Mogollon Murk: Ideas for Some New Ways Forward through Collections and Collaboration (and a Little Fieldwork)


This is an abstract from the "Emerging Voices in Mogollon Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Emily Haury wrote, “[Mogollon studies are] . . . a currently confused state of affairs. Perhaps in another half century [it] will have reached a state of broad acceptability and equilibrium” (1983:xix). Forty years into the prognostication, have we made inroads? This paper will explore the Denver Museum of Nature & Science’s efforts toward that end in the Mogollon highlands. From new 14C dates from Tularosa Cave, to reanalysis of WS Ranch, survey north of the Forestdale Valley, excavation of an endangered great kiva (and its repatriation and reburial alongside Zuni and Acoma advisors), to new and tantalizing sites out of reach but not out of mind, we hope to add to syntheses pioneered in the region by Martin and Rinaldo and riffed on a new generation of regional archaeologists looking to cast off the murk. New dates, new methods, and new thoughts to put into the hopper.

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Mogollon Murk: Ideas for Some New Ways Forward through Collections and Collaboration (and a Little Fieldwork). Erin Baxter, Steve Nash, Michele Koons, Deborah Huntley. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 498702)

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Abstract Id(s): 39858.0