Coding sheet for Element (USN Site, TN (40DV7) Faunal Dataset, 2010 and 2012)

Year: 2015


This coding sheet was generated by tDAR for col_element - VARCHAR 59563 column from USN Site, TN (40DV7) Faunal Dataset, 2010 and 2012 dataset (394389) on 11/10/15 10:11 AM

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Coding sheet for Element (USN Site, TN (40DV7) Faunal Dataset, 2010 and 2012). 2015 ( tDAR id: 400797) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8668FRV

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Ontology: Fauna Element Ontology

Category: Fauna

Subcategory: Element

Coding Rules

Code Term Description Mapped Ontology Node
Bidy whorl Bidy whorl Body Whorl
Fragments Fragments Unidentified Fragment
Indeterminate Indeterminate Unidentified Element
Whole Whole Snail Shell
acetabulum acetabulum Acetabulum
anal scute anal scute Scute
antler antler Antler
antler tine antler tine Antler
aperture aperture Snail Shell
aperture/body whorl aperture/body whorl Body Whorl
aperture/body whorl/spire aperture/body whorl/spire Body Whorl
apex apex Apex
apex/body whorl apex/body whorl Snail Shell
apex/spire apex/spire Apex
apex/spire/body whorl apex/spire/body whorl Snail Shell
astragalus astragalus Astragalus
atlas atlas Atlas
auditory bulla auditory bulla Bulla
baculum baculum Baculum
base base Unidentified Fragment
body fragment body fragment Root Fragment
body whorl body whorl Body Whorl
body whorl/base body whorl/base Body Whorl
body whorl/spire body whorl/spire Body Whorl
body whorl/spire/apex body whorl/spire/apex Snail Shell
bone flakes bone flakes Long Bone Fragment
bwhole bwhole Snail Shell
calca calca Calcaneus
calcaneus calcaneus Calcaneus
canine canine Canine
canine, mandibular canine, mandibular Lower C
canine, maxillary canine, maxillary Upper C
carapace carapace Carapace
carpometacarpus carpometacarpus Carpometacarpus
ceratohyal ceratohyal Ceratohyal
columella columella Columella
complete complete Snail Shell
condyle condyle Unidentified Articular Surface
condyle fragment condyle fragment Unidentified Articular Surface
coracoid coracoid Coracoid
coracoid, sternal facet coracoid, sternal facet Coracoid
costal costal Costal
cranial cranial Skull
cranial fragments cranial fragments Skull
cuneiform cuneiform Triquetrum
dental fragment dental fragment Enamel Fragment
dental fragments dental fragments Enamel Fragment
dentary dentary Dentary
dorsal spine dorsal spine Dorsal Ray/Spine
dust dust Unidentified Fragment
femoral head femoral head Femur Proximal Epiphysis
femur femur Femur
femur, diaphysis femur, diaphysis Femur
femur, epiphysis femur, epiphysis Femur
femur/humerus femur/humerus Long Bone Fragment
fragment fragment Unidentified Fragment
fragments fragments Unidentified Fragment
greater trochanter greater trochanter Femur Proximal Epiphysis
hinge hinge Umbo
hinge fragments hinge fragments Umbo
hinge/body hinge/body Valve
humerus humerus Humerus
humerus/femur humerus/femur Long Bone Fragment
hyoplastraon with axial notch hyoplastraon with axial notch Hypoplastron
incisor incisor Incisor
incisor, with maxillary fragment incisor, with maxillary fragment Incisor Upper
incomplete incomplete Snail Shell
ind ind Unidentified Fragment
inde inde Unidentified Fragment
indet. frag indet. frag Unidentified Fragment
indet. frags indet. frags Unidentified Fragment
indeterminate indeterminate Unidentified Fragment
indeterminate fragments indeterminate fragments Unidentified Fragment
inominate inominate Innominate
lateral condyles lateral condyles Unidentified Articular Surface
lateral cuneiform lateral cuneiform Triquetrum
lateral malleolus lateral malleolus Lateral Malleolus
longbone longbone Long Bone Fragment
lunar lunar Lunate
mandibe mandibe Mandible
mandible mandible Mandible
