House Mound (Site Type Keyword)
Parent: Domestic Structures
A slightly raised, mounded area of earth or rock built to provide a platform for a single domestic structure.
1-25 (115 Records)
This report is submitted to provide the Field Committee with information regarding the archeological studies of the Smithsonian Institution within the Missouri Basin in cooperation with the National Park Service and other federal and state agencies during fiscal year 1965.
Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Orwell Reservoir, Otter Tail County Minnesota (1948)
The investigation of the archeological resources of the Orwell Reservoir was made by the River Basin Surveys, Smithsonian Institution, in October1948. The District Engineer's Office, Corps of Engineers, at St. Paul, provided maps to facilitate the work, and local residents were consulted. The purpose of the survey was to discover the extent of any archeological remains in the area to be flooded by the dam and to determine whether there are sites of major importance in this area that should be...
Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Rathbun Reservoir Iowa (1965)
The operations of salvage archeology in the Rathbun Reservoir are another example of massive redemption of archeological sites now under way in the river valleys of America. Under the aegis of the Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage program, and in cooperation with the National Park Service, the River Basin Surveys of the Smithsonian Institution has been charged with the leadership of these activities in many areas of the United States. The Missouri Basin Project of the River Basin Surveys has...
AR02-09, Chapter 9, Initial Henry County, Indiana, Site Survey, in AR02, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana (1967)
This tDAR document page represents Chapter 9 (pp. 33-38) of Archeological Report 02 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The chapter has 2 appendices: - Appendix A: The Prehistoric Earthworks of Henry County - Appendix B: A Frog Effigy Pipe. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR02...
AR02-09, Initial Henry County, Indiana, Site Survey, in AR02, Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana
This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 9 (pp. 33-46) of Archeological Report 02 (Archaeological Investigations of the New Castle Sites, Hn-1, Hn-2, Hn-8, and Hn-12: A 1966 Summer Field School in Henry County, Indiana), from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The chapter has 2 appendices, Appendix A: The Prehistoric Earthworks of Henry County, and Appendix B: A Frog Effigy Pipe. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR02...
AR07, Archaeological Survey of Randolph County, Indiana from 1968 and 1969 (1970)
This tDAR document page represents Archeological Report 07 (Archaeological Survey of Randolph County, Indiana from 1968 and 1969) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR07 collection, titled: AR07, Archaeological Survey of Randolph County, Indiana from 1968 and 1969. Link to document:...
AR07, Archaeological Survey of Randolph County, Indiana from 1968 and 1969
This tDAR Project page represents Archeological Report 07 (Archaeological Survey of Randolph County, Indiana from 1968 and 1969) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This chapter can be found within the fully published document held in the AR07 collection, titled: AR07, Archaeological Survey of Randolph County, Indiana from 1968 and 1969. Link to document:...
Archaeological Data Recovery for the Paseo de las Iglesias Project, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2016)
The Paseo de las Iglesias (Paseo) project provided a unique opportunity to examine the riverine landscape and its role in the lives of millennia of inhabitants of the Tucson Basin, from Early Agricultural period farmers to late Historic era farmers and entrepreneurs. Questions about how people utilized the riverine landscape guided the project research presented here. The Paseo project area is centered on the Santa Cruz River, extending from the banks of the current entrenched channel to the...
Archaeological Investigation of Schieveling Plantation (38CH691) (2004)
"Archaeological data recovery investigations at 38CH691, an archaeological site eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), exposed the remnants of the primary settlement of the colonial-antebellum Schieveling Plantation, three late eighteenth-early nineteenth century slave residences in outlying portions of the site, and a buried occupation horizon associated with the Middle to Late Woodland occupation of the site. In total, these investigations encompassed 1,528.65 m2 or 28.7...
Archaeological Investigations of Two Turn of the Century Farmsteads (38BU966 and 38BU967), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (1991)
Archeological investigations were conducted at two late nineteenth/early twentieth century farmsteads (38BU966 and 38BU967), on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Work was conducted on 38BU967 in October of 1989, followed almost a year later b¥ excavations at 38BU966 during September 1990. Block excavation proceeded in 10 and 15 em, arbitrary levels, and was controlled by 2 by 2 m excavation units. All fill was screened through 0.25 inch screen. All cultural material was retained. Samples of...
Archaeological Investigations West Papago - Inner Loop Sections of Interstate 10, Group 1, Los Aumentos, State and Private Lands, Maricopa County, Arizona (1890)
The Museum of Northern Arizona, under contract to the Arizona Department of Transportation, has completed test investigations in five areas along the route of the proposed West Papago-Inner Loop sections of Interstate 10. Area 1 - NA15,787 included a portion of a site identified by Midvale as the Los Aumentos Ruin. However, with the exception of two small canals, there was no subsurface evidence of prehistoric or important historic occupation. Area 2 - NA15,788 and Area 3 - NA15,789 were devoid...
Archaeological Survey of East Lynn Reservoir 1964-1965
Under contract to the National Park Service, the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey undertook an archaeological survey for cultural resources in the East Lynn Reservoir, Wayne County, West Virginia (McMichael and Mairs 1965). The principal investigators were Edward McMichael and Oscar Mairs. Fieldwork was conducted in June 1964 and April 1965. The investigation consisted of an intensive survey and shovel testing of the areas to be flooded within the East Lynn Reservoir. Fifteen sites...
