AZ AA:16:3 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)
AZ AA:16:3
1-8 (8 Records)
The excavations at the West Branch site, AZ AA:16:3 (ASM), were conducted for the City of Tucson Water Department prior to the replacement of a water line. Twenty-two archaeological features were recorded in the narrow right-of-way. All were excavated or tested except one of the trash deposits recorded in a backhoe trench, and a human secondary cremation that was identified during the excavations and left in place. The other features include remnants of eight pithouses, one possible pithouse,...
Archaeological Testing at Loci 2 and 3 of the West Branch Site (AZ AA:16:3 [ASM]) in the Saguaro Knolls Development, Tucson, Arizona (2005)
Archaeological testing within Loci 2 and 3 of AZ AA:16:3 (ASM), the West Branch Site, took place between October 28 and November 5, 2004. All work was carried out in accordance with the terms of the treatment plan that had been approved by Pima County on October 12, 2004. In total, 250 linear meters of backhoe trenches were excavated in Locus 2 and 810 linear meters of trenches in Locus 3. Generally speaking, high quantities of cultural remains were found at both loci. Thirteen new...
A Cultural Resource Survey of a 50-Acre Parcel Near Tucson, Arizona (2004)
On July 25 and 29, 2003, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted a Class III cultural resource inventory of a 50-acre parcel of privately-owned land in anticipation of a planned housing development. The work was requested by Mr. Joe Heater and conducted under the authority and conditions of Arizona Antiquities Act Blanket Permit No. 2003-17bl. The survey was required in order to comply with Pima County regulations concerning cultural resources. The project area was thoroughly examined,...
Prehistoric Painted Pottery of Southeastern Arizona (2000)
Statistical Research, Inc., was contracted in 1996 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to perform a variety of tasks pertinent to collections of prehistoric ceramics from archaeological work conducted on Fort Huachuca Military Reservation located in southeastern Arizona. The bulk of the contract consisted of two tasks—teaching a class on the ceramics and prehistory of southeastern Arizona and preparing a guide to prehistoric pottery found at sites in this region of the American Southwest. The...
Preliminary Archaeological Testing at the West Branch Site, AZ AA:16:3, in the Saguaro Knolls Development Area (1997)
This document discusses the results of preliminary archaeological work for the Saguaro Knolls development project. The Saguaro Knolls project area is a 55 a tract of land that is slated for residential development. It lies wholly within a previously recorded archaeological site, AZ AA:16:3 (ASM), the West Branch site. A recent archaeological survey confirmed that archaeological remains were present on the surface of the parcel (Stephen 1997). As a result of these findings Desert Archaeology,...
Recent Research On Tucson Basin Prehistory: Proceedings of the Second Tucson Basin Conference (1988)
The study of Tucson’s prehistory has been pursued with an unprecedented intensity in recent years, and it seemed essential that the new results that were emerging be shared on a broader basis. This volume is the outcome of papers prepared for the Second Tucson Basin Conference in conjunction with the 1986 fall meeting of the Arizona Archaeological Council.
Results of Phase 2 Data Recovery at the Southern Margin of the West Branch Site, AZ AA:16:3 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (2005)
Current excavations at the West Branch site, AZ AA:16:3 (ASM), by Desert Archaeology, Inc., focused on a small portion of the southern end of the site prior to private construction. Artifacts will be curated at the Arizona State Museum (ASM) with accession number 2003-0382. Forty-one features identified within the project area included: 7 structures, 2 extramural surfaces, 3 trash concentrations, 1 horno, 1 roasting pit, 6 burial features, and 21 additional extramural pits. The horno and...
Rincon Phase Decorated Ceramics in the Tuscon Basin: A Focus on the West Branch Site (1986)
Archaeological investigations at the West Branch Site (AZ AA:16:3) produced over 5,000 sherds and re-constructible vessels of Rincon Red-on-brown. A numerical seriation of controlled, unmixed contexts reported in a companion volume (Wallace 19 86a) demonstrated the utility of a division of Rincon Red- on-brown into three subtypes. In this study, the three subtypes, Early, Middle, and Late Rincon Red-on-brown, are described and illustrated with special reference to the West Branch and Valencia...