mandibular condyle mandibular condyle Mandible
marginal marginal Peripheral
mariginal mariginal Peripheral
maxilla maxilla Maxilla
maxillary maxillary Maxilla
metacarpal metacarpal Metacarpal
metapodial metapodial Metapodial
metapodial, anterior diaphysis metapodial, anterior diaphysis Metapodial
metatarsal metatarsal Metatarsal
molar molar Molar
molar, mandibular molar, mandibular Molar
molar, maxillary molar, maxillary Molar Upper
molar, maxillary M2 molar, maxillary M2 Upper M2
naviculo-cuboid naviculo-cuboid Navicular & Cuboid
near complete near complete Valve
neural neural Neural
nuchal nuchal Nuchal
nuchals nuchals Nuchal
occipital occipital Occipital
otolith otolith Otolith
outer margin outer margin Valve
patella patella Patella
pectoral spine pectoral spine Pectoral Fin
petrous petrous Petrous
phalange phalange Phalanx
phalange, #1 phalange, #1 1st Phalanx
phalange, #2 phalange, #2 2nd Phalanx
phalange, #3 phalange #3 3rd Phalanx
phalange, intermediate phalange, intermediate Phalanx
phalange. #3 phalange #3" 3rd Phalanx
phalanges phalanges Phalanx
phalanges, terminal phalanges, terminal 3rd Phalanx
phalangx phalangx Phalanx
phalanx phalanx Phalanx
phalanx, first phalanx, first 1st Phalanx
phalanx, indeterminate phalanx, indeterminate Phalanx
phalanx, second phalanx, second 2nd Phalanx
phalanx, terminal phalanx, terminal 3rd Phalanx
pharyngeal grinder pharyngeal grinder Pharyngeal Bone
plastron plastron Plastron
pollex pollex Pollex
premolar premolar Premolar
premolar, #4 maxillary premolar #4 maxillary Premolar Upper
premolar, maxillary premolar, maxillary Premolar Upper
premolars premolars Premolar
preoperculum preoperculum Preopercular
proximal 1st phalanx proximal 1st phalanx 1st Phalanx
pterygiophore pterygiophore Pterygiophore
pygal pygal Pygal
radius radius Radius
rib rib Rib
sacral sacral Lumbosacral Vertebrae
sacral vertebra sacral vertebra Lumbosacral Vertebrae
scaphoid scaphoid Scaphoid
scapholunar scapholunar Scaphoid & Lunate
scapula scapula Scapula
schaphoid schaphoid Scaphoid
schapholunar schapholunar Scaphoid & Lunate
sesamoid sesamoid Sesamoid
shell fragments shell fragments Other Shell Fragment
spinous process spinous process Vertebra Spine
spire spire Snail Shell
spire/apex spire/apex Apex
spire/body whorl spire/body whorl Snail Shell
surangular surangular Angular
talus talus Astragalus
tarsometarsus tarsometarsus Tarsometatarsus
tarsometatarsus tarsometatarsus Tarsometatarsus
thoracic vertebra spinous process thoracic vertebra spinous process" Thoracic Vertebra
tibia tibia Tibia
tibiotarsus tibiotarsus Tibiotarsus
tooth tooth Tooth
trapezoid trapezoid Trapezoid
trapezoid-magnum trapezoid-magnum Trapezoid
triquetral triquetral Triquetrum
ulna ulna Ulna
unciform unciform Hamate
vertebra vertebra Vertebra
vertebra epiphysis vertebra epiphysis Vertebra
vertebra, cervical vertebra, cervical Cervical Vertebra
vertebrae vertebrae Vertebra
vertebral epiphysis vertebral epiphysis Vertebra
vertebral rib vertebral rib Rib
vertebral superior articular process vertebral superior articular process Vertebra
waperture/body whorl waperture/body whorl Snail Shell
whole whole Snail Shell
whole individual whole individual Snail Shell
Special Coding Rules: These entries are not in the coding-sheet, but represent edge-cases in Data Integration that may benefit from custom mappings
NULL Not Recorded
The following coding rules exist in datasets mapped to this coding sheet, but are not in the coding sheet
marginal (Note: this code has trailing spaces)
metacarpal (Note: this code has trailing spaces)

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File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Coding-sheet-for-Element--USN-Site--TN--40DV7--Faunal-Dataset-... 5.21kb Aug 1, 2017 2:03:56 PM Public