Citizen Science (Other Keyword)

1-25 (32 Records)

Archaeology of Plastics: On Overcoming, Oceans, and Environmentalism (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kimberly J. Wooten.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology: The Power of Public Engagement for Heritage Monitoring and Protection" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In October 2019, eXXpedition launched a round-the-world sailing voyage that emphasized “citizen science” in understanding single-use plastic in our oceans and the impacts of those toxins on women’s health. The mission of the ongoing two-year trip—which features 30...

The ArcheoBlitz and Citizen Science at Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, North Dakota. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jay Sturdevant. Dawn Bringelson.

As part of the NPS centennial celebration, Knife River Indian Villages NHS and the Midwest Archeological Center hosted a citizen-science event focused on engaging local area Middle School students. The ArcheoBlitz was designed as a multi-day event to highlight research activities focused on the history and resources preserved at the park. The event was loosely modeled on Bio-Blitz events that have successfully been used by the NPS and National Geographic Society to gather natural resources...

Archeological Practice and Citizen Science in the National Park Service (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Teresa S. Moyer. Jay Sturdevant.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Archeology, Citizen Science, and the National Park Service" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The practice of citizen science in National Parks offers the public opportunities to engage with the past in cooperation with professional archeologists. The NPS aims to make science more accessible and relevant by enlisting the public to assisting scientists with their work. Citizen science, however, is also a...

Archeology as an Incident: An Application of the Incident Command System for Citizen Science. (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jay Sturdevant.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Archeology, Citizen Science, and the National Park Service" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Organizing a large citizen science event can confront researchers with many operational challenges. In order to achieve desired objectives it is beneficial to utilze an integrated command structure as a basis for the event. This paper will demostrate the use of the incident command system for the ArcheoBlitz held at...

Battling the Climate Crisis: Submerged Cultural Resource Monitoring with Women Veteran Citizen Scientists (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anne E. Wright. Jeneva P. Wright. Josephine Ketten.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Methods for Monitoring Heritage at Risk Sites in a Rapidly Changing Environment", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. As part of an interdisciplinary marine science “Women Wounded Veterans in National Parks” program, a group of women veterans assisted National Park Service (NPS) underwater archaeologists with a pilot citizen science submerged cultural resources monitoring effort at Dry Tortugas National Park....

A Beta Test of the North American Gunflint Inventory by Volunteer Citizen Scientists at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan R Snow. Steve Davis.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Archeology, Citizen Science, and the National Park Service" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In 2018 San Antonio Missions National Historical Park agreed to be a beta testing site for a new North American Gunflint Inventory Database project. This project is being developed by Steve Davis, publisher of the online journal Texas Archeology and It establishes a standard methodology for measuring and...

Beta Testing a New Gunflint Database Using Citizen Scientists in the Time of COVID (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Snow. Lynn Kim. Steve Davis.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The *Journal of Texas Archeology and History (JTAH) has developed a comprehensive new program for recording gunflint attributes (50+ potential) and site data (40+ items) based on a set of universal standards, taxonomy, methods, and procedures that allow a cloud-based, open-access comparative database to be constructed comprised of North American artifacts. In...

Bringing Public Archeology HOME: Reflections on Citizen Science at Homestead National Monument of America (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca L Wiewel. Dawn Bringelson.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Archeology, Citizen Science, and the National Park Service" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Although citizen science in its current form is perhaps most associated with biological disciplines, archeologists have harnessed this powerful tool for some time. Yet citizen science in archeology presents its own challenges, including the need for more direct supervision with most data collection and the need to...

Building resilience and sustainability through collaboration and community research (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Boger.

The island of Barbuda, West Indies has a relatively unique history, land tenure and geography. Despite its arid climate and thin soils, the enslaved and eventually free people of Barbuda developed a complex herding ecology and built historic wells that are strategically located around the island to support their sustainably resilient agricultural practices. Now, these wells are largely abandoned and people are increasingly dependent on external food and water. An interdisciplinary team of...

