AZ U:15:60(ASM) (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Hohokam Archaeology along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct Central Arizona Project, Volume I: Research Design (1982)
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This volume is the first in a series of publications associated with the Salt-Gila Aqueduct Archaeological Data Collection Studies and Supplemental Class 3 Survey Project (SGA). The project focuses principally upon data recovery at those sites potentially subject to impact as a consequence of Central Arizona Project construction along a route extending 97 km from a point south of Apache Junction, Arizona, to the Picacho Reservoir. This initial volume incorporates the results of test excavations...

Salt-Gila Aqueduct (Fannin-McFarland Aqueduct) Archaeological Data Collection Studies and Supplemental Class III Survey Project
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

This project presents a series of publications associated with the Salt-Gila Aqueduct Archaeological Data Collection Studies and Supplemental Class III Survey Project (SGA). The research focused on data recovery at those sites potentially subject to impact as a consequence of Central Arizona Project construction. Salt-Gila Aqueduct Central Arizona Project construction occured along a route extending 97 km from a point south of Apache Junction, Arizona, to the Picacho Reservoir. Significant...