Building the Hunter-gatherer’s Paleoscape on the South African Coast: the archaeological record

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

In this symposium, we present archaeological research from the Cape Floral Region (CFR) and other localities relevant to assessing the strength of the paleoscape model and contributing to a record important to understanding modern human origins. Traditional paleoanthropological approaches to paleoenvironmental data seek to increase the resolution of both records in order to show meaningful correlations. Although heuristically useful, these strategies typically fail to illuminate causal relationships because they lack connective theory. To build that connective theory we need to 1) understand the links between our paleoenvironmental proxies and the distribution of resources relevant to foragers 2) construct “paleoscape” models of the distribution of those resources under different climate conditions, 3) simulate forager actions and decisions in those paleoscapes, and 4) compare the model output to empirical archaeological observations. The CFR, a floristically hyper-diverse ecosystem bordered by a super-rich coastal zone presents a useful laboratory for the development and testing of paleoscape models. Our project is a large international consortium exploring the co-evolution of people and ecosystems by creating paleoscape models of the CFR, simulating how hunter-gatherers utilized this changing ecosystem, and testing these models with high resolution paleoenvironmental and archaeological data. Here we focus on the archaeological evidence.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-16 of 16)

  • Documents (16)

  1. The Blind Spot: An Early Later Stone Age perspective on the Agulhas Bank from Knysna Eastern Heads Cave 1, South Africa (2015)
  2. Building a better eggtimer: Amino acid dating of ostrich eggshell from South Africa (2015)
  3. A comparison of two African Mediterranean MSA adaptations: the Cape Floral Region and the Maghreb (2015)
  4. Discovering the trick to flaking Middle Stone Age tools on quartzite (2015)
  5. A high-resolution ~110,000 year Middle Stone Age lithic technological sequence from Pinnacle Point, South Africa (2015)
  6. Late Holocene occupations at the Pinnacle Point Shell Midden Complex (2015)
  7. Micromorphology reveals changing levels of site occupation intensity at Pinnacle Point 5-6 (2015)
  8. A Middle Stone Age Paleoscape near the Pinnacle Point caves, Vleesbaai, South Africa (2015)
  9. The ochre assemblage from Pinnacle Point 5-6 (2015)
  10. The P5 project archaeological reconnaissance along the Pondoland Coast, South Africa (2015)
  11. Patterns of Lithic Edge Damage from the Open-air Middle Stone Age Assemblages at Vleesbaai and Oyster Bay, South Africa (2015)
  12. Pinnacle Point 5-6 and Diepkloof Rockshelter (South Africa): Testing the OSL ages and constructing a standardised MSA chronology (2015)
  13. Rebound Hardness Results for the Raw Material In and Around Pinnacle Point, South Africa and the Implications Thereof (2015)
  14. Taphonomic evidence for human accumulation of small mammals from Pinnacle Point Site 5-6 and other MSA sites in South Africa (2015)
  15. Tortoises as indicators of diet, site formation, and palaeoenvironments in the Middle Stone Age record of the Southern African coast (2015)
  16. Variation in butchering intensity between glacial and interglacial cycles at Pinnacle Point 5-6 (2015)