AZ AA:11:12 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Archaeological Mapping of Two Sections of Site AZ AA:11:12, Marana, Arizona (2019)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Frederick Huntington. J. Holmlund.

The following report details the evaluation and mapping of the two portions of site A Z AA:11:12 (ASM) that fall within the right-of-way of the Western Area Power Administration's 115-kv transmission line between transmission line structures 9/4 to 9/7 and structures 10/4 and 10/5 located between the Saguaro Steam Plant and the Tucson Substation. The entire right-of-way was 200 ft. wide and included 4390 linear feet. The field work was conducted between June 9-16, 1986 by personnel from the...

Archaeological Survey and Treatment Plan for the Installation of Utility Poles within the Hog Farm Ball Court Site, AZ AA:11:12(ASM), near Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David M.R. Barr. Stephanie M. Whittlesey.

Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Trico), proposes to rebuild portions of Circuits 12 and 18, which originate at the Marana Substation. The proposed circuit-rebuilding project will be funded in part by U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Services (RUS) and will include rebuilding a portion of Circuit 12 that measures approximately 1,086 feet (0.2 mile or 0.32 km) long and a portion of Circuit 18 that measures approximately 4,113 feet (0.8 mile or 1.29 km) long. The rebuilding of...

Results of Archaeological Testing at the Hog Farm Ball Court Site, AZ AA:11:12 (ASM), near Marana, Pima County, Arizona: The Trico Circuits 12 and 18 Rebuild Project (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David M. R. Barr. S. Jerome Hesse.

Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Trico), plans to use federal funding from the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) to rebuild overhead Circuits 12 and 18 near Marana in unincorporated Pima County, Arizona. Seventeen new poles and pole-anchors will be erected in Hog Farm Ball Court site, AZ AA:11:12(ASM). An additional 11 poles will be replaced in the same location as existing poles (in-place replacement). RUS consulted with the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and it was determined...

Results of Archaeological Testing for the Installation of Utility Poles at the Hog Farm Ballcourt Site, AZ AA:11:12 (ASM), near Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David M.R. Barr.

In June 2005, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted an archaeological survey for Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Trico), along the east side of North Trico Road for a proposed underground utility line (Barr 2005). Because the proposed utility line was located within the known site boundaries of the Hog Farm Ballcourt site (AZ AA:11:12 [ASM]), Trico redesigned the project as an overhead power line to minimize impacts to the archaeological site. SWCA developed an archaeological...