Ball Court (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Non-Domestic Structures

An unroofed structure associated with the playing of the Mesoamerican ball game, found in the American southwest and parts of Mesoamerica.

1,226-1,250 (1,267 Records)

VAFB-2017-02: Identification of Historic Properties And Assessment of Effects, Outdoor Recreation Cabins Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Josh Smallwood. Christopher Ryan.

This document is a government generated Section 106 report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Outdoor Recreation Cabins Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Outdoor Recreation Cabins project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and...

VAFB-2017-19: Identification of Historic Properties, B10 Feeder Lines Replacement, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Josh Smallwood. Christopher Ryan.

This document is a government generated Section 106 report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the B10 Feeder Lines Replacement Project. The purpose of this document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the B10 Feeder Lines replacement project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings...

VAFB-2019-21: DRAFT Point Conception Light Station Conditions Assessment and Repairs Study, Contract No. GS10F0059N, Task Order FA8903-15-F-0023 (PWS Task 4.12.3) (2019)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeremy Hollins. Dennis Pearson. Shannon Wright. Richard Bambam. Scott McCrady. Mark Taberner.

This document is a study intended to serve as a preliminary analysis of the current conditions and possible repairs for the Point Conception Lighthouse and Family Quarters C. The field investigations consisted of visual surface observations, avoided destructive analysis, and did not include the preparation of structural calculations, structural or material testing, or development of design or construction drawings. This report and cost estimates are intended to provide the USAF with a rough...

VAFB-2020-12: Identification of Historic Properties, Facility 15501 Renovation Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (813-20-021) (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Josh Smallwood. Roscoe Loetzerich.

This document is a government generated Section 106 report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Facility 15501 Renovation Project. The purpose of this document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Facility 15501 Renovation project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and...

VAFB-2020-16: Identification of Historic Properties, Facility 13140 Renovation Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (813-20-035) (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Josh Smallwood. Roscoe Loetzerich.

This document is a government generated Section 106 report for a historic property inventory associated with the Facility 13140 Renovation Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Facility 13140 Renovation project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and determinations for individual resources as...

VAFB-2020-23: Section 110 National Register Eligibility Evaluation of The Point Conception Light Station Historic District, Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Josh Smallwood. Christopher Ryan.

This government generated Section 110 report is a National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 110 inventory and evaluation of the numerous buildings, structures, and objects which constitute the Point Conception Light Station Historic District. The purpose of this study is to provide information for compliance with Section 110 of the NHPA of 1966, as amended, and to support the review of anticipated future activities conducted under Section 106 of the NHPA. Section 110 of the NHPA...

The Valencia Site Testing Project: Mapping, Intensive Surface Collecting, and Limited Trenching Of a Hohokam Ballcourt Village in the Southern Tucson Basin (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson. William H. Doelle.

Mapping, surface collection, and testing at the Valencia site (AZ BB:13:15 [ASM]), a large prehistoric Hohokam village in the Tucson Basin, provided a wealth of new and significant information. More than 20,000 artifacts were recovered through controlled collection. These data allowed for a more precise reconstruction of the site chronology and structure, and indicated that the Valencia site was initially occupied during the Snaketown phase and continued through the Early Rincon subphase....

Valley of Mexico Archaeological Survey Project
PROJECT Jeffrey Parsons.

Here are the Valley of Mexico survey data collected by University of Michigan projects directed by Jeffrey R. Parsons between 1967 and 1973, and by Richard E. Blanton in 1969. These descriptive data were originally published in 1983 as Archaeological Settlement Pattern Data from the Chalco, Xochimilco, Ixtapalapa, Texcoco, and Zumpango Regions, Mexico, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Technical Reports No. 14, by J. R. Parsons, K. W. Kintigh, and S. A. Gregg. Associated resources...

Vanishing River Appendices (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text WIlliam L. Deaver. Barbara A. Murphy. Douglas M. Pease. Jeffrey A. Homburg. Keith B. Knoblock. Karen R. Adams. Steven Bozarth. Kellie M. Cairns. Steven D. Shelley. Barbara K.. Montgomery. Robert A. Heckman. Ronald H. Towner. Alex V. Benitez. Margaret Newman. Linda Scott Cummings. Kathryn Puseman. Richard Hughes. Arthur W. Vokes. Carla R. Van West.

The Vanishing Rivers Appendices document contains all of the LVAP Vanishing River appendices. First, it presents a table of contents list of all appendices and referenced figures and tables. The document then provides each of the appendices associated with Vanishing River Volumes 1 - 3 (the pdf electronic volumes) and those associated with Vanishing River Volume 4 (the companion book).

Vanishing River List of Figures, Plates, Vessels and Figures (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: M Scott Thompson

The Vanishing River List of Figures, Plates, Vessels, and Tables contains a table-of-contents style list for all figures, photos, and tables referenced in the Vanishing River volumes.

Vanishing River Volume 2: Agricultural, Subsistence, and Environmental Studies: Part 3: Chapters 8-11 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Karen R. Adams. Steven Bozarth. Suzanne K Fish. Paul R. Fish. Steven D. Shelley. Kellie M. Cairns.

Chapter 8 discusses data from macrofossil and flotation samples from village, hamlet, farmstead, and field house settings along the lower Verde River. Chapter 9 treats the pollen and phytoliths that were isolated from sediment samples collected in a variety of agricultural features including rock piles and alignments, terraces, and field houses, in addition to habitation features such as hearths, living floors, middens, and roasting pits in the LVAP area. The overall goal of these analyses...

Vanishing River Volume 3: Material Culture and Physical Anthropology: Part 1: Chapters 1-6 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephanie M. Whittlesey. Barbara K. Montgomery. Robert A. Heckman.

Volume 3 of the Lower Verde Archaeological Project (LVAP) treats the material culture recovered during data recovery efforts at the Pre-Classic and Classic period sites in the project area. Volume 3, Part 1 describes the ceramic assemblages collected during LVAP field work, and provides results of stylistic and technological analysis performed on the colllections. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the analytic methods used for ceramics and the characteristics of LVAP ceramic collections. It...

Vanishing River Volume 3: Material Culture and Physical Anthropology: Part 2: Chapter 7 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephanie M. Whittlesey. Barbara Montgomery.

This chapter presents the analysis of flaked and ground stone artifacts from LVAP. It is divided into three sections. First, the analytic methods are presented. Second, an overview of lithic sourcing, technology, and typology is presented. Third, descriptions of the lithic collections from the project sites are provided. The chapter closes with discussion and conclusions. Detailed analytic methods are provided in appendixes. Specific attributes and definitions are provided in Appendix M....

Vanishing River Volume 3: Material Culture and Physical Anthropology: Part 3: Chapter 8-9 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Arthur W. Vokes. Kellie M. Cairns. Steven D. Shelley.

Volume 3, Part 3 continues the presentation of the material culture analysis recovered from Pre-Classic and Classic period sites investigated during the LVAP. Chapter 8 describes the shell artifacts collected from archaeological sites and activity areas in the project area. The Lower Verde Archaeological Project excavations produced a shell collection of 1,280 pieces from eight sites. It is estimated that this represents approximately 635 individual artifacts and unworked fragments or whole...

Vanishing River Volume 3: Material Culture and Physical Anthropology: Part 4: Chapter 10 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marcia H. Regan. Christy G. Turner II.

Volume 3, Part 4 of the LVAP report discusses the mortuary remains encountered during the project's investigations. Chapter 10 describes the human skeletal and dental remains uncovered during data recovery efforts at three archaeological sites: Roadhouse Ruin (AZ U:2:73/167), Scorpion Point Village (AZ U:2:80/819), and CTC site (AZ U:2:95/1134). The chapter treats both inhumations and cremations. Note that the chapter does not describe mortuary features or burial treatment.

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 04: An Overview of Research History and Archaeology of Central Arizona (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephanie M. Whittlesey.

In Chapter 4, Whittlesey presents a thorough summary of archaeological research and intellectual history in central Arizona. The author's goal is to situate the LVAP research in the context of central Arizona archaeology. Whittlesey provides histories of the research that has been conducted in the Verde drainage, the Tonto Basin, the Agua Fria drainage, and the Phoenix Basin. She concludes with a summary of the research trajectories and the different explanatory models applied to central...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 12: Chronological Issues of the LVAP (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text WIlliam L. Deaver.

In Chapter 12, Deaver summarizes research on the chronology of archaeological sites, features, and material remains in the LVAP project area. He begins with a synthetic discussion of the chronologic sequence in the Verde Valley area. He then presents data for the chronologic assignment of archaeological features and sites investigated during the LVAP. Next, Deaver discusses a comparison of the chronologic sequence in the Verde Valley to the sequence in the Hohokam core area in order to evaluate...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 13: Site Structure and Domestic Organization (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric Klucas. Richard Ciolek-Torello. Charles R. Riggs.

Chapter 13 addresses changes in social organization from the pre-Classic to Classic periods in the lower Verde Valley through an examination of changes in domestic space. First, Klucas and co-authors identify the nature (i.e., composition, arrangement, size) of the domestic residential units that occupied the prehistoric settlements. They then examine differences in these variables between different settlements (e.g., between large settlements and small farmsteads) and across time periods. These...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 14: Prehistoric Settlement and Demography in the Lower Verde Region (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Ciolek-Torello.

In Chapter 14, Ciolek-Torello presents one of the first full syntheses of indigenous settlement and demographic patterns in the Verde Valley, without reference to interaction in the Hohokam core area. He begins with a summary of prehistoric settlement patterns from pre-ceramic periods through the Late Classic period across the entire Transition Zone of central Arizona. He then characterizes settlement systems in the lower Verde Valley through time and describes the archaeological sites and...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 15: Re-Thinking the Core-Periphery Model of the Pre-Classic Period Hohokam (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephanie M. Whittlesey.

In Chapter 15, Whittlesey reviews the Hohokam core-periphery model in light of the new data generated by the LVAP. She begins with a description of the intellectual history and the key concepts of the Hohokam core-periphery model and the Hohokam regional system model. She then examines the utility of the core-periphery model for explaining current data on Hohokam prehistory. After reviewing the distribution of several quintessential Hohokam traits among sites in the “core” and in the...

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 18: Research Design Revisited: Processual Issues in the Prehistory of the Lower Verde Valley (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Ciolek-Torello. Stephanie M. Whittlesey.

Chapter 18 provides a summary of the LVAP’s research themes and offers an overview of the research results. Ciolek-Torello synthesizes the chronology and cultural sequence of the lower Verde Valley. He places this sequence and its cultural developments in the context of other cultural sequences in central and southern Arizona. Whittlesey then summarizes the argument for an indigenous cultural tradition in the Transition Zone of central Arizona, one with roots in Mogollon prehistory and with...

Vanishing River: Attached Report: Petrographic and Qualitative Analyses of Sands and Sherds from the Lower Verde River Area (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James M. Heidke. Diana C. Kamilli. Elizabeth Miksa.

The goal of the present study is to identify the provenance of ceramics recovered from the Lower Verde Archaeological Project (LVAP) sites on the basis of the temper found within them (Ciolek-Torrello et al. 1992:III-75 to III-85). The focus of this attached report is on sand temper used in pottery vessels. Ceramic wares and/or types produced within the study area are distinguished from those imported from other areas. A reconnaissance sample of wash sands from the lower Verde River area was...

Verde Reservoirs Sediment Mitigation Study - Cultural Resources Class I Inventory (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jerome Hesse. Branden Fjerstad. Suzanne Griset.

Salt River Project (SRP) has requested that the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) conduct the Verde Reservoirs Sediment Mitigation Study (VRSMS) to evaluate options for restoring the storage capacity lost and to reduce future capacity impacts from the natural sedimentation process within the Horseshoe Reservoir on the lower Verde River northeast of Phoenix. The loss of capacity, coupled with the increase in hydrological variability associated with climate change, creates concerns about...

Wagner Hill Ball Court Arizona Site Steward File (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Neil Weintraub.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the site Wagner Hill Ball Court, comprised of a masonry ball court, located on Kaibab National Forest land. The file consists of a site data form. The earliest dated document is from 1994.

Wagon Wheels (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Norma Johnson.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at