Slate Knife (Other Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Archeological Investigations Along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1979)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Pat H. Stein.

In 1978, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) to complete an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed alignment for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, a feature of the Central Arizona Project. The survey area was 11,115 acres and included the 60 mile-long transmission line (with a typical width of 200 meters), three proposed utility line locations, one flood retention dike location, 11 possible spoil or realignment areas, and a subsidence well....

Mitigation Plan for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1979)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Pat H. Stein.

In 1978, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) to complete an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed alignment for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, a feature of the Central Arizona Project. The survey area was 11,115 acres and included the 60 mile-long transmission line (with a typical width of 200 meters), three proposed utility line locations, one flood retention dike location, 11 possible spoil or realignment areas, and a subsidence well....

Research Design for Data Recovery for the Salt River Project and Arizona Public Service Transmission Line Facilities Along the Beeline Highway (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard W. Effland, Jr..

Salt River Project (SRP) and Arizona Public Service Company (APS) propose to construct three transmission lines along a portion of the Beeline Highway on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). SRP proposes to build a new line which will connect the Pinnacle Peak, Brandow, and Papago Butte substations. APS proposes to realign two existing transmission lines and move them out of the Salt River channel and onto the north terrace above the river. Archaeological Consulting Services...

The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Class III Cultural Resources Survey, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deni J. Seymour.

Between March 11 and 21, 1991, SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants conducted a cultural resources survey of approximately 2,300 acres of Pima -Maricopa Indian Community Lands in Maricopa County, Arizona. The survey was conducted in order to locate and describe cultural remains within the project area that might be adversely affected by proposed development of the area in conjunction with the Central Arizona Project, Water Distribution Facilities. A total of 20 sites (AZ U:5:41 through AZ...