Roadhouse Ruin (Site Name Keyword)

Roadhouse Ruins

1-10 (10 Records)

The Lower Verde Archaeological Project
PROJECT Jeffrey A. Homburg. Richard Ciolek-Torello. Jeffrey Altschul. Stephanie M. Whittlesey. Steven D. Shelley. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

The Lower Verde Archaeological Project (LVAP) was a four-year data recovery project conducted by Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI) in the lower Verde River region of central Arizona. The project was designed to mitigate any adverse effects to cultural resources from modifications to Horseshoe and Bartlett Dams. The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Project’s Office sponsored the research program in compliance with historic preservation legislation. The LVAP’s...

Vanishing River Appendices (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text WIlliam L. Deaver. Barbara A. Murphy. Douglas M. Pease. Jeffrey A. Homburg. Keith B. Knoblock. Karen R. Adams. Steven Bozarth. Kellie M. Cairns. Steven D. Shelley. Barbara K.. Montgomery. Robert A. Heckman. Ronald H. Towner. Alex V. Benitez. Margaret Newman. Linda Scott Cummings. Kathryn Puseman. Richard Hughes. Arthur W. Vokes. Carla R. Van West.

The Vanishing Rivers Appendices document contains all of the LVAP Vanishing River appendices. First, it presents a table of contents list of all appendices and referenced figures and tables. The document then provides each of the appendices associated with Vanishing River Volumes 1 - 3 (the pdf electronic volumes) and those associated with Vanishing River Volume 4 (the companion book).

Vanishing River List of Figures, Plates, Vessels and Figures (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: M Scott Thompson

The Vanishing River List of Figures, Plates, Vessels, and Tables contains a table-of-contents style list for all figures, photos, and tables referenced in the Vanishing River volumes.

Vanishing River Volume 1: Part 3, Classic Period and Multicomponent Sites in the LVAP Study Area (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert B. Neily. Richard Ciolek-Torello. Su Benaron. Jeffrey A. Homburg. Lee Lindsay. Steven D. Shelley.

Volume 1, Part 3 describes archaeological data recovery and summary results from work at several Classic period farmstead sites and a few multicomponent hamlet/village sites in the Horseshoe Basin area of the lower Verde River. The Lone Juniper site, Usedtobe Ruin, and the Little House site are farmstead sites located within 1 km of one another on Pleistocene terraces above the Verde River floodplain. Excavation at these sites uncovered small rectangular domestic rooms, masonry walls, remnants...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 11: Toward a Unified Theory of Ceramic Production and Distribution: Examples from the Central Arizona Deserts (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephanie M. Whittlesey.

In Chapter 11, Whittlesey describes the production and distribution of prehistoric ceramics in the lower Verde Valley. She then compares these patterns to similar data from the Agua Fria drainage and the Tonto Basin. Finally, she suggests that production and distribution patterns of ceramics in central Arizona may be better explained with a ceramic environment approach, which highlights the relationships between the landscape and the human use of resources. Whittlesey’s proposed approach centers...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 12: Chronological Issues of the LVAP (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text WIlliam L. Deaver.

In Chapter 12, Deaver summarizes research on the chronology of archaeological sites, features, and material remains in the LVAP project area. He begins with a synthetic discussion of the chronologic sequence in the Verde Valley area. He then presents data for the chronologic assignment of archaeological features and sites investigated during the LVAP. Next, Deaver discusses a comparison of the chronologic sequence in the Verde Valley to the sequence in the Hohokam core area in order to evaluate...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 13: Site Structure and Domestic Organization (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric Klucas. Richard Ciolek-Torello. Charles R. Riggs.

Chapter 13 addresses changes in social organization from the pre-Classic to Classic periods in the lower Verde Valley through an examination of changes in domestic space. First, Klucas and co-authors identify the nature (i.e., composition, arrangement, size) of the domestic residential units that occupied the prehistoric settlements. They then examine differences in these variables between different settlements (e.g., between large settlements and small farmsteads) and across time periods. These...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 14: Prehistoric Settlement and Demography in the Lower Verde Region (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Ciolek-Torello.

In Chapter 14, Ciolek-Torello presents one of the first full syntheses of indigenous settlement and demographic patterns in the Verde Valley, without reference to interaction in the Hohokam core area. He begins with a summary of prehistoric settlement patterns from pre-ceramic periods through the Late Classic period across the entire Transition Zone of central Arizona. He then characterizes settlement systems in the lower Verde Valley through time and describes the archaeological sites and...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 18: Research Design Revisited: Processual Issues in the Prehistory of the Lower Verde Valley (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Ciolek-Torello. Stephanie M. Whittlesey.

Chapter 18 provides a summary of the LVAP’s research themes and offers an overview of the research results. Ciolek-Torello synthesizes the chronology and cultural sequence of the lower Verde Valley. He places this sequence and its cultural developments in the context of other cultural sequences in central and southern Arizona. Whittlesey then summarizes the argument for an indigenous cultural tradition in the Transition Zone of central Arizona, one with roots in Mogollon prehistory and with...

Vanishing River: Attached Report: Petrographic and Qualitative Analyses of Sands and Sherds from the Lower Verde River Area (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James M. Heidke. Diana C. Kamilli. Elizabeth Miksa.

The goal of the present study is to identify the provenance of ceramics recovered from the Lower Verde Archaeological Project (LVAP) sites on the basis of the temper found within them (Ciolek-Torrello et al. 1992:III-75 to III-85). The focus of this attached report is on sand temper used in pottery vessels. Ceramic wares and/or types produced within the study area are distinguished from those imported from other areas. A reconnaissance sample of wash sands from the lower Verde River area was...