Geographic Information Systems (Other Keyword)

1-25 (28 Records)

3D Saqqara: Using 3D GIS to reconstruct visibility and communal memory at an Egyptian necropolis (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elaine Sullivan.

The integration of GIS and 3D modeling now allows for the recreation and visualization of entire ancient landscapes. 3D Saqqara uses these capabilities to create a truly four-dimensional exploration of the cemetery of Saqqara, Egypt. The project offers a workflow for how 2D archaeological and architectural data can be transformed into 3D representations of the ancient built and natural environment, while maintaining the geo-spatial coordinate system of GIS and allowing for both quantitative and...

Advanced GIS applications for bioarchaeology: methods and case studies (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marissa Stewart. Francesco Coschino. Antonio Fornaciari. Giuseppe Vercellotti.

New computer technologies have become indispensable components in Human Sciences. Archaeology has a long history of adopting and using these technologies to document the site and the excavation process, to record the location of excavated artifacts and materials, and to assist in interpretations and analysis of the excavation and recovered finds. However, despite the constant and ever-developing applications in archaeology, the specialization of bioarchaeology has not yet developed unique...

Ancestral Puebloan Settlement Patterns of Redwood Llama Ranch: Analysis of GIS and Fieldwalking Survey (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tucker Deady.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological survey of 800 acres at Redwood Llama Ranch in southwest Colorado documented over 50 previously unrecorded archaeological sites. A 2016 survey, completed as a settlement pattern study using a landscape archaeology framework, explored the extent of Ancestral Puebloan habitation and activity within this property situated in a canyon and on the...

An Application of Geospatial Technology to the Collection and Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kate Hall. Samantha Mitchell. Patrick Lewis.

Documenting the spatial distribution of scattered and commingled skeletal elements is an important aspect of forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology. While existing methods of documentation may effectively represent scattered and commingled human skeletal remains, they do not facilitate further spatial analysis that may be useful in reconstructing taphonomic processes. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have recently been leveraged as a method of inventorying human remains, but their capacity...

Applied Digital Technologies and GIS Spatial Statistics at Tzak Naab, Northwestern Belize (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anastasia Kotsoglou. Andrew Crocker.

The ceremonial center of Tzak Naab, located in the northern hinterlands of the major Maya city of La Milpa, displays many idiosyncratic and unique elements in its built environment that speak to the relationship of the site with the natural landscapes it inhabits. The site core is constructed on three large tiers which overlook the Dumbbell Bajo, a large seasonally inundated wetland. Within this area, aspects of (in)visibility are employed to control movement through—and perception of—space. We...

DoD Legacy Data: Leveraging GIS and the Web for Success (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniel Leonard. Kendra Rodgers McGraw. Beniamino Volta.

While facility-wide cultural resource management at large DoD installations has increasingly been managed with GIS, many organizations have legacy information in the form of hard copy reports and non-searchable site files. In order to successfully fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities as long-term stewards of cultural resources on these installations, it is imperative that DoD staff make the incorporation of these legacy records into their enterprise GIS management framework a priority....

Does technology hinder or assist story-telling? A critical theory approach to archaeological representation and relational data (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Kosiba.

Advances in archaeological science are throwing new light on old concerns about representations of the past. Methods such as GIS allow archaeologists systematically to analyze multiple variables at once and rapidly to view data from various vantage points. Critics argue that such methods lose sight of the experiential aspects of history—the cultural differences that influenced how different people participated in social life and told stories about their past. This paper argues that this critique...

An Experimental Project to Conduct Digital Survey for Ring Midden Features using Aerial Lidar Data (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Heilen. Monica Murrell.

This poster presents an experimental research project performed for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Permian Basin Mitigation Program exploring the use of aerial lidar data to identify and document ring midden features. The project was carried out in three study areas in southeastern New Mexico situated along the eastern foothills of the Guadalupe and Sacramento Mountains. Previous archaeological surveys indicate that ring middens are common along rocky escarpments in the piedmont zone and...

Experimenting with Multilevel Agent Based Archaeological Modeling in NetLogo (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jon Carroll.

Agent Based Modeling (ABM) has become increasingly popular because of its relatively shallow learning curve and robust capacity for simulating social and environmental phenomena. This paper discusses new developments in ongoing work simulating social interaction in Precontact small-scale societies using NetLogo, a freely available software package. Model design, assessment and experimentation of a multilevel ABM are discussed, as well as how the simulation results compare to real world,...

Fremont Farming at the Margins: Assessing Horticultural Potential in Jones Hole Canyon, Utah (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Hora-Cook. Judson Finley.

Jones Hole Canyon, east of the Uinta Basin, experienced a population increase during the late Formative Period (between A.D. 1000 – 1300), roughly coincident with reductions in farming populations in the Uinta Basin. The subsistence economy of these Fremont-era occupants of Jones Hole remains unresolved: did they acquire food primarily through foraging like the canyon’s Archaic Period predecessors, or did they supplement foraged foods with horticultural products in a manner reminiscent of...

Geographic Information Systems in Regional Archaeological Research and Data Management (1985)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kenneth L. Kvamme.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Geospatial Big Data in Archaeology: Prospects, problems, and how it will shape the future of archaeology (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark McCoy.

Initial worries about the adverse effect the adoption of GIS would have on archaeology in terms of environmental determinism have proved to be unwarranted. Today, as spatial technology has evolved and become integrated into the discipline, we must rise to a new set of challenges posed by the sheer size and complexity of data we use and produce. Field survey and excavations regularly yield far more pieces of spatial information than ever before. At the same time, the amount of available satellite...

