Settlements (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex

Locations, or the remains of multiple structures or features, that were inhabited by humans in the past. Use more specific term(s) if possible.

7,226-7,250 (9,126 Records)

OBAP 1994 Flotation, Pollen, & Dendro-C14 Forms (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project 1994 Flotation, Pollen, & Dendro-C14 Forms

OBAP 1994 Hinkson Excavation Forms (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project 1994 Hinkson Excavation Forms

OBAP 1994 In-Field Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project 1994 In-Field Ceramic Tabulation Forms

OBAP 1994 KWK Field Journal (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Keith Kintigh.

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project 1994 Keith Kintigh's Field Journal

OBAP 1994 LZ1001-1105 Survey Forms (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project 1994 LZ1001-1105 Survey Forms

OBAP 1994 Survey Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project 1994 Survey Ceramic Tabulation Forms

OBAP Ceramic Database (2016)
DATASET Keith Kintigh.

Classified ceramics from the Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project, both survey and excavation.

OBAP Coding Sheet for Macrobotanical Database (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sarah Oas.

Coding sheet for macrobotanical database associated with the Ojo Bonito Research Project.

OBAP Excavation Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project: Hinkson, Jaralosa, H-Spear, & Ojo Bonito Excavation Ceramic Tabulation Forms

OBAP Hinkson & Jaralosa Map Scans (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project Hinkson & Jaralosa Maps Scans and Notes

OBAP Hinkson Midden Ceramic and Lithic Counts (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project Hinkson Midden Ceramic and Lithic Counts

OBAP Hinkson Midden Unit Summaries and Rubble Mound Heights (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project Hinkson Midden Unit Summaries and Rubble Mound Heights

OBAP Hinkson Trans Log, Clay Form, & Misc. Analyses (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project Hinkson Transect Log, Clay Form, & Misc. Analyses

OBAP Hinkson Unit Summaries 13,15-17 & GK3 (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project Hinkson Unit Summaries 13,15-17 & GK3

OBAP M01, LZ400-401, H-Spear, Jaralosa Excavation Forms (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sarah Oas

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project M01, LZ400-401, LZ1087 (H-Spear), Jaralosa Excavation Forms

Obsidian biface coding sheets (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara Stark.

A.J. Vonarx recorded attributes of obsidian bifacial tools. All appear to be projectile points.

Obsidian Data for Terrace S25 (2015)
DATASET Ronald Faulseit.

This file contains all of the data for the nearly 1200 pieces collected during the 2051 excavations on Terrace S25, Cerro Danush, Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl. Including material categories (prismatic blade, flake, point, etc.), measurements, color assignments, provenience, etc.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller. Timothy B. Graves. Charles Frederick. Mark Willis. John D Speth. J. Phillip Dering. Susan J. Smith. Crystal Dozier. John G. Jones. Jeremy Loven. Genevieve Woodhead. Jeffery Ferguson. Mary Ownby. Amanda Castañeda.

This report presents a summary of the results of the Blanket Purchase Authority (BPA) 10 project sponsored by the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) of the Bureau of Land Management and funded under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement. The BPA 10 project included six cultural resource projects, including survey inventories, site evaluations, and excavations.

Of Gila Spiral and Plumed Serpents: the Temporal Sensitivity of Casas Grandes Ceramics (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gordon F. M. Rakita. Gerry R. Raymond.

Arrangements of temporally sequential pottery types have been a backbone of southwestern archaeology for over seventy-five years. Indeed, the region has been the setting for much of the debate over ceramic systematics within Americanist archaeology (Lyman et al. 1997). Since the first Pecos conference in 1927, much of the early archaeological work in the region was explicitly geared towards establishing such ceramic series. In later years, these sequences provided the chronological framework...

Official Report to the Amerind Foundation, Covering a Preliminary Study of the Casas Grandes and the Valley of the Caves in the Sierra Madres, Chihuahua, Mexico, May 13-18, 1957 (1957)
DOCUMENT Full-Text George W. Chambers.

Official report made by George W. Chambers to the Amerind Foundation covering trips made to the Casas Grandes and the Valley of the Caves in the Sierra Madres, Chihuahua, Mexico. This trip was made after an invitation of Dr. Charles C. Di Peso, Director of the Amerind Foundation, who made the expedition for the primary purpose of continuing arrangements preparatory to the proposed excavation and restoration of Casas Grandes in cooperation with the Mexican Government. The secondary purpose was to...

OHara_Sinagua_Paper_Creating Local and Regional Contexts for Understanding Sinagua Mortuary Practices (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael O'Hara.

The mortuary record of the Flagstaff region is best known for the burial of the Magician, who was accompanied by several discrete sets of ritual paraphernalia representing different ritual and political roles. The present project will compile a mortuary database for the Flagstaff region in conjunction with the creation of other regional databases using standardized variable states. These efforts will allow a greater contextual understanding of the Magician within his local...

OHara_Sinagua_Slides (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael O'Hara.

This pdf documents contains images that accompany O'Hara's paper on Sinagua mortuary ritual and the aggregation of Sinagua mortuary data.

Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project (OBAP)
PROJECT Keith Kintigh. Arizona State University (ASU). Arizona State Parks.

A survey and excavation project directed by Keith Kintigh and executed from 1983 through 1994. Approximate 58km2 were surveyed and 560 sites were recorded. Substantial excavations were undertaken at the Hinkson Site great house complex and Jaralosa Pueblo. Test excavations were completed at H-Spear, a Chacoan Great House located by the project and Ojo Bonito Pueblo. The project took place on the ranch of Mrs. Everett (Mabel) Hinkson (deceased). Most of the project work was done as a part of...

Old Fort Beale Arizona Site Steward File (1961)
DOCUMENT Full-Text P. Long.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for Old Fort Beale, comprised of six to 13 building foundations, including three hospital structures, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The file consists of an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form. The earliest dated document is from 1961.

Old Ghubb Ali Ceramics: Phototgraphs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Old Ghubb Ali analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.