Formative (Other Keyword)

1-25 (215 Records)

Absolute Chronology of the Early Formative Revisited: Bayesian Analysis, Radiocarbon Chronology, and the Emergence of Pottery in the Americas (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Hoopes.

In 1987, the author’s doctoral dissertation featured a comprehensive analysis of calibrated radiocarbon dates associated with the earliest ceramic complexes in the Americas towards a model for the emergence of sedentary lifeways. This resulted in a critical evaluation of James Ford’s posthumously published model for the Early Formative diffusion of pottery as well as other cultural features in a region extending from the Southeastern U.S. through Mesoamerica and the Isthmo-Colombian Area to the...

The Active Materiality of Obsidian (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rosemary Joyce.

This is an abstract from the "2019 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of M. Steven Shackley" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. When Steve Shackley informed me that over 90% of obsidian samples from Puerto Escondido, Honduras, that he had analyzed came from an unidentified source, presumably nearby, he started a process of re-education that led me to a place where he may not be comfortable, but that I deeply appreciate. This involves a...

The Adoption of Agriculture in the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico: Stable Isotope Data for 10,000 Years of Environmental and Dietary Change (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrew Somerville. Isabel Casar. Pedro Morales.

This is an abstract from the "Subsistence Crops and Animals as a Proxy for Human Cultural Practice" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. An enduring focus in anthropological research concerns the causes for adoption of agriculture in multiple regions across the globe near the onset of the Holocene. The Tehuacan Valley of Puebla, Mexico, represents a unique location to explore long-term trends of human-plant coevolution as the dry climate of the valley...

Altica ceramics and figurines: Stylistic and chronological analyses (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Carballo. Oralia Cabrera.

Craft specialization and exchange feature prominently in explanations for the development of the first complex societies in Mesoamerica. It is clear from analyses of surface collections at Altica that during the Early and early Middle Formative periods (c. 1300-850 B.C.) its inhabitants exported obsidian tools and imported pottery from long distances, including the southern Gulf Coast. Altica is one of the few early agricultural settlements located in the northern Basin of Mexico from which we...

Analyses of Pastes and Polychromy of Chupícuaro Pottery: A Diachronic Comparison Using a Noninvasive Approach (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carlos López Puértolas. José Luis Ruvalcaba-Sil. Eliseo Padilla. Edgar Casanova-González. Véronique Darras.

This is an abstract from the "Reassessing Chupícuaro–Cuicuilco Relationships in Light of Ceramic Production (Formative Mesoamerica)" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Pottery is one of the hallmarks of the societies that emerged in the present-day Acámbaro Valley known as the Chupícuaro culture (ca. 600–100 BC). The aesthetic features of Chupícuaro ceramics range from complex forms of monochrome ware to polychrome varieties based on three main...

Anarchy in the Trenches: Perspectives on Buen Suceso (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Guy Duke. Sarah Rowe. Sara Juengst.

This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In many ways, Buen Suceso is a unique archaeological site. Not only is it a multicomponent site, with evidence for occupation throughout almost the entirety of the ~2,200-year Valdivia sequence and specialized use by the much later Manteño culture, but it exhibits an occupational...

Apishapa Structures and Subsistence Strategies in Purgatoire Canyon Colorado (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only A. Dudley Gardner.

From 2002 to the present we excavated five Apishapa Structures in the Purgatoire Canyon. This presentation will provide a brief synthesis of structural types and food ways of the sites inhabitants. It appears that maize and a variety of wild plants made up a considerable portion of the Apishapa diet. Analysis of the floral remains from these sites indicate the sites inhabitants relied heavily on available edible plants but also consumed exotics such as pecans. This brief synthesis puts forth our...

Approximate Bayesian Computation Evaluation of the Interactive Effects of Climate Change and Subsistence Economic Intensification on Precontact Population Dynamics in Western North America (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kurt Wilson. Kenneth Vernon. Wim Cardoen. Simon Brewer.

This is an abstract from the "Global Perspectives on Human Population Dynamics, Innovation, and Ecosystem Change" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Past population change is connected to significant shifts in human behavior and experience, including landscape manipulation, subsistence change, sedentism, technological change, material inequality, and more. However, population change appears to result from a complex interplay of human-environment...

Archaeobotanical Data and Site Reports for El Ujuxte and La Blanca, Guatemala Excavations
PROJECT Michael Love.

