Eastern Archaic Faunal Working Group
Datasets uploaded by Eastern Archaic Faunal Working Group Members as part of NSF grant BCS 1430754 between 2014 and 2017.
Site Name Keywords
Modoc Rock Shelter (11R5) •
Koster •
Little Freeman Cave •
Bear Creek Site •
20SA1043 •
Weber 1 (20SA581) •
20BY28/387 •
Napoleon Hollow (11PK500) •
Campbell Hollow (11ST144) •
Sachsen Cave
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Midden •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Hearth •
Pit •
Refuse Pit •
Settlements •
Other Keywords
Faunal Remains - Prehistoric •
Faunal Analysis (Prehistoric) •
Freshwater Mussel Shell Midden •
Gastropod Shells •
Faunal Remains Prehistoric •
Faunal Remains -Prehistoric •
Cave •
Fauna •
Gastropod •
Early Archaic
Culture Keywords
Archaic •
Middle Archaic •
Late Archaic •
Early Archaic •
Woodland •
Late Woodland •
Middle Woodland •
Early Woodland •
PaleoIndian •
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Environment Research •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Heritage Management •
Archaeological Overview •
Site Stabilization •
Site Stewardship Monitoring
Material Types
Fauna •
Shell •
Dating Sample •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Fire Cracked Rock •
Ground Stone •
Ceramic •
Human Remains •
Temporal Keywords
Late Archaic •
Middle Archaic •
Early Archaic •
Archaic •
Late Woodland •
Late Archaic-Middle Woodland •
Archaic Period •
Woodland •
Archaic, Middle •
Terminal Middle Archaic
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Illinois (State / Territory) •
Randolph County (County) •
Randolph County, southwestern Illinois •
Central Mississippi River Valley, USA •
Michigan (State / Territory) •
Greene County (County) •
Green County, Illinois
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 897)
- Coding Sheets (803)
- Datasets (61)
- Documents (6)
- Ontologies (6)
- Projects (21)
- Bear Creek Site, MI (20SA1043) Project
- Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic (1994)
- Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic (1994)
- Bear Creek Site (20SA1043), MI (1994)
- Coding sheet for Burning (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Burning (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Butchering (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Butchering (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek Site (20SA1043), MI) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Context Type (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Context Type (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element (Bear Creek Site (20SA1043), MI) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Feature (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Feature (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Feature (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Gnawed (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Gnawed (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Gnawed (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Lab # (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Lab # (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Portion (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Portion (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Portion (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Portion (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Preservation (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Preservation (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Quad (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Quad (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Recovery (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Recovery (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Resource Type (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Resource Type (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Side (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Side (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Side (Bear Creek Site (20SA1043), MI) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Site Type (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Site Type (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Spec # (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Stratum (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Stratum (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Taxon (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Taxon (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Taxon (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Taxon (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Taxon (Bear Creek Site (20SA1043), MI) (2015)
- Coding sheet for Unit (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Unit (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
- Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Project
- Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database (2014)
- Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2 (2016)
- Coding sheet for Age (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Burning (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Butchering Marks (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for COMP (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Completeness (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Component (EAFWG Chronology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Component (original) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (Fauna Completeness Ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (Fauna Completeness Ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (Fauna Element Ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (Fauna Proximal-Distal/Portion Ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (Fauna Proximal-Distal/Portion Ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (Fauna Side Ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (Fauna Side Ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Element, Section (ORIGINAL) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Human Modif Marks (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Human Modif Marks (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Human Tool Manuf Marks (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Manufacturing Marks (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Prov. Type (original) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Provenience (Eastern Archaic Context Type) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Provenience (original) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Provenience (original) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Recovery (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Recovery (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Side (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Site Name (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Taxon (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Taxon (original) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Taxon 1 (Fauna Taxon Ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Taxon 2 (Resource type ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Taxon 2 (Resource type ontology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Tool/Cut Marks (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Tool/Cut Marks (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
- Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Project
- Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation (1980)
- Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen (1980)
- Coding sheet for CF (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
- Coding sheet for Completeness (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
- Coding sheet for ContextType (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2016)
- Coding sheet for ContextType (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)