Generated identity coding sheet for Element
Part of the Arroyo Hondo Archaeological project
Year: 2014
This identity coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_element - VARCHAR 55292 column from Arroyo Hondo Fauna dataset (392089) on 9/10/14 8:25 AM
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Generated identity coding sheet for Element. 2014 ( tDAR id: 393790) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8930V4N
Ontology: Fauna Element Ontology
Category: Fauna
Subcategory: Element
Coding Rules
Code | Term | Description | Mapped Ontology Node |
1st phalanx | 1st phalanx | 1st Phalanx | |
1st phalanx f/r | 1st phalanx f/r | 1st Phalanx | |
1st phalanx, 2nd digit, wing | 1st phalanx, 2nd digit, wing | 1st Phalanx Digit 2 | |
1st phalanx, H digit 1 | 1st phalanx, H digit 1 | 1st Phalanx | |
1st wing phalanx | 1st wing phalanx | Wing Phalanges | |
2nd phalanx | 2nd phalanx | 2nd Phalanx | |
2nd wing phalanx | 2nd wing phalanx | 2nd Phalanx | |
3rd metatarsal | 3rd metatarsal | 3rd Metatarsal | |
3rd phalanx | 3rd phalanx | 3rd Phalanx | |
?antler | ?antler | Antler | |
?astragalus | ?astragalus | Astragalus | |
?carpometacarpus | ?carpometacarpus | Carpometacarpus | |
?caudal vert | ?caudal vert | Caudal Vertebra | |
?clavicle | ?clavicle | Clavicle | |
?dentary | ?dentary | Dentary | |
?femur | ?femur | Femur | |
?fibula | ?fibula | Fibula | |
?humerus | ?humerus | Humerus | |
?innominate | ?innominate | Innominate | |
?long bone | ?long bone | Long Bone Fragment | |
?metapod. | ?metapod. | Metapodial | |
?metapodial | ?metapodial | Metapodial | |
?palatine | ?palatine | Palatine | |
?phalanx | ?phalanx | Phalanx | |
?podial | ?podial | Metapodial | |
?radius | ?radius | Radius | |
?rib | ?rib | Rib | |
?scapula | ?scapula | Scapula | |
?splint | ?splint | Ossified Tendon | |
?sternum | ?sternum | Sternum | |
?tarsometatarsus | ?tarsometatarsus | Tarsometatarsus | |
?tendon splint | ?tendon splint | Ossified Tendon | |
?tibiofibula | ?tibiofibula | Tibiofibula | |
?tibiotarsus | ?tibiotarsus | Tibiotarsus | |
?tooth | ?tooth | Tooth | |
?ulna | ?ulna | Ulna | |
?vert. | ?vert. | Vertebra | |
?verte. | ?verte. | Vertebra | |
Cheektooth | Cheektooth | Molar | |
I | I | I1 | |
M2 | M2 | M2 | |
M3 | M3 | M3 | |
P3 | P3 | P3 | |
PM | PM | Premolar | |
Skull | Skull | Skull | |
antler | antler | Antler | |
articular | articular | Articular | |
astragalus | astragalus | Astragalus | |
astragalus (talus) | astragalus (talus) | Astragalus | |
atlas | atlas | Atlas | |
aud. Bulla | aud. Bulla | Bulla | |
aud. bulla | aud. bulla | Bulla | |
axis | axis | Axis | |
axis verte. | axis verte. | Axis | |
axs | axs | Axis | |
basioccipital | basioccipital | Basiooccipital | |
basisphenoid | basisphenoid | Sphenoid | |
beak | beak | Beak | |
blade | blade | Scapula | |
calcaneum | calcaneum | Calcaneus | |
calcaneus | calcaneus | Calcaneus | |
cancellous bone | cancellous bone | Spongy Bone/Cancellous Bone | |
carpometacarpus | carpometacarpus | Carpometacarpus | |
caudal vert | caudal vert | Caudal Vertebra | |
cervical vert | cervical vert | Cervical Vertebra | |
cf. antler | cf. antler | Antler | |
cf. aud. bulla | cf. aud. bulla | Bulla | |
cf. dentary | cf. dentary | Dentary | |
cf. femur | cf. femur | Femur | |
cf. fibula | cf. fibula | Fibula | |
cf. humerus | cf. humerus | Humerus | |
cf. long bone | cf. long bone | Long Bone Fragment | |
cf. metapodial | cf. metapodial | Metapodial | |
cf. metatarsals | cf. metatarsals | Metatarsal | |
cf. radius | cf. radius | Radius | |
cf. rib | cf. rib | Rib | |
cf. scapula | cf. scapula | Scapula | |
cf. skull fragment | cf. skull fragment | Skull | |
cf. squamosal | cf. squamosal | Squamosal | |
cf. sternum | cf. sternum | Sternum | |
cf. tendon splint | cf. tendon splint | Ossified Tendon | |
cf. tibiofib. | cf. tibiofib. | Tibiofibula | |
cf. tibiotarsus | cf. tibiotarsus | Tibiotarsus | |
cf. ulna | cf. ulna | Ulna | |