An Archaeological Survey of East Lynn Reservoir, Wayne County, West Virginia (1965)
The East Lynn Reservoir is currently being constructed on the East Fork of Twelve Pole Creek, in Wayne County, West Virginia. This dam will be located about 3 miles upstream from the small town of East Lynn. Maximum pool after construction will be 701 feet from sea level. During the spring of 1964, the senior author made preliminary survey of the area and in the spring of 1965 the junior author conducted intensive survey and testpitting in the area to be affected by the reservoir. Generally the...
Archaeological Survey of the Cambridge Pointe Tract (2003)
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive archaeological survey of the 0.8 hectare Cambridge Pointe Tract in Walterboro, South Carolina in December 2002. The work was conducted at the request of Companion Associates, Inc., in compliance with federal regulations concerning the management of cultural resources on private property administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers. ...There are no standing structures within the tract. Archival research concerning past...
Archaeological Testing at AZ Q:6:69 (ASM) and AZ Q:6:72 (ASM) for the Concho Well East Field Project North of Concho, Apache County, Arizona (2003)
This report presents the results of archaeological testing at two sites located north of Concho, Apache County, Arizona. SWCA conducted mechanical trenching at AZ Q:6:69 (ASM) and AZ Q:6:72 (ASM) at the request of Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) prior to construction of two new wells and installation of approximately 10,700 feet of new pipeline, which will connect to the existing water delivery system at the Coronado Generating Station. The project area is...
Archaeological Testing of 38CH2017 Beazer Bolton Tract (2005)
Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological testing investigations at 38CH2017 on the Beazer Bolton Tract in September-November 2004. Site 38CH2017 is associated with a portion of the inland settlement of the former Bolton on the Stono Plantation. Site 38CH2017 contains subsurface archaeological deposits related to a former agricultural complex and a former slave settlement. We recommend 38CH2017 eligible for the NRHP. Site 38CH2017 should be preserved. If the site cannot be...
Archaeological Testing Within the Adamsville Ruin for Wood Pole Replacements in the Oracle-Coolidge 115 KV Transmission Line, Pinal County, Arizona (1998)
The results of archaeological testing within a portion of the Adamsville Ruin, a large Classic Period Hohokam site, are presented in this report. The testing was done at the request of the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), owners of the Oracle-Coolidge 115 KV transmission line, a segment of which lies within the boundaries of the Adamsville Ruin. The testing was done to evaluate the effects of power pole replacement on the site. The Adamsville Ruin, AZ U:15:1 (ASM), is a large Hohokam...
Archaeology of the Four Corners Power Projects (1963)
This report is the result of two archaeological salvage research programs. The first program, sponsored by the Arizona Public Service Company, covered an area leased for the construction of the Four Corners Power Plant. The second program was sponsored by Utah Construction & Mining Company in their dedicated coal lease lands. The two areas adjoin one another just south of the San Juan River and east of Chaco Wash, and roughly parallel the Chaco Wash, six miles south of the San Juan River. The...
Archeological Investigations-II (1928)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
An Archeological Overview and Assessment of the Ozarks National Scenic Riverways, Missouri (2006)
In 1964 Congress authorized Ozark National Scenic Riverways (OZAR) and the park was officially established in 1972. It is one of the initial eight wild and scenic rivers designated by the federal government. OZAR encompasses a linear corridor along ca. 241 km (ca. 150 miles) of the Current and Jack Fork Rivers in the Ozark Highlands of southeast Missouri. The park contains a variety of prehistoric and historic archeological resources. A total of 480 sites are recorded in the files of either...
Archeological Progress Report No. 10, Field Season of 1965 (1965)
This is the tenth in a series of annual reports summarizing current field activities within the Missouri River Basin. Twenty-two field parties, representing one federal and five state agencies, participated in the Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program within the Missouri Basin during the summer of 1965. Thirteen parties were fielded by the Missouri Basin Project of the Smithsonian Institution, nine of which worked within the Garrison, Oahe, Big Bend, Fort Randall and Gavins Point...
Archeological Progress Report No. 11, Field Season of 1966 (1966)
This is the eleventh in a series of annual reports summarizing current field activities within the Missouri River Basin under the auspices of the Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program. Twelve field parties, representing one federal and four state agencies, participated in the Missouri Basin program during the summer of 1966. Seven parties were fielded by the River Basin Surveys of the Smithsonian Institution, four of which operated along the mainstem in the Upper Oahe and Big Bend...
Archeological Progress report No. 12, Field Season of 1967 (1967)
This is the twelfth in a series of annual reports summarizing current field and research activities within the Missouri River Basin under the auspices of the Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program. Smithsonian Institution River Basin Surveys research continued apace in 1967 although field operations were somewhat curtailed for fiscal reasons. Three River Basin Surveys field parties operated within the Missouri Basin during the season and one made a brief reconnaissance of the Garrison...
Archeological Progress Report No. 13, Field Season of 1968 (1968)
This is the thirteenth in a series of annual reports summarizing current field and research activities of the Smithsonian Institution, River Basin Surveys, under the auspices of the Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program. Smithsonian River Basin Surveys operations continued throughout 1968 at the Lincoln headquarters and two parties were fielded during the 1968 season in order to continue or extend work undertaken previously in the Dakotas. One party conducted a shoreline survey, including...
Archeological Progress Report No. 2, Field Season of 1957 (1957)
The 1957 summer field season began the twelfth year of continuous operation of the Missouri Basin Project and of the Inter-Agency Archeological and Paleontological Salvage Program. The first eleven years have been outstandingly productive despite several setbacks. The twelfth year began with an even more encouraging prospect than many of the previous years. The areas within the Missouri Basin that have been or soon will be lost forever to scientific archeological investigation due to dam...