Oval Depression (Site Type Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Archaeological Investigations at the Westwing Site, AZ T:7:27 (ASU), Agua Fria River Valley, Arizona (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald E. Weaver, Jr..

This report describes the archaeological excavations at, and subsequent laboratory analysis of material from, the Westwing Site, AZ T:7:27 (ASU), lying within the Salt River Project and the United States Bureau of Reclamation rights-of-way between the Westwing Substation and the Eastwing Substation, Maricopa County, Arizona. The excavations concentrated on the area to be impacted by construction of Tower Number 4 of the transmission line and the associated access road and support...

Archaeological Investigations: Arizona Nuclear Power Project, Salt River Project, Bureau of Land Management, State, and Private Lands, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Palo Verde to Westwing Transmission System: An Intensive Survey of the Transmission Line and Access Roads (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Pat H. Stein. Stanley Granger. Cynthia L. Freeman.

Seven archaeological sites and 26 isolated finds were recorded during a recent survey of the right-of-way and access roads for the proposed Palo Verde to Westwing Transmission Line. The sites ranged from Hohokam camps and special-purpose, limited activity sites to Anglo homesteads of the early 20th century. Other archaeological loci usually consisted of isolated sherds or a pot-drop, though one flaked tool and several pieces of ground stone were also found. The three prehistoric sites were...

Archeological Investigations Along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1979)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Pat H. Stein.

In 1978, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) to complete an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed alignment for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, a feature of the Central Arizona Project. The survey area was 11,115 acres and included the 60 mile-long transmission line (with a typical width of 200 meters), three proposed utility line locations, one flood retention dike location, 11 possible spoil or realignment areas, and a subsidence well....

Data Recovery at Four Sites in Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Yavapai County, Arizona (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Karolyn Jackman Jensen. Barbara S. MacNider. Mac McDonnell. Jerryll Moreno. John Rapp. Teresa L. Hoffman.

A data recovery program was completed at four archaeological sites (AZ N:4:37 [NA 25,511], N:4:65 [NA 25,512], N:4:66 [NA 25,513], and N:4:68(ASM) [NA 25,514]) by Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) for the Phase 3 Roadway Improvement Project (North Campground Facilities) at Dead Horse Ranch State Park (Park) (Figure 1.1). This program represents the last of a series of mitigation actions conducted for an undertaking sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and...