Eaton Pipes
Part of: Eaton
Stone and ceramic pipes and pipe fragments from the Eaton site.
Site Name Keywords
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Domestic Structures
Culture Keywords
Woodland •
PaleoIndian •
Archaic •
Early Archaic •
Middle Archaic •
Late Archaic •
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Dating Sample •
Fauna •
Fire Cracked Rock •
Glass •
Ground Stone •
Human Remains
Temporal Keywords
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
New York (State / Territory) •
Erie County (County) •
Western New York •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-2 of 2)
- Images (2)
Eaton Pipes (2013)
Illustrations of stone and ceramic pipes and pipe fragments from Eaton.
Pipe Bowl Fragments (2011)
Selected Pipe Bowl Fragments: 0002 = E1272, 80N 5E L2 (low grade steatite); 0003 = E1086, 44N 9E, L1 (punctates); 0004 = E782, 8N 22W L1; 0006 = E905, 40N 1W L1 (punctates); 0007 = E5, 4S 18W L1 (faint incisions); 0008 = E1094, 58N 1W L1 (partial face - rotate 90 degrees); 0009 = E366, 8S 19E L2 (part of stem plus bowl); 0010 = E419, 26S 2W, depth = 25 cm.; 0012 = E228, 2N 28W, L2, depth = 22 cm.