cf. uncinate | cf. uncinate | Vertebrate Element | |
cf. verte. | cf. verte. | Vertebra | |
cheekteeth | cheekteeth | Molar or Premolar | |
cheektooth | cheektooth | Molar or Premolar | |
clavicle | clavicle | Clavicle | |
coracoid | coracoid | Coracoid | |
costal cartilage | costal cartilage | Costal Cartilage | |
cranium | cranium | Skull | |
cribiform plate | cribiform plate | Ethmoid | |
dentary | dentary | Dentary | |
dentary, condyloid proc. | dentary, condyloid proc. | Dentary | |
ear area | ear area | Sphenoid | |
eggshell | eggshell | Eggshell | |
epiphysis | epiphysis | Unidentified Element | |
exoccipital | exoccipital | Occipital | |
femur | femur | Femur | |
fibula | fibula | Fibula | |
fibula ca. | fibula ca. | Fibula | |
flat bone | flat bone | Unidentified Element | |
flat bone or rib | flat bone or rib | Unidentified Element | |
frag. prox. end, w/ frag's missing | frag. prox. end, w/ frag's missing | Unidentified Element | |
frag.'s skull, dentary, & innom. | frag.'s skull, dentary, & innom. | Skull | |
frontal | frontal | Frontal | |
frontals | frontals | Frontal | |
furcula | furcula | Furculum | |
furculum (wishbone) | furculum (wishbone) | Furculum | |
humerus | humerus | Humerus | |
hyoid | hyoid | Hyoid | |
ilium | ilium | Ilium | |
incisor | incisor | Incisor | |
innominate | innominate | Innominate | |
ischium | ischium | Ischium | |
lM3 | lM3 | Lower M3 | |
long bone | long bone | Long Bone Fragment | |
long bone (awl) | long bone (awl) | Long Bone Fragment | |
long bone (whistle) | long bone (whistle) | Long Bone Fragment | |
long bone or ?tibia | long bone or ?tibia | Long Bone Fragment | |
long bone or antler | long bone or antler | Unidentified Element | |
long bone or rib | long bone or rib | Unidentified Element | |
long bone or verte. | long bone or verte. | Unidentified Element | |
lower cheektooth | lower cheektooth | Molar or Premolar | |
lower incisor | lower incisor | I1 | |
lower jaw | lower jaw | Mandible | |
lower mandible | lower mandible | Mandible | |
lumbar vert | lumbar vert | Lumbar Vertebra | |
m3 | m3 | M3 | |
mandible | mandible | Mandible | |
mastiod process & aud. Bulla | mastiod process & aud. Bulla | Temporal | |
mastoid area | mastoid area | Temporal | |
mastoid/pretrosal | mastoid/pretrosal | Petrous | |
max. | max. | Maxilla | |
maxilla | maxilla | Maxilla | |
maxilla and premaxilla | maxilla and premaxilla | Maxilla | |
maxilla base zygo. | maxilla base zygo. | Maxilla | |
maxilla w/teeth | maxilla w/teeth | Maxilla | |
meta. | meta. | Metapodial | |
metacarpal | metacarpal | Metacarpal | |
metacarpal III? | metacarpal III? | 3rd Metacarpal | |
metacarpal V | metacarpal V | 5th Metacarpal | |
metapod. | metapod. | Metapodial | |
metapodial | metapodial | Metapodial | |
metapodial, cf. metatarsal | metapodial, cf. metatarsal | Metapodial | |
metatarsal | metatarsal | Metatarsal | |
metatarsal II | metatarsal II | 2nd Metatarsal | |
metatarsal III | metatarsal III | 3rd Metatarsal | |
molar | molar | Molar | |
much skele. | much skele. | Articulated Skeleton Nearly Complete | |
nasal | nasal | Nasal | |
naviculo-cuboid | naviculo-cuboid | Navicular & Cuboid | |
nearly complete skeleton | nearly complete skeleton | Articulated Skeleton Nearly Complete | |
no id | no id | Unidentified Element | |
no id. | no id. | Unidentified Element | |
no recorded data | no recorded data | Not Recorded | |
occipital | occipital | Occipital | |
occiput | occiput | Occipital | |
p2 | p2 | P2 | |
p2 or p3 | p2 or p3 | Premolar | |
p3 | p3 | P3 | |
p4 | p4 | P4 | |
palatal element | palatal element | Palatine | |
palate | palate | Palatine | |
palatine | palatine | Palatine | |
parietal | parietal | Parietal | |
parietals | parietals | Parietal | |
patella | patella | Patella | |
pelvic girdle | pelvic girdle | Pelvic Girdle | |
petrosal | petrosal | Petrous | |
petrosal area | petrosal area | Petrous | |
phalanx | phalanx | Phalanx | |