These are the raw data files associated with the analysis of archaeobotanical remains recovered from excavations of the Middle Formative La Blanca and Late Formative El Ujuxte, Guatemala. Aside from the raw botanical data, these files include the 1996,1997, and 2000 informes from El Ujuxte and the 2005 and 2008 informes from La Blanca.

Archaeological Immersion and the Rhythmanalysis of Place: Experimental Virtual Reality Spatial Analysis at Jatanca (Je-1023), Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katrina Burch Joosten. John Warner. Giles Morrow.

This is an abstract from the "Bridging Time, Space, and Species: Over 20 Years of Archaeological Insights from the Cañoncillo Complex, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru, Part 1" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The phenomenon of place as it is rhythmically embodied, akin to a fabric that is collectively worn and interwoven over successive generations, unfolds at the center of our presentation. We explore the intricate meshwork of place-making, applying an...

Archaeomagnetic Directional Studies as a Tool for Understanding Feature Form and Function: A Case Study of Two Burned Rock Features in a Multicomponent Site in East Texas, USA (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Shelby A. Jones. Eric Blinman. Jon Lohse. J. Royce Cox.

This is an abstract from the "Fire-Cracked Rock: Research in Cooking and Noncooking Contexts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Directional archaeomagnetic techniques were used to propose use-history models for two burned rock features at archaeological site 41AN162, in Anderson County, Texas, USA. While common in the region, such burned rock features are rarely associated with cultural artifacts that indicate their function. Archaeologists have...

Architectural Conservation at Cuetlajuchitlán, an Archaeological Site in Northern Guerrero, Mexico (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Juan Sereno-Uribe.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. One of the most successful ways in which we adapt to the environment is through the creation of architecture. This is the reflection of our aspirations and our achievements as a species; it is in architecture where we capture part of our cultural identity. In this sense, and as part of cultural identity, architecture can help us to observe and analyze the...

Arqueología de transiciones: Enfoques teórico metodológicos para investigar el cambio desde la perspectiva de la cerámica Formativa y Cásica de Mazapa, La Sierra y El Escobillal, Veracruz (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gabriela Montero.

This is an abstract from the "El principio del fin, el inicio del principio: Arqueología de la transición del Formativo al Clásico en Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A lo largo de los años, la práctica arqueológica se ha dedicado a estudiar el cambio desde diversos enfoques, incluyendo procesos adaptativos, resiliencia, entre otros temas que guían nuestras investigaciones para comprender cómo vivieron las sociedades...

Arroyo Pesquero y su "otra" ofrenda (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only María Andrea Celis Ng Teajan.

Desde el descubrimiento de una ofrenda masiva de objetos rituales hallada fortuitamente en un arroyo, el sitio Arqueológico de Arroyo Pesquero enclavado en el área nuclear olmeca ha generado una serie de discusiones acerca de la autenticidad de piezas dispersas en museos y colecciones privadas. Las piezas más representativas son máscaras y hachas de piedra verde con una iconografía propia de la cultura olmeca. Sin embargo, una parte del material del sitio se ha subestimado. Por Medellín Zenil...

Atlatl Dating and Violence in Rock Art in the American Southwest (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Whittaker. Kathryn Kamp. Chuck LaRue. William Bryce.

This is an abstract from the "The Global “Impact” of Projectile Technologies: Updating Methods and Regional Overviews of the Invention and Transmission of the Spear-Thrower and the Bow and Arrow" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Atlatl-related motifs are prominent in a limited area of the prehistoric American Southwest. The motifs include atlatls and darts and images relating to hunting and violence, all socially and symbolically important. While...

"The Basin of Mexico: Ecological Processes in the Evolution of a Civilization" y nuestras excavaciones en el Sur de la Cuenca de Mexico (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mari Carmen Serra Puche.

This is an abstract from the "The Legacies of The Basin of Mexico: The Ecological Processes in the Evolution of a Civilization, Part 1" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cuando llegó a nosotros el contenido The Basin of Mexico: Ecological Processes in the Evolution of a Civilization se nos abrió un horizonte nuevo para explorar una región fundamental de nuestro patrimonio arqueológico como es el sur de la cuenca de México. Guiados por las enseñanzas...

Breaking the Site Museum Mold: Designing the Dos Mangas Community Museum (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Roxanne Recinos. Sarah Rowe.

