A Class III Cultural Resource Survey and Archaeological Monitoring of 12.3 Acres for the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department Property Clean-up Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona


The City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department plans to begin property protection and safety measures at a 12.3-acre parcel in Phoenix. Before ground-disturbing activities could begin, the City of Phoenix Archaeology Office requested that a cultural resource survey be conducted to identify and evaluate any cultural resources that might be present within the project area. Based on the results of this survey, archaeological monitoring was recommended. ACS conducted that monitoring, as well as artifact collection and analyses of an isolated artifact scatter recorded during the survey; the results of the monitoring and artifact analyses are presented in Appendix A of this report. The project is funded by the City of Phoenix and is subject to Arizona state antiquities laws (A.R.S. §41-841 et seq) and the State Historic Preservation Act (A.R.S. §41-861 through §41­ 864). At the request of Ms. Melinda Goelz Jones of PBS&J, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted the required cultural resource survey of the project parcel on April 9, 2010.

ACS’ intensive cultural resources survey identified three prehistoric isolated occurrences and two historic isolated features. Although the isolates do not meet ASM site criteria, IO 1 has a larger number of artifacts than would be expected considering the amount of historic and modern disturbance to the parcel. This, combined with the proximity of known prehistoric sites, suggests that intact subsurface deposits may be located in the vicinity and additional cultural resource work is recommended for all ground disturbing activities in this area. Mapping and field recording have exhausted the information potential of the other isolated occurrences (IO 2 and IO 3) and the isolated features (IF1, IF2). Therefore, IO 2, IO 3, IF1, and IF2 are recommended as not eligible for listing on the National Register and no further cultural resource work is recommended for them. As part of this project, ACS conducted archaeological monitoring of the City’s contracted landscaping activities, as well as artifact collection and analyses of IO 1. In total, 20 artifacts were collected including 11 ceramic sherds and nine lithic artifacts. The results of that monitoring and artifact analyses are included as an appendix of this report.

This is a revised report.

Cite this Record

A Class III Cultural Resource Survey and Archaeological Monitoring of 12.3 Acres for the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department Property Clean-up Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 02. Paige B. Florie, Thomas E. Jones, Deborah L. Ferguson, Joanne C. Tactikos. 2010 ( tDAR id: 440606) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8440606

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.053; min lat: 33.384 ; max long: -112.018; max lat: 33.416 ;

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Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Contributor(s): Victoria D. Vargas

Prepared By(s): Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.

Submitted To(s): Pbs&J

Record Identifiers

City of Phoenix Project No. (s): ND30070276

Non-Collection Permit(s): 2010-023bl

PGM Project No. (s): 2010-06

ACS Project No. (s): 10-061-02

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10_061_report_revised_final_OCR_PDFA.pdf 24.47mb Oct 4, 2010 Feb 1, 2018 2:20:54 PM Confidential
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