pleural | pleural | Unidentified Element | |
podial | podial | Metapodial | |
port. Temporal, zygomatic proc. & surrounding area | port. Temporal, zygomatic proc. & surrounding area | Temporal | |
port. cranium | port. cranium | Skull | |
pr. maxillae | pr. maxillae | Maxilla | |
premax & maxallae | premax & maxallae | Maxilla | |
premax. | premax. | Premaxilla | |
premaxilla | premaxilla | Premaxilla | |
premaxilla & maxilla | premaxilla & maxilla | Maxilla | |
premaxilla & maxillae | premaxilla & maxillae | Maxilla | |
premaxilla w/teeth | premaxilla w/teeth | Premaxilla | |
premaxillae | premaxillae | Premaxilla | |
premolar | premolar | Premolar | |
pterygoid | pterygoid | Pterygoid | |
quadrate | quadrate | Quadrate | |
radius | radius | Radius | |
radius or ulna | radius or ulna | Radius or Ulna | |
radus | radus | Radius | |
rib | rib | Rib | |
rib or long bone | rib or long bone | Unidentified Element | |
rib or verte. | rib or verte. | Axial | |
right aud. bulla | right aud. bulla | Bulla | |
sacral vert. | sacral vert. | Sacrum | |
sacrum | sacrum | Sacrum | |
sacrum & ilium | sacrum & ilium | Sacrum | |
scapula | scapula | Scapula | |
sesamoid | sesamoid | Sesamoid | |
skeleton | skeleton | Articulated Skeleton Nearly Complete | |
skull | skull | Skull | |
skull & part skeleton | skull & part skeleton | Articulated Skeleton Partial | |
skull & tib., innom. | skull & tib., innom. | Articulated Skeleton Partial | |
skull + misc. | skull + misc. | Articulated Skeleton Partial | |
skull bone | skull bone | Skull | |
skull fragment | skull fragment | Skull | |
skull, much of skeleton | skull, much of skeleton | Articulated Skeleton Nearly Complete | |
squamosal | squamosal | Squamosal | |
squamosal area | squamosal area | Squamosal | |
sternal element | sternal element | Sternum | |
sternal frag. | sternal frag. | Sternum | |
sternebra | sternebra | Sternum | |
sternum | sternum | Sternum | |
supraoccipital | supraoccipital | Supraoccipital | |
synsacrum | synsacrum | Synsacrum | |
tarsal | tarsal | Tarsal | |
tarsometatarsus | tarsometatarsus | Tarsometatarsus | |
temporal | temporal | Temporal | |
temporal zygomatic | temporal zygomatic | Temporal | |
terminal phalanx | terminal phalanx | 3rd Phalanx | |
terminal wing phalanx | terminal wing phalanx | Wing Phalanges | |
thoracic vert | thoracic vert | Thoracic Vertebra | |
tibia | tibia | Tibia | |
tibiofibula | tibiofibula | Tibiofibula | |
tibiotarsus | tibiotarsus | Tibiotarsus | |
tooth | tooth | Tooth | |
tooth frags. | tooth frags. | Tooth | |
tooth root | tooth root | Tooth | |
tracheal ring | tracheal ring | Tracheal Cartilage | |
trapezoid | trapezoid | Trapezoid | |
ulna | ulna | Ulna | |
ulna frag. | ulna frag. | Ulna | |
ungual phalanx | ungual phalanx | Phalanx | |
upper bill | upper bill | Beak | |
upper cheekteeth | upper cheekteeth | Molar or Premolar | |
upper cheektooth | upper cheektooth | Molar or Premolar | |
upper incisor | upper incisor | Incisor | |
upper mandible | upper mandible | Mandible | |
verte | verte | Vertebra | |
verte. | verte. | Vertebra | |
verte. or rib | verte. or rib | Rib | |
vertebra | vertebra | Vertebra | |
vertebrae | vertebrae | Vertebra | |
vertebrate centrum and arch portion | vertebrate centrum and arch portion | Vertebra | |
wing phalanx | wing phalanx | Wing Phalanges | |
zygomatic | zygomatic | Zygomatic | |
zygomatic plate | zygomatic plate | Zygomatic | |
zygomatic process | zygomatic process | Zygomatic | |
Special Coding Rules: These entries are not in the coding-sheet, but represent edge-cases in Data Integration that may benefit from custom mappings | |||
NULL | |||
The following coding rules exist in datasets mapped to this coding sheet, but are not in the coding sheet | |||
Not recorded data |
This Coding Sheet is Used by the Following Datasets:
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
Generated-identity-coding-sheet-for-Element.csv | 7.41kb | Oct 22, 2014 8:29:56 AM | Public |