This is an abstract from the "Working with the Community in Ecuador" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological investigations began in Dos Mangas in 2006, and continued with excavation of a Valdivia village site, Buen Suceso, in 2009. Those and subsequent excavations carried out by Sarah Rowe have combined archaeological inquiry with community engagement activities such as presentations in the primary school, workshops for community guides,...

Brothers of Invention: Comparing Trends in Innovation in the New World Formative (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Rick.

Competition between Andean Formative centers seems to have stimulated rapid rates of innovation in technology, architecture, art, and behaviors such as ritual. This in turn seems to reflect a significant change of the role and nature of religion as a force promoting or resisting change, introducing a motivation for radical transformation within a background of conservative, heavily tradition-based practices. These processes are particularly evident in recent investigations in Chavin de Huantar,...

Building and Breaking Primordial Space at the Río Viejo Acropolis (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Barber. Arthur Joyce.

This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II, Current Research in Oaxaca Part 1" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Formative period civic-ceremonial facilities like the Río Viejo acropolis in the lower Río Verde Valley on the coast of Oaxaca emerged from the combination a wide range of elements: conceptual, material, environmental, infrastructural, human, and divine. Built rapidly in the first centuries of the Common Era, the multiple...

Building Social Complexity: Differences in Bedrock Use at Early Formative Etlatongo in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cuauhtémoc Vidal-Guzmán. Victor Salazar Chávez. Jeffrey Blomster.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Construction materials such as earthen fills have frequently been an afterthought for many archaeologists interested in understanding past social relations in Mesoamerica. In this paper we reconcile this situation by assessing how the relationship between humans and materials, in regard to the use of construction fills, may have played out a significant role...

Camping and Hot-Rock Cooking: Hunter-Gatherer Land Use across the Southwest Pecos Slopes (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Monica Murrell. Phillip Leckman. Michael Heilen.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Understanding changes in mobility and subsistence practices among Jornada Mogollon hunter-gatherer groups remains a substantial research issue. Residents across the Permian Basin largely maintained a hunting-and-gathering cultural adaption throughout prehistoric times, although some segment of the local population practiced cultivation during the Late...

Ceramics and Community: A Yucuita Phase Ceramic Cache at Etlatongo (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Breault.

Feasting is a well-documented phenomenon in Mesoamerica as a means of community integration and interaction. Ceramic analysis of Op. B, Pozo 20, Feature 1 from the site of Etlatongo may point to one such feasting event at the site. This Yucuita phase (500-300 BC) feature was a primary refuse deposit of ceramic, lithic, and faunal artifacts intermixed with extremely ashy sediment, probably from a specific event. An overview of the stratigraphy of the feature and an inventory of the assemblage...

Changing Urban Networks in Formative Central Mexico: A View from Tlalancaleca, Puebla (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tatsuya Murakami. Shigeru Kabata. Julieta López.

It is likely that Formative urban centers and their interactions with one another provided cultural and historical settings for the creation of Central Mexican urban traditions during later periods. Yet their urbanization process remains poorly understood. Our research over the last six field seasons indicates that some residential groups were settled at Tlalancaleca towards 800 BC and the settlement was urbanized with a significant population growth during the later Middle Formative period (ca....

Characterization of Chupícuaro and Cuicuilco Ceramics Technical Traditions: Preliminary Results (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alejandra Castañeda.

This is an abstract from the "Reassessing Chupícuaro–Cuicuilco Relationships in Light of Ceramic Production (Formative Mesoamerica)" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For the last decades, the existence of stylistic similarities between Chupícuaro ceramics and those found in some Preclassic sites in the Basin of Mexico has raised questions on the nature of the interactions between these two regions. In this paper, we will present the preliminary...

Chert at Chalcatzingo: Implications of Knapping Strategies and Technological Organization for Formative Economics (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Grant McCall. Rachel Horowitz. Dan Healan. David Grove.

The site of Chalcatzingo, at the eastern edge of the state of Morelos, Mexico, has been an important source of information about shifting economic and social dynamics during the Formative period. Lithic analyses focusing on the site's specialized obsidian knapping have played a significant role in showing Chalcatzingo's place as a trade hub situated at the boundary between the central highlands and Gulf Coast regions. This paper reports on the site's chert lithic assemblage and presents the...