years in the Casas Grandes Region: Celebrating Mexico–U.S. Collaboration in the Gran Chichimeca" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. People of the Casas Grandes and Salado regions are known for their polychrome pottery. Often pottery from both areas are found at the same sites, but the degree of interaction between the areas is not known. Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) was conducted on Ramos and Gila Polychrome...

Possible Evidence for Mimbres Integration into Jornada Mogollon Villages: Introducing the Eastern Mimbres San Andres Aspect in South-Central New Mexico (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Thatcher Seltzer-Rogers. Alexander Kurota.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Research at Jornada Mogollon Sites in South-Central New Mexico" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Investigations at Mesilla and Doña Ana phase villages within and adjacent to the Tularosa Basin have identified a set of cultural traits associated with the Mimbres culture. Extraordinarily high frequencies of Mogollon pottery, as well as similar mortuary patterns, agricultural practices, and possible evidence of...

Power Cooking...Or Not (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul Minnis. Michael Whalen.

This is an abstract from the "Hot Rocks in Hot Places: Investigating the 10,000-Year Record of Plant Baking across the US-Mexico Borderlands" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Paquimé-centered tradition is one of the most influential communities in northwestern Chihuahua and U.S. Southwest (NW/SW). We have argued that food production and preparation was central to this polity. Some of best evidence of this are earthen ovens, one of which is...

The Powers Ranch Site: Identity and Affiliation West of the Mimbres Heartland (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Whisenhunt. Patricia Gilman.

This is an abstract from the "Mogollon, Mimbres, and Salado Archaeology in Southwest New Mexico and Beyond" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. What does it mean to be Mimbres at the far edge of the Mimbres heartland? Here, we consider questions of Mimbres identity and affiliation by examining ceramics and architecture from the Powers Ranch site. We also analyze Powers Ranch in relation to other Mimbres Classic components along the Gila River to the...

Prehispanic Copper Artifacts Found in the Gila National Forest (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Adams.

This is an abstract from the "Research Hot Off the Trowel in the Upper Gila and Mimbres Areas" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The discovery of a prehispanic copper artifact on a Classic Mimbres site in the Gila National Forest in southwestern New Mexico in 2009 initiated an archaeological investigation to determine if more prehispanic copper artifacts existed in the Mimbres area. This preliminary investigation involved surveying a small sample of...

Prehistoric Copper Artifacts Found in the White Sands Missile Range (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Adams.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Research at Jornada Mogollon Sites in South-Central New Mexico" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico fieldwork on the White Sands Missile Range has resulted in the discovery of rare prehistoric copper artifacts. This preliminary investigation involved looking at several El Paso phase sites consisting of Jornada Mogollon adobe melt roomblock complexes...

Prehistoric Dogs of the Southwest (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda Semanko.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For over 15,000 years, dogs have been accorded varying social roles within human society. In view of this, the Canine Surrogacy Approach derives from observations that dogs often consume the same food as people and accompany humans during migration. Dogs are commonly granted similar burial customs, as well. I explore this proxy approach through the case study...

Preliminary Results from Excavations of a Communal Pit Structure in the Gila National Forest (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dustin Wagner. Trevor Lea.

As part of the recent salvage recovery effort at the South Diamond Creek Pueblo (LA 181765), a small Classic Mimbres pueblo (1000-1150 CE) in the Aldo Leopold Wilderness of the Gila National Forest, excavation was performed on a large pit structure that appears to be associated with an earlier occupation of the area. Sample excavation was performed as part of a field school directed by Dr. Fumiyasu Arakawa of New Mexico State University under. Very few archaeological investigations have been...

Quantitatively Modeling the Relationship between Watershed Size and Site Size in Sixth–Tenth-Century Gila and Mimbres Regions, Southwestern New Mexico (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ian Youth. Karen Schollmeyer.

This is an abstract from the "Mogollon, Mimbres, and Salado Archaeology in Southwest New Mexico and Beyond" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This project quantitatively investigates the relationship between watershed size and site size within the Gila and Mimbres regions of southwestern New Mexico. Throughout the later first millennium CE, larger sites in these regions tended to occupy areas where smaller tributaries flowed into primary drainage...

Radiocarbon Wiggle-Matching on a Dendrochronologically Dated Timber Sample from Paquimé (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dakota Larrick. Chris Baisan. Charlotte Pearson. Hugo García Ferrusca.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Paquimé, or Casas Grandes, is one of the largest and most complex archaeological sites in the North American Southwest. Paquimé was of central and wide-reaching importance in the cultural region referred to as the Gran Chichimeca during the Medio period (AD 1200–1450), and therefore remains of crucial significance to borderland archaeology (Minnis 2003)....

Reassessing Mimbres Mogollon Red-Slipped Pottery (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lori Barkwill Love.

This is an abstract from the "Mogollon, Mimbres, and Salado Archaeology in Southwest New Mexico and Beyond" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The red-slipped pottery associated with Mimbres Mogollon pithouses seldom gets much attention, and the typology and chronology of these red-slipped ceramics are not well understood. This poster presents the results of an attribute analysis on the red-slipped pottery from seven Mimbres Mogollon sites as well as...