Second Spanish Period (Temporal Keyword)
1-25 (25 Records)
This Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan (ICRMP) for the 45th Space Wing (45 SW) has been prepared in accordance with Air Force Instruction 32-7065 (AFI 32-7065), and provides goals, standards, directions, and guidelines for the proper management of historic and prehistoric cultural resources at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), Patrick Air Force Base (PAFB), Malabar Transmitter Annex (MTA), and Jonathan Dickinson Missile Tracking Annex (JDMTA), Florida.
Archaeological Testing and Contaminated Soil Cleanup Monitoring at the Cape Lighthouse (8BR212) and New Lighthouse Site (8BR1660), Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2012)
In support of the Installation Restoration Program (IRP) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) the 45th Space Wing Cultural Resources Manager (45 SW CRM) systematically conducted a cultural resource survey and soil clean up monitoring of the area encompassing the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse (8BR212) and New Lighthouse Site (8BR1660). The soils were identified as being contaminated and posed a human health and safety risk as well as impacting the environment. From May to September 2010 a...
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complexes 11 & 36 Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Survey (2016)
This report presents the results of a Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment Survey (CRAS) of a 306-acre proposed lease parcel. This survey was part of a larger Environmental Assessment (EA) required for this action under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). This is an appendix to an assessment of the existing Launch Complexes that already exist (LC 11, LC 36A, and LC 36B).
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Resources
Project metadata for resources within the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station cultural heritage resources collection.
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Launch Complex 34, Hot Spot Area 6, Cultural Resources Assessment Survey (2018)
In January 2018, Tetra Tech Inc. (Tetra Tech) conducted a Cultural Resources Assessment Survey (CRAS) in support of groundwater remediation efforts at Launch Complex 34 (LC34), Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), Brevard County, Florida. A total of 244 shovel test pits (STPs) were excavated during the course of the investigation with no cultural material recovered and no archaeological resources identified. As a result of this investigation, Tetra Tech concludes that the proposed Project...
A Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of Land Management Unit 5, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2012)
In December 2011, the 45th Space Wing Cultural Resources Manager (45 SW CRM) conducted an archaeological and historical Phase I survey of the Land Management Unit 5 (LMU-5) parcel on behalf of the US Air Force. 45 SW CRM identified one previously recorded archaeological site (8BR237) within the project area during the investigation. 45 SW CRM determined that Site 8BR237 is the remains of the historic DeSoto Beach subdivision and a radar pole associated with Project Teepee. Despite its...
A Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of Land Management Unit 6, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2011)
Between June 2006 and December 2011, the 45th Space Wing Cultural Resources Manager (45 SW CRM) conducted an archaeological and historical Phase I survey of the Land Management Unit 6 (LMU-6) parcel on behalf of the US Air Force. 45 SW CRM identified one previously recorded archaeological site (8BR2029) and one previously unrecorded historic road corridor (8BR2544) within the project area during the investigation.
A Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of Land Management Units 50 and 166, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2014)
The survey revisited two previously recorded sites (8BR222 and 8BR223). It is recommended that 8BR222 be considered a destroyed site and that artifacts previously recovered from the site be considered redeposited and have no context. Furthermore, it should be removed from the 45 SW and FMSF databases. The Quarterman Site (8BR223) should retain its determination of being eligible for listing in the NRHP.
A Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of Proposed Falcon Vertical Landing Site, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2014)
SpaceX, under a lease agreement with the USAF proposed to conduct vertical landings of the Falcon first stage vehicle at LC-13 at CCAFS. This included land clearing, and construction of a main landing pad at LC-13, contingency pads, and supporting infrastructure modifications to the existing facility. There were six cultural resources located within or adjacent to the project area; however, non were found eligible for listing in the NRHP either individually or as part of a district.
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey for the New Space X Hangar Complex, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2013)
SpaceX obtained approval and modified existing LC-40 at CCAFS in Florida. The successful inaugural launch of the Falcon 9 from LC-40 occurred on June 4, 2010. SpaceX's future plans include launching a "heavy" vehicle from LC-40. In order to accommodate the new vehicle, expansion of the launch complex is required. Jn support of the proposed expansion to LC-40 the 45 SW CRM conducted a cultural resources assessment survey of the project area. The survey was conducted in June through August 2013....
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey FP&L Substation South Location, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2010)
A Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment Survey (CRAS) was conducted of the area of potential effect (APE) for the proposed Florida Power and Light (FP&L) substation on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS). A systematic surface reconnaissance and archaeological testing was conducted of the property to located structures or remains of historic habitation of the site. An area survey was conducted of the adjacent parcels to record any potential impacts to adjoining historic properties. A surface...
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of Land Management Unit 109, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2010)
Land Management Unit 109 was subjected to a cultural resources assessment to identify the presence of archaeological sites or historic properties. Background research determined the area was highly disturbed and had little potential for intact cultural resources. The subject property was then subjected to a systematic archaeological survey which confirmed the findings of the background research. No further action is needed within this LMU.
