OHara_Sinagua_Paper_Creating Local and Regional Contexts for Understanding Sinagua Mortuary Practices


The mortuary record of the Flagstaff region is best known

for the burial of the Magician, who was accompanied by

several discrete sets of ritual paraphernalia representing

different ritual and political roles. The present project will

compile a mortuary database for the Flagstaff region in

conjunction with the creation of other regional databases

using standardized variable states. These efforts will

allow a greater contextual understanding of the Magician

within his local community, as well as with other regions,

especially the foundational ritual practices of the Chaco

region and the later practices of diasporic communities

below the Mogollon Rim.

Cite this Record

OHara_Sinagua_Paper_Creating Local and Regional Contexts for Understanding Sinagua Mortuary Practices. Michael O'Hara. Presented at 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento. 2011 ( tDAR id: 5956) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8W37TCC


Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 400 to 1450

Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.374; min lat: 34.908 ; max long: -111.308; max lat: 35.532 ;

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
ohara_sinagua_paper_creating-local-and-regional-contexts-for-u... 151.43kb Mar 27, 2011 12:48:52 PM Public

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