Prehistoric Camp (Site Type Keyword)

1-6 (6 Records)

Cultural Resources Inventory of Three Routes Crossing BLM and Private Lands to Access the Proposed APS Second Knolls Substation, Navajo County, Arizona (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text EnviroSystems Management, Inc.. Anne Raney.

The project consists of a Class III cultural resources inventory for three possible access routes to the proposed Second Knolls  Substation. Two of the proposed access routes leave State Route (SR) 77 in a westerly direction and follow  section lines  for 2.35 miles, where they split, one heading north under or adjacent to an existing APS  sub-transmission line and one heading north-northwest along the existing Reidhead Road. The third proposed access route follows the northernmost 25 feet of...

Photo Log, 27 Archaeological Surveys at Forestry Activity Areas, Fort A.P. Hill (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Mullin. Richard B. Davis.

The photo log from the Semi-Annual Technical Report, 27 Archaeological Surveys at Forestry Activity Areas, Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia.

Semi-Annual Technical Report, 27 Archaeological Surveys at Forestry Activity Areas, Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Mullin.

The Fort A.P. Hill Cultural Resource Manager, under the Environmental Division of the Directorate of Public Works within Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, completed Phase I archaeological survey in association with proposed forestry activities in 27 forestry blocks located in Training Areas 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 20, 26, and 28, Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia. The proposed forestry activities included one pine selection cut (Block S), four pine shelterwood cuts (Blocks H, T, 26A06PW, and...

Semi-Annual Technical Report, January 2008, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001)
PROJECT Uploaded by: system user

The Fort A.P. Hill Cultural Resource Manager, under the Environmental Division of the Directorate of Public Works within Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, completed Phase I archaeological survey in association with proposed forestry activities in 27 forestry blocks located in Training Areas 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 20, 26, and 28, Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia. The proposed forestry activities included one pine selection cut (Block S), four pine shelterwood cuts (Blocks H, T, 26A06PW, and...

Site Analysis of the Alzada Reservoir (1953)
DOCUMENT Full-Text River Basin Survey, Smithsonian Institution.

The Alsada dam and reservoir, a Bureau of Reclamation project on the Little Missouri River in Crook County, is authorized for construction in the near future. It will be a small reservoir, inundating 5,500 acres of the bottom land in this area. A field, party of the Smithsonian Institution surveyed, this area in August 1951 and presented the archeological potentialities of the reservoir in a previous report. The present site analysis is based on this report and the sites’ files in the Missouri...

Survey Photographs, Site 44CE0295, Fort A. P. Hill (2007)
IMAGE Richard B. Davis.

Photographs from Site 44CE0295 taken during the archaeological surveys at Forestry Activity Areas, Fort A.P. Hill.