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of Land Management Unit 110, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2010)
Land Management Unit 110 was subjected to a cultural resources assessment to identify the presence of archaeological sites or historic properties. Background research determined the area was highly disturbed and had little potential for intact cultural resources. The subject property was then subjected to a systematic archaeological survey which confirmed the findings of the background research. There is no need for further action within this LMU.
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of Land Management Unit 84, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2010)
A systematic archaeological survey was conducted of all the accessible areas within LMU 84. Based on the investigation one prehistoric site (8BR2174) and two Cold War Associates sites (8BR2367 and 8BR2515) were identified. At this time it is thought that the Beach Trail Site (8BR2174) is not NRHP eligible since it appears to be redeposited midden. However, LiDAR data suggests this midden material could be associated with an anomaly located to the north. The two Cold War sites, Camera Pad D44 R53...
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of Land Management Unit 97, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2006)
The purpose of the study was to identify and report the presence of prehistoric or historic archaeological sites within the North Campus area. The proposed project concerns the construction of a Doppler weather radar station to include a radar tower, equipment building, and associated structures within a 200 by 250-foot (ft) or 61 by 76-meter (m) area on the south side of Cocoa Water Plant Road in southeastern Orange County.
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of Land Management Units 75 and 157, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2010)
Land Management Units 75 and 157 were subjected to a cultural resources assessment to identify the presence of archaeological sites or historic properties. Background research determined the area was highly disturbed and had little potential for intact cultural resources. The subject property was then subjected to a systematic archaeological survey which confirmed the findings of the background research.
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of the Jupiter Missile Crash Site (8BR2087), Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2010)
In February 2007, the 45 Space Wing Cultural Resources Manager ( 45 SW CRM) was conducting research on Land Management Unit 136 (LMU 136) for a future archaeological survey. In the course of that investigation information was uncovered regarding the crash site of a Jupiter missile within the proposed project area. It was decided to conduct an archaeological survey in an attempt to relocate and record the missile crash site due to it being 50 years old and possibly eligible for listing in the...
A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of the Proposed Industrial Area Stormwater Retention Pond, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida (2007)
In December 2006 the 45 Space Wing Cultural Resources Manager ( 45 SW CRM) was contacted by the IRP group regarding a proposed retention pond within the western portion of the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) Industrial Area. A review of the proposed plan by the CRM indicated it was within the high sensitivity zone for prehistoric archaeological sites and a possible historic archaeological site might be present within the project area. The CRM determined a Phase l Archaeological Survey...
Cultural Resources Assessment Surveys for the Proposed Skid Strip Area Development Plan, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida 2009-2015 Volume 1: Report (2017)
Between FYs 2009 and 2015 a series of archaeological surveys were conducted within Skid Strip and adjacent parcels. These investigations were scheduled according to the proposed land clearing activities funded for each of the years. By the end of FY 2015 a total of five previously recorded site and 18 unrecorded sites were discovered.
Cultural Resources Evaluations of the Original Lighthouse Site (89BR234), the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse Site (8BR212), and the New Lighthouse Site (8BR1660), Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2006)
This report provides a description of the cultural resource investigations, evaluations, and treatment recommendations of the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse Site, the prehistoric New Lighthouse Site and the Original Cape Canaveral Lighthouse Site.
A Historic Properties Survey of the Inert Storage Facility, Patrick Air Force Base, Brevard County, Florida (2007)
Upon review of several documents pertaining to cultural resources at Patrick Air Force Base (PAFB) it was observed that several World War II related properties had never been assessed. In response to this, the Civil Engineering Squadron/Environmental Planning Division (CES/CEVP), 45th Space Wing (45 SW) conducted a cultural resources assessment survey. The purpose of this survey was to document the World War II Inert Storage Facility which was part of the Naval Air Station, Banana River. The...
A Historic Property Survey of the Vertical Integration Building (VIB), Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2007)
The purpose of this survey was to document the VIB before demolition was completed. The project was conducted in February through April 2007.
Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan 45th Space Wing (2015)
This ICRMP provides goals, standards, directions, and guidelines for the proper management of 45 SW historic and prehistoric cultural resources at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), Patrick Air Force Base (PAFB), Malabar Transmitter Annex (MTA), and Jonathan Dickinson Missile Tracking Annex (JDMTA), Florida.
Phase 1 Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Payload Operations Facility, Cape Canaveral, Brevard County, Florida (2006)
Between March 13 and March 30, 2005, New South Associates, Inc. conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey within the proposed Payload Processing Operations Facility (PPOF). The survey area consists of approximately 40 acres including the facility area (21 acres), a parking area outside the security fence (0.85 acres), and entry drives measuring a total of 2,000 feet in length. Phase I survey found limited evidence of 8BR558 remains in the southeast corner of the proiect area....
Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of Florida Power and Light Glenn Substation and Transmission Lines Right of Way Corridor, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida (2017)
This report presents the results of a Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Survey in support of a substation and associated transmission lines. The survey relocated two previously recorded structures (8BR2221 and 8BR2344) and one previously recorded linear resource (8BR2363). Additionally, four new archaeological resources were recorded within the APE including two linear resources (historic roads 8BR3555 and 8BR3556), one archaeological isolated find (8BR3557), and one archaeological...