The CCitRes Initiative: Using Citizen Science and Public Archaeology to Build Heritage Management Capacity in Curaçao (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christina Giovas. Claudia Kraan. Amy Victorina.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Caribbean islands face significant heritage management capacity shortfalls that undermine local direction and control of archaeological research for community benefit. The Curaçao Citizen Researcher (CCitRes) Initiative uses citizen science and public archaeology to develop archaeological capacity on one such island, Curaçao, and empower communities to...

Certifying Success: Sport Divers, Citizen Science, and Sustainability (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Della A Scott-Ireton. Nicole Grinnan.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology: The Power of Public Engagement for Heritage Monitoring and Protection" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Citizen science in maritime archaeology has the potential for astounding benefits. Not only do sport divers participate in authentic data gathering and educational opportunities about the values and ethics of underwater archaeology, they also become critical vectors...

Citizen Science and Palaeolithic Art: Investigating the Visual Psychological Background to 15,800-year-old Engravings Online (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lisa-Elen Meyering. Jérôme Robitaille. Paul Pettitt. Robert Kentridge. Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. We present findings from our Citizen Science-focused project that combines Pleistocene Archaeology, traceology, and visual psychology experimentation to offer new perspectives on Ice Age art. Our project visually explores the content and wider context of the 15,800-year-old German Gönnersdorf/Andernach Upper Palaeolithic engraved plaquettes (portable...

Citizen Science and the Selfish Archaeologist (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Gibb.

Organizing and implementing programs that engage defined and undefined groups of non-archaeologists can be time-consuming and demanding of resources. Most of us enter into them with good humor and a mixture of joy and stress. My approach to public engagement, saturated with selfishness, is through the concept of citizen science, and the evaluation measures summarized in this presentation reflect how well aspects of the program meet my needs. I intend to advocate for embracing, rather than just...

Citizen Science as An Evolving Process: Veteran and Veteran Family Underwater Archaeology Programming (2022)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer McKinnon. Mark Stephens. Alan Williams.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "What’s in a Name? Discussions of Terminology, Theory and Infrastructure of Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology" , at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Developing a citizen science program for a Veteran-related community is an evolving process. Relationships are built, communication standards are developed, mutual aims are outlined, resources are identified, and a plan is set forth. With all sustainable...

Crowd Sourcing archaeological and palaeontological survey (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adrian Evans. Louise Leakey. Randolph Donahue. Andrew Wilson. Tom Sparrow. is a citizen science project that enables the public to engage directly with palaeo/archaeological research. Data, in the form of images, was collected from research areas to the east of Lake Turkana. The regions studied are those well known as fossil bearing regions dating to periods of interest in human evolution studies (up to 4 million years old in parts). In the first two seasons of research 1 million images of the ground surface were captured at a resolution of 30 pixels...

The Curious Case of Steamer City of Rockland: How Citizen Scientists are Helping Investigate Possible 100-year Old Misidentification (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laurel Seaborn. Calvin Mires. Charles Wainwright. Victor Mastone.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology: The Power of Public Engagement for Heritage Monitoring and Protection" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In 2018, SEAMAHP along with Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources began investigating the wreck of passenger steamship City of Rockland (1901) working together with citizen scientists, and students from Salem State University. This passenger...

Digging the Past- Creating New Pathways for the Future: Graduate Student Perspective from the Field (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jen-I Costosa.

As local communities are trying to adapt to the challenges of the anthropocene they are being faced not just with the loss of archaeological sites but also their livelihoods, identity and home. When living in a small island developing state (SIDS), the partnership of cultural heritage investigations with citizen science, transcends theory and provides the local participants with the tools to conserve and preserve the stories of the past while making empowered solutions towards challenges of the...

