Kaolin Pipe Bowl fragments (Other Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

Archaeological Data Recovery at 38CH1473 A Christ Church Parish Slave Row (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carol Poplin. Inna Burns.

"Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at 38CH1473 between 16 March and 26 April 2000 as per the Data Recovery Plan submitted to the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the US Army Corps of Engineers-Charleston District (USACE). Historic property 38CH1473 is the remnants of a slave settlement in the Franke Home Tract, off Rifle Range Road (SC 51) in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. During their work at adjacent site...

Cultural Resources Survey of the Morgan Tract (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Erik Mischker. Inna Burns. Damon Jackson.

"Investigators identified 14 sites (38JA410–38JA423) and 11 isolated finds (Isolates 1–11) during the survey of the Morgan Tract. We recommend sites 38JA410–38JA415, 38JA417, and 38JA420–38JA423 and Isolates 1–11 not eligible for the NRHP. No further management consideration of sites 38JA410–38JA415, 38JA417, and 38JA420–38JA423 and the isolated finds is warranted. Although we recommend the site containing a cemetery (38JA421) not eligible for the NRHP, ground disturbance in and near the...

Data Recovery Investigations at Waterford Plantation (38GE550) (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Inna Burns. Autumn Morrison.

"Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at portions of site 38GE550 in the Allston Bluffs tract, Georgetown County, South Carolina in February through April 2003....These investigations recovered considerable information about the colonial and antebellum occupations of 38GE550. We employed this information to address all of the research questions outlined in the approved Treatment Plan for 38GE550, as well as other issues that the data provided...