A Historic Archaeological Resources Protection Plan and Geographic Information System for Shipwrecks in Virginia Waters Under the Jurisdiction of the United States Navy - Report (Legacy 98-1725) (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gordon Watts.

The territorial waters of Virginia contain several thousand historically significant shipwrecks from over 400 years of occupation and development by Europeans. This GIS and HARP are tools to effectively protect and manage these resources by locating and assessing submerged shipwreck resources that could be impacted by development and other activities.

Idyllic childhood or practical placement: Examining children's homes using GIS, remote sensing, and landscape archaeology (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paulina Przystupa.

The late 19th century represents a turning point in Western beliefs about childhood. These new cultural beliefs redefined childhood as an innocent stage in the human life cycle and encouraged particular environments for raising children. Rural areas encouraged learning and exercise, sheltering children from the dangers of the polluted urban environment. However, this ideology contradicted the economic realities of the late 19th century. Other archaeologists have examined this tension between the...

Large Scale Aerial Photogrammetry: A comparative case study of changes in the archaeological landscape surrounding Pueblo Pintado, New Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sean Field. Carrie Heitman.

In this poster, I explore shifts in the geomorphic landscape surrounding Pueblo Pintado, outside of Chaco Canyon National Cultural Park, New Mexico, in order to assess modern impacts on the ancient road systems which connect Great Houses throughout the Chacoan region. Utilizing high-altitude aerial imagery gathered by Jacob Smith III, I am working to create a high-resolution, large-scale photogrammetric model surrounding Pueblo Pintado. This model will provide support for geospatial analyses of...

A Management Plan for Known and Potential United States Navy Shipwrecks in South Carolina - Report (Legacy 98-1725) (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph Beatty. Lynn Harris. Carleton Naylor. Mark Ragan.

This report builds on a multi-year effort to 1) compile historic and cultural data of U.S. Navy vessels lost in South Carolina waters to document the losses and subsequent wreck history of each vessel, which was used to update the Naval Historical Center's database of shipwrecks, and 2) conduct remote sensing operations on a limited number of shipwreck sites and areas of naval activities, primarily from the Civil War. A detailed inventory was produced, and the document includes a brief history...

Map Production for the Paleoindian Archaeology and Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Shorelines on DoD Installations Project (Legacy 05-260)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams

The Paleoindian Archaeology and Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Shorelines on Department of Defense (DoD) Installations project maps were developed to aid DoD cultural resource managers identifying potential locations of sites that might yield evidence of Paleomaritime or aquatic culture. This report describes the GIS techniques and datasets employed to generate the maps.

Map Production for the Paleoindian Archaeology and Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Shorelines on DoD Installations Project - Report (Legacy 05-260) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Susan Winchell-Sweeney. Patterson Schackne. Laurie Rush.

The Paleoindian Archaeology and Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Shorelines on Department of Defense (DoD) Installations project maps were developed to aid DoD cultural resource managers identifying potential locations of sites that might yield evidence of Paleomaritime or aquatic culture. This report describes the GIS techniques and datasets employed to generate the maps.

Mapping Prehistoric Behavior Patterns at Lithic Toolstone Source in the Colorado Desert (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Benito Guzman.

This pilot study examines lithic artifact scatters recorded in the Colorado Desert of California. The data set used in this research was compiled from several Cultural Resource Management (CRM) projects that have taken place in the study area. Tierra Environmental Services of San Diego collected large portions of data located on cobblestone terraces in Imperial County, California between 2011 and 2013 (smaller sections have been recorded by various environmental consulting firms since the mid...

Mobility network in El Shincal de Quimivil (Londres, Catamarca, Northwest Argentina) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Reinaldo Moralejo. Diego Gobbo.

The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows analyzing the space as an integral part of any social phenomenon and produce interdisciplinary explanatory models with quantifiable basis. As it is known, the spatial organization of the incas was scheduled under certain political and religious principles materialized in the landscape through various features such as rocks, water bodies, mountains, celestial bodies, plazas, ushnus, roads and kanchas, among other. In the case of the inca site...

New Methods, Old Problems: Geographic Information Systems in Modern Archaeological Research (1996)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Herbert D. G. Maschner.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Quantifying the Present and Predicting the Past: Theory, Method, and Application of Archaeological Predictive Modeling (1988)
DOCUMENT Citation Only W. James Judge. Lynne Sebastian.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Settlement Ecology in the Tula Region of Mesoamerica: A Local Landscape Perspective (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mario Castillo. Patricia Fournier.

Based on seminal contributions by Suzy and Paul Fish associated with full-coverage surveys and agave cultivation, this paper explores changes in regional settlement patterns in relation to land-surface morphology in the Tula region in Mesoamerica during the Classic to Postclassic periods (200 CE–1500 CE). Drawing on our field surveys, independent settlement data from the Tula Region, and landform segmentation and classification in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), this paper illustrates that...

Story Maps, A New Public Archaeology Tool: Mill Springs Battlefield Case Study (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Philip B. Mink.

ESRI Story Maps are a new strategy for combining geographic information with text, images and multimedia content in an easily shareable web interface.  The technique is especially useful for presenting historic archaeology to the public, as archaeological and archival data can be juxtaposed to present a more complete story.  In this presentation we will exhibit the story map created for the Beech Grove area of the Mill Springs Battlefield and discuss its potential as a public archaeology tool. ...

DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Blair.

Excavation information at Cahal Pech structure B-4 present some of the most complete data on the Maya formative period in the Western Belize River Valley. Structure B-4 contains fourteen floors which represent increasingly complex and chronological construction events. Excavated floor level information contains architectural and construction material elements which can be stored and analyzed in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database. Using available excavation and publication data,...