Diver-Archaeological Reconnaissance Cooperative (DivARC): Veterans working with Nautical Archaeological Society-New England (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dan Houlihan. Calvin Mires.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology: The Power of Public Engagement for Heritage Monitoring and Protection" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The process of returning to civilian life after departing military service presents a series of significant challenges to veterans. Often missing from life once back home are opportunities to engage in challenging and meaningful activities of purpose with trusted...

Heritage Monitoring Scouts (HMS) Florida: Pragmatic Responses to Heritage at Risk (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rachael Kangas. Sarah Miller.

Heritage Monitoring Scouts (HMS) Florida, a program created by the Florida Public Archaeology Network, is designed to teach the science of climate change and pragmatic problems it poses for cultural resources. Beyond just learning about climate change science, projections, and increasing impact we can expect to see over the next 50-100 years, HMS Florida is specifically designed to give individuals a way to make a difference. Responding to threats posed by climate change, weather, and other...

Heritage Monitoring Scouts (HMS) Florida: Using Shoreline Monitoring along Florida’s Coast to Engage the Public (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sara Ayers-Rigsby. Sarah Miller.

Coastal archaeological sites in Florida are being impacted at high rates by storm surge from hurricanes and sea level rise.  In 2015, the Florida Public Archaeology Network began beta testing an outreach program to engage the public through monitoring Florida’s coastal archaeological sites, which has now been activated throughout Florida.  Modeled after SCAPE’s Scotland Coastal Heritage at Risk Program (SCHARP) program, the goal of HMS Florida is to empower the public to observe and document...

Heritage Monitoring Underwater: Launching the Submerged Heritage Monitoring Scouts Florida Program (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rachael Kangas. Jeffrey T. Moates. Brenda Altmeier. Sara Ayers-Rigsby.

This is an abstract from the "Case Studies from SHA’s Heritage at Risk Committee" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) partnered with the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) to create a submerged cultural resource monitoring program based on the successful Heritage Monitoring Scouts (HMS) Florida, launched by FPAN in 2016. Many organizations have ongoing natural resource monitoring programs that...

La arqueología latente: educación informal como inspiración para preparación profesional (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karen Lopez.

El Programa Ciudadano Científico de Para la Naturaleza es un proyecto que da al ciudadano común la oportunidad de conocer, guiados por expertos, las huellas del pasado analizadas con técnicas del presente. Esto no sólo da una idea de cómo se vivía en aquel entonces sino permite conocer y entender las costumbres y estilo de vida del humano en el pasado. Comencé a participar de este Proyecto antes de finalizar mis estudios de escuela secundaria. Cuando formas parte de este proyecto aprendes...

La erosión costera como agente de cambio geomorfológico y pérdida de contexto arqueológico (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Miguel Díaz-Díaz.

La erosión costera es el proceso por el cual la acción hidráulica del mar transporta los sedimentos de un lugar de la costa a otro. Esta situación es particularmente importante en islas, donde gran parte de la población ha vivido y continúa viviendo en zonas costeras. Dentro del contexto de ciencia ciudadana, en esta charla presento el desarrollo de mi investigación multidisciplinaria que combina geomorfología y arqueología para evaluar cómo la erosión puede amenazar un sitio arqueológico...

Proactive Approaches to Heritage at Risk in Florida (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Miller.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Heritage at Risk: Shifting Responses from Reactive to Proactive" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Florida Public Archaeology Network engaged in a number of reactive approaches to climate change threats on cultural resources in Florida starting in 2013. In 2016, FPAN shifted to a proactive model under the Heritage Monitoring Scouts umbrella to include training, increased access to resources, networking...

Promises and Problems with Electronic Archeological Data and Citizen Science (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Gadsby.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Archeology, Citizen Science, and the National Park Service" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Instantly replicable and easily shareable, electronic archeological data passed across the internet are ripe with the tantalizing possibility of increasing the discipline's capacity to gather and analyze information, and to interpret and disseminate the results with great efficiency and, (perhaps) creativity....