Isolated Artifact (Site Type Keyword)
Parent: Archaeological Feature
A find spot containing a single artifact.
201-225 (784 Records)
A catalog for Scott Air Force Base that includes 1 artifact. Burpee Museum of Natural History and Illinois State Museum were evaluated as potential repository for artifact. Illinois State Museum is recommended.
The Central Arizona Project Historic Preservation Program: Conserving the Past While Building for the Future (1986)
On July 15, 1983, the chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) ratified a programmatic memorandum of agreement among the Arizona and New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), the Bureau of Reclamation, and the ACHP. The subject of that agreement was the construction of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) and its impact upon historic properties. That agreement was negotiated in compliance with Section 2(b) of Executive Order 11593, "Protection and Enhancement...
Ceramic Artifact Photographs, Salamonie Reservoir Survey 1982 (2012)
Photographs of ceramic artifacts collected during the archaeological survey of the Salamonie Reservoir area in Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana.
Ceramics: Temporal-Spatial Dataset (1988)
The Additive Technologies Group (ATG) was responsible for supporting the broad research goals of the DAP through the implementation of mid-level research design governing the collection and analysis of data from “material culture that results from the technological combinations of a variety of raw materials” (Blinman 1986a:57). While these items include worked vegetal material (e.g., basketry and textiles), much of the work performed by the ATG relates to a large ceramic assemblage including...
Chert Biface Coding Sheets (2013)
A.J. Vonarx recorded attributes of chert bifacial artifacts, apparently all are projectile points.
Chronometric Dating (1985)
The results of chronometric analysis on special specimen samples collected for dating can be found in this dataset. Samples are linked to basic provenience data such as site and field specimen number. The temporal range for each sample will be indicated by variables for earliest and latest dates. These variables give the innermost and outermost dates of wood submitted for dendrochronological dating and their corresponding Tree-Ring Lab symbols indicating how close the date provided is to the...
Cibola Prehistory Project (Project)
Project for documents and data that pertain to more than one project among the following: El Morro Valley Prehistory Project, the Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project, the Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project, and the Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project directed by Keith Kintigh, the Cibola Archaeological Research Project directed by Patty Jo Watson, Steve LeBlanc, and Charles Redman, and the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project directed by Todd Howell.
Cibola Prehistory Project - Summary Information on Excavated Sites (2015)
Summary information on sites excavated by CARP, EMVPP, OBAP, HARP, ULCPP, RCAP. Dates based on Peeples and Schachner (2012) Journal of Archaeological Science seriation and tree ring dates. Available tree ring dates also available on tDAR.
Cibola Prehistory Project Integrated Ceramic Data (2017)
Integrated dataset of ceramic survey and excavation data from CARP, OBAP, HARP, ULCPP, EMVPP, and RCAP projects. Dataset has provenience, collection type, ceramic type and ceramic form. It has 45,995 entries representing 242,592 potsherds. This integrated database was created using the public integration at
A Class I Cultural Resources Survey for the Southern Nevada Water Authority Treatment and Transmission Facility, Clark County, Nevada (1995)
Statistical Research, Inc., assisted the Southern Nevada Water Authority by providing the environmental analysis needed to comply with the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Southern Nevada Water Authority proposed to construct and operate a new water-treatment and transmission facility to supply additional Colorado River water from Lake Mead to the Las Vegas Valley. The project is located entirely within Clark County, Nevada, and comprises four primary...
Class II Cultural Resources Survey for the Gila Land Disposal Project, Yuma County, Arizona (1987)
During January of 1987, Statistical Research conducted a Class II cultural resources survey, for the Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, of approximately 5,330 acres composed of 14 discrete parcels near the towns of Wellton and Tacna, Arizona. Approximately 25.2 percent of the project area was surveyed using a combination of judgmental and random transects. The judgmental sample concentrated on areas thought to have the highest probability of containing sites. A 15 percent random...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2,530 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff
Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 2,530 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2,530 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Photo Log (2006)
Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 2,530 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2,530 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Photos (2006)
Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 2,530 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2,530 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Report (2006)
Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 2,530 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...
Class III Archaeological Inventory Thirty-Nine Helicopter Landing Zones in New Mexico for Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico (2000)
An archaeological inventory of the HLZs was undertaken by Ogden Environmental and Energy Services Co., Inc., (Ogden) between March 27 and June 16, 2000. This survey traversed the 39 proposed helicopter landing zones. Two prehistoric sites and seven isolated occurrences.
Class III Archaeological Survey of 75 Acres in the Vicinity of Arroyo Del Coyote Canyon, New Mexico (1987)
This report summarizes the results of an archaeological survey of approximately 75 acres of land on withdrawn Cibola National Forest within Kirtland Air Force Base in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. The project area is located approximately two and one half miles southeast of the Albuquerque city limits. A total of eight sites and six isolated occurrences were encountered. Of the eight sites, two are considered to be significant cultural resources. Four additional resources require further...
A Class III Archaeological Survey of the Verde Water Treatment Plant on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
An archaeological survey of the exposed ground surface that will be potentially impacted by the planned demolition of the existing structures of the Verde Water Treatment Plant (VWTP) to allow the landscape to revert to its natural condition. The Class III survey does not include existing buildings, which are being examined in a separate investigation. A Class III archaeological survey conducted of the exposed ground surface within the area of potential effects (APE) found no significant...
Class III Archaeological Survey: 160 Acres, Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
Between June 1 and August 13, 2005, Bailey Creighton and David S Boloyan of David S. Boloyan Archaeological Services performed a cultural resources survey of 160 acres of privately-owned land in Maricopa County, Arizona. The survey was initiated at the request of Lennar Communities Development, Inc. in order to provide an inventory and assessment of potential cultural resources that might be affected by the proposed development.
A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of Approximately 16.5 Acres in Anticipation of the Installation of an Excess Earth Stockpiling Area at Patagonia Lake State Park, Santa Cruz County, Arizona (2017)
Arizona State Parks & Trails (ASPT) is in the process of installing cabins at Patagonia Lake State Park (PALA) (see SHPO-1181 [138879]). As originally planned, the installation would result in a significant amount of excess soil. Planners identified the surveyed area as a location for stockpiling this material. On October 23, 2017, the author conducted a Class III cultural resource survey which included the proposed area of potential effects (APE). No historic properties were identified within...
Class III Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of 38 Targets on Ranges 75 and 76 of the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The Air Force is conducting its semi-annual maintenance on ranges 75 and 76. This maintenance includes, among other things, the construction of 38 new targets in areas previously undisturbed (see Maps 1-4). These targets usually are composed of dummy vehicles and tanks constructed of plywood. Access to the target is generally cross country; no roads are built.
A Class III Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of the Contraves, FULL CLIP Extension Add-on. FULL CLIP Borrow Pit and Access Road Projects, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
Sandia National Laboratories requested an archaeological reconnaissance from the Desert Research Institute (DRI) to survey five areas on the Tonopah Test Range. These areas consist of a small add on to the FULL CLIP Extension, the FULL CLIP Borrow Pit and access road, and Contraves 49S and Contraves 49N (Figures 1-4). Site 26NY7638 (Figure 2) was located on the access road; this site is comprised of an isolated chert flake and has been fully recorded. No further archaeological work is necessary...
A Class III Cultural Resource Survey and Archaeological Monitoring of 12.3 Acres for the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department Property Clean-up Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
The City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department plans to begin property protection and safety measures at a 12.3-acre parcel in Phoenix. Before ground-disturbing activities could begin, the City of Phoenix Archaeology Office requested that a cultural resource survey be conducted to identify and evaluate any cultural resources that might be present within the project area. Based on the results of this survey, archaeological monitoring was recommended. ACS conducted that monitoring, as well...
A Class III Cultural Resource Survey for the Final Alignment of the Pinnacle Peak Road Channel Project near Peoria, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
FCDMC plans to construct a diversion channel for their Pinnacle Peak Road Channel project. The proposed alignment of the channel is located along Pinnacle Peak Road, and is on lands under the jurisdiction of MCDOT as well as privately held lands. The project is funded by FCDMC and is subject to compliance with Arizona state antiquities laws (A.R.S. §41-841 et seq) and the State Historic Preservation Act (A.R.S. §41-861 through §41-864). At the request of Mr. Bob Stevens of FCDMC, Archaeological...
A Class III Cultural Resource Survey of 1.9 Acres to Aid in Planning Improvements to the Foothills Loop Trail's Western Drainage Crossings at Kartchner Caverns State Park, Cochise County, Arizona (2017)
Staff at Kartchner Caverns State Park are considering alterations to sections of the Foothills Loop Trail. Specifically, the westernmost portion of this trail crosses two dry drainages which run east from the eastern flank of the Whetstone Mountains. At present, these crossings include steep, stepped sections. An alternative would be to replace these sections with switchbacks or ramps paralleling the drainages. The property in question is owned by Arizona State Parks & Trails (